16 Del. Admin. Code § 3345-5.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 3345-5.0 - Consumer Care Management
5.1 Admission/Intake
5.1.1 The personal assistance services agency shall have written policies governing intake procedures of consumers to agency services, referral of direct care workers and case closures.
5.1.2 The intake policies shall be discussed with each consumer or the consumer's representative.
5.1.3 The personal assistance services agency shall disclose to all consumers the personal assistance services agency's and the direct care worker's status with respect to attendant tax, worker's compensation and liability insurance obligations, insurance coverage or the lack thereof. Disclosure of this information shall be on a form developed by the Department.
5.1.4 There shall be a written agreement between the consumer and the personal assistance services agency. The agreement shall: Specify the services to be provided by the agency, including but not limited to: hours per day or week and days per week, transportation agreements as appropriate, emergency procedures and procedures for termination of services. Specify financial agreement which shall minimally include: A description of services purchased and the associated cost; An acceptable method of payment for these services; and An outline of the billing procedures. Be signed by the consumer or their representative and the representative of the personal assistance services agency. Be given to the consumer or representative and a copy shall be kept at the agency in the consumer record. Be reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect any change in the terms.
5.2 Home Visits
5.2.1 An initial home visit and consumer evaluation shall be performed by the agency director, or designee.
5.2.2 The initial home visit must be performed in the consumer's residence prior to the provision of services. The purpose of the home visit is to determine whether the agency has the ability to provide the necessary services in a safe manner.
5.2.3 At a minimum, the following must be evaluated and included in an itemized written description of the consumer prior to providing personal assistance services: Physical condition, including ability to perform activities of daily living and sensory limitations; Social situation, including living arrangements and the availability of family and community support; and Mental status, including any cognitive impairment and known psychiatric, emotional and behavioral problems.
5.2.4 Follow-up home visits shall occur at regular intervals based upon the consumer's condition and needs, but no less often than every ninety (90) calendar days. Every other follow up visit must be completed in person. Follow up visits not completed in person must be completed by a telehealth mechanism.
5.2.5 A follow-up home visit, performed by the agency director or designee, shall be conducted when the needs of the consumer change which indicate a revision to the service plan is needed.
5.2.6 The results of the initial home visit and follow-up home visits shall become a permanent part of the consumer's record.
5.3 Service Plan
5.3.1 The personal assistance services agency shall provide services in accordance with a written service plan developed under the supervision of the agency director.
5.3.2 A service plan shall be developed at intake based upon the initial home visit of the consumer.
5.3.3 The service plan shall be developed in consultation with the consumer or the consumer's representative.
5.3.4 The service plan shall be reviewed no less often than every ninety (90) calendar days and revised as necessary.
5.4 Scope of Services
5.4.1 Competent consumers who do not reside in a medical facility or a facility regulated pursuant to 16 Del.C. Ch. 11 may delegate personal care services to direct care workers provided: The nature of the service/task is not excluded by law or other state or federal regulation. The services/tasks are those competent consumers could normally perform themselves but for functional limitation. The delegation decision is entirely voluntary.
5.4.2 Personal assistance services shall be limited by the following: Skin Care Skin care which is preventive rather than therapeutic may be provided and may include: application of non-medicated or non-prescribed lotions or creams, massaging of non-reddened areas and application of preventive spray on unbroken skin areas that may be susceptible to development of pressure sores. Also permitted is the application of band aids to minor skin breaks. Skin care which may not be provided includes sterile invasive procedures involving a wound or anatomical site and application of prescription medications. Nail Care Fingernail care includes: soaking of nails and filing/polishing of nails. Fingernail care may not be provided in the presence of medical conditions that may involve peripheral circulatory problems or loss of sensation. Toenail care may not be provided. Mouth Care Mouth care includes denture care and basic oral hygiene. Mouth care may not be provided when the consumer is unconscious or when oral suctioning is required. Shaving Shaving may be performed only with the consumer's personal electric razor. Shaving may not be performed on an area where there is the presence of an injury or infection. Feeding Feeding includes assistance with eating by mouth, using common or adaptive feeding utensils. Feeding may not be provided when oral suctioning is also needed or when there is a high risk of choking that could result in the need for emergency measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Tube and syringe feeding are not permitted. Adult Transfers Assistance with transfer may be provided when the consumer has sufficient balance and strength to assist with the transfer to some extent. Assistance with transfer is not permitted if the consumer is unable to assist with the transfer. Bladder Care Bladder care includes assistance to and from the bathroom; assistance with bedpans, urinals or commodes; and changing of pads or diapers used for the care of incontinence. Bladder care does not include insertion or removal of a foley or suprapubic catheter; care of a foley or suprapubic catheter; and care for an ostomy. Bowel Care Bowel care includes assistance to and from the bathroom; assistance with bedpans or commodes; and changing of pads or diapers used for the care of incontinence. Bowel care does not include digital stimulation; enemas; and care for an ostomy.
