14 Del. Admin. Code § 933-V-62.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 933-V-62.0 - Child Health Exclusions
62.1 A licensee may not permit a child who has symptoms of illness listed below to be admitted or remain at the center. The child may only return when the symptoms are gone or with documentation from a health care provider, stating the child has been diagnosed and the illness or symptoms pose no serious health risk to the child or to other children. The symptoms for exclusion must include, but not be limited to, the following:
62.1.1 Temperature: infants four months old and younger: equivalent to 100° F or greater even if there has not been a change in behavior;
62.1.2 Temperature: children older than four months: equivalent to 101° F or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other symptoms of illness;
62.1.3 Symptoms of possible severe illness, such as unusual tiredness, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or other unusual signs;
62.1.4 Diarrhea; two or more times of loose stool during the past 24 hours; if diarrhea is accompanied by fever, exclude for 48 hours after the symptoms end;
62.1.5 Blood in stools not due to change in diet, medication, or hard stools;
62.1.6 Vomiting; two or more times during the past 24 hours, or one time if accompanied by a fever, exclude for 48 hours after the symptoms end;
62.1.7 Ongoing stomach pain (more than two hours) or off-and-on pain with a fever or other symptoms;
62.1.8 Mouth sores with drooling;
62.1.9 Rash with fever or behavior change;
62.1.10 Purulent conjunctivitis or "pink eye" (defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge), exclude for 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment;
62.1.11 Scabies, until 24 hours after starting treatment;
62.1.12 Pediculosis "head lice" or nits, until 24 hours after starting treatment;
62.1.13 Tuberculosis, as directed by DPH;
62.1.14 Impetigo, until 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment and lesions are dry;
62.1.15 Strep throat or Streptococcal infection or other, until 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment and fever ends;
62.1.16 Varicella-Zoster "chicken pox," until all lesions have dried and crusted (usually six days);
62.1.17 Shingles, only if lesions cannot be covered by clothing or a bandage; if not, exclude until lesions have crusted and are dry;
62.1.18 Pertussis, until completing five days of antibiotic treatment;
62.1.19 Mumps, until five days after onset of glandular swelling;
62.1.20 Hepatitis A virus, until one week after onset of illness, jaundice, or as directed by DPH;
62.1.21 Measles, until four days after appearance of rash;
62.1.22 Rubella, until seven days after appearance of rash;
62.1.23 Herpetic gingivostomatitis "cold sores," if the child is too young to have control of saliva; or
62.1.24 Unspecified short-term illness, not chronic illness, if the child is unable to participate in activities or if the center cannot provide care for this child and the other children.
62.2 Temperatures for children under three years old must be taken using a non-glass thermometer under the arm or by a forehead scan. Oral temperatures may be taken on children ages three and older when a digital thermometer is used. Rectal and ear temperatures may be taken only by a licensed health care professional.
62.3 A licensee shall ensure that if a child shows signs of ill health, as listed above, the licensee will remove the child from the group of well children to a separate area as described in Section 52.0.
62.4 A licensee may permit a child to return to the center when the symptoms are gone, documentation from the child's health care provider states the child has been diagnosed and the illness or symptoms poses no serious health risk to the child or to other children, or the child does not have symptoms for exclusion as listed in the center's written health exclusion policy.
62.5 A licensee shall ensure the parent or guardian is notified when their child has been exposed to a contagious disease or condition.
62.6 A licensee shall report a reportable communicable disease to DPH. For information on these diseases, the licensee shall contact DPH or refer to their website (currently listed as https://dhss.delaware.gov/dph/dpc/rptdisease.html.)
62.7 A licensee may not permit a child with a reportable communicable disease to be admitted to or remain at the center, unless the child's health care provider documents the child has been evaluated and the disease poses no health risk to the child or to others or DPH has advised that the child is not a health risk to others. If the health care provider states the child may return and DPH says the child cannot return, the licensee shall follow DPH's instructions.
62.8 When a health care provider diagnosed a child as having a reportable vaccine-preventable communicable disease, a licensee shall exclude all children who were not immunized against the disease following DPH's instructions.

14 Del. Admin. Code § 933-V-62.0

25 DE Reg. 1115 (6/1/2022) (Final)