"Accepted Clinical Practice" means any behavior management procedure or treatment, the effectiveness of which has received clear empirical support as documented by publication in peer reviewed journals or similar professional literature.
"Behavior Management Procedure" means any procedure used to modify the rate or form of a target behavior.
"Behavior Management Target" means any child's behavior that either causes or is likely to cause (a) injury to the child (e.g., self abuse), (b) injury to another person (e.g., aggression), (c) damage to property, (d) a significant reduction in the child's actual or anticipated rate of learning (e.g., self stimulation, noncompliance, etc.) or (e) a significant reduction in the societal acceptability of a child (e.g., public masturbation, public disrobing, etc.).
"Emergency Intervention Procedure" means any procedure used to modify episodic dangerous behavior (e.g., self injurious behaviors, physical aggression property destruction) identified in a behavioral intervention plan.
"Ethical Use" means the application of a procedure in a manner that is consistent with current community values and protects all of a child's rights.
"Informed Consent" means knowing and voluntary consent by the parent(s), based upon a thorough explanation by the program staff member supervising the individualized Behavior Management procedure, of the nature of the procedure, the possible alternative procedures, the expected behavior outcomes, the possible side effects (positive and negative), the risks and discomforts that may be involved, and the right to revoke the Procedure at any time.
"Least Restrictive Procedure" means that behavior management procedure which is the least intrusive into, and least disruptive of, the child's life, and that represents the least departure from normal patterns of living that can be effective in meeting the child's educational needs.
"School" means any public school or program (special education or otherwise), which has enrolled a child who is primarily eligible for special education related services under the autism classification.
14 Del. Admin. Code § 929-2.0