5.4.3 Medication Administration Authorized by a Responsible Caregiver A responsible caregiver with appropriate capacity may authorize a direct care worker to administer prescription or non-prescription medications to an adult consumer if all of the following are met: The responsible caregiver and personal assistance services agency enter into an agreement regarding the administration of medication. The agreement must include confirmation by the responsible caregiver that both the medication to be administered and the process for administering the medication are safe and appropriate. The responsible caregiver provides prepackaged medication to be given by the direct care worker by date and time and provides direct care worker with written instructions regarding the administration procedure. Each medication must be packaged separately and labeled with the consumer name, medication name, medication dosage and date and time to be administered. The responsible caregiver may decide which medication is to be given to the adult consumer by the direct care worker. Medications may not be administered via the following routes: Injection; Intravenous therapy; Through the rectum or vagina; Through a catheter; or Through a feeding tube, including nasogastric, gastrostomy, or jejunostomy tube. Medications listed as Schedule II or Schedule IV under Subchapter 11 of Chapter 47 of Title 16 of Delaware Code may not be administered by a direct care worker.
5.5 Records and Reports
5.5.1 There shall be a separate record maintained at the personal assistance services agency for each consumer which shall contain: Intake data including: Consumer's name; Consumer's birth date; Consumer's home address; Consumer's identification for purposes of third-party billing, if applicable. Consumer's date of intake; Consumer's primary physician's name, address and telephone number; and Names, addresses and telephone numbers of family members, friends, or other designated people to be contacted in the event of illness or an emergency. Request for Services or Consumer Intake Form; Records of home visits (initial and follow-up); Individual service plan (initial and reviews); Direct care worker activity logs documenting services provided on a daily basis; A copy of the written agreement between the consumer and the personal assistance services agency including any updates made to the original reflecting changes in services or arrangements; Written acknowledgment that the consumer or the consumer's representative has been fully informed of the consumer's rights; Consumer satisfaction survey results. Signed disclosure form required by subsection 5.1.3; and Case closure documents.
5.5.2 Direct care worker activity logs shall contain the following information: Dates on which services are provided; Hours of services provided; Types of services provided; and Observations/problems/comments, as necessary. If medication administration services are provided to the consumer: The direct care worker who administers medication to the consumer must document in writing the medication name, dosage, date and time administered; and Provide this documentation to the agency.
5.5.3 Activity logs shall be signed and dated by the direct care worker on the day that the service is rendered.
5.5.4 Copies of all activity logs shall be electronically available or maintained at the residence of the consumer.
5.5.5 Original activity log notes must be incorporated into the consumer's record located at the Agency no less often than every two (2) weeks.
5.5.6 All agency records shall be available at all times for review by authorized representatives of the Department and to legally authorized persons; otherwise consumer records shall be held confidential. The consent of the consumer or his representative if the consumer is incapable of making decisions shall be obtained before any personal information is released from his records as authorized by these regulations or Delaware law.
5.5.7 The personal assistance services agency records shall be retained in a retrievable form until destroyed. Records of adults (18 years of age and older) shall be retained for a minimum of six (6) years after the last date of service before being destroyed. Records of minors (less than 18 years of age) shall be retained for a minimum of six (6) years after the consumer reaches eighteen (18) years of age. All records must be disposed of by shredding, burning, or other similar protective measure in order to preserve the consumers' rights of confidentiality. Documentation of record destruction must be maintained by the personal assistance services agency.
5.5.8 Records shall be protected from loss, damage and unauthorized use.
5.5.9 All notes and reports in the consumer's record shall be legibly written in ink or typed, dated and signed by the recording person with his full name and title.
5.5.10 The personal assistance services agency must develop acceptable policies for authentication of any computerized records.
5.5.11 The agency must have written policies regarding the use and removal of records and the conditions for release of information.
5.5.12 Report of Major Adverse Incidents The personal assistance services agency must report all major adverse incidents occurring in the presence of a direct care worker involving a consumer to the Department within forty-eight (48) hours in addition to other reporting requirements required by law. A major adverse incident includes but is not limited to: Suspected abuse, neglect, mistreatment, financial exploitation, solicitation or harassment; An accident that causes serious injury to a consumer; The unexpected death of a consumer; Medication diversion; and Medication error or omission. Major adverse incidents must be investigated by the Agency. A complete report will be forwarded to the Department within thirty (30) calendar days of occurrence or of the date that the agency first became aware of the incident.
5.5.13 The personal assistance services agency must ensure all consumer records are accurate and complete.
5.6 Case Closure
5.6.1 The consumer or the consumer's representative shall be informed of and participate in planning for case closure.
5.6.2 The personal assistance services agency shall develop a written plan of case closure which includes a summary of services provided and outlines the services needed by the consumer upon case closure.
5.6.3 When an agency decides to close a case against that consumer's wishes, a minimum of two (2) weeks' notice will be provided to permit the consumer to obtain an alternate service provider. Exceptions to the two (2) week notice provision would include: The closure of a case when service goals have been met; The closure of a case when service needs undergo a change which necessitates transfer to a higher level of care; The closure of a case when there is documented non-compliance with the service plan or the admission agreement (including, but not limited to, non-payment of justified charges); or The closure of a case when activities or circumstances in the home jeopardize the welfare and safety of the personal assistance services agency direct care worker.

16 Del. Admin. Code § 3345-5.0

19 DE Reg. 852(3/1/2016)
23 DE Reg. 1033(6/1/2020)
26 DE Reg. 909( 5/1/2023) (Emer.)
27 DE Reg. 43( 7/1/2023) (Final)