Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 928-5.0 - Federal Sub Grants to LEAs5.1 DOE shall distribute any funds the State receives as part of its federal allocationunder Part B of the Act, and does not reserve for permissible state activities, to LEAs (including public charter schools that operate as LEAs) in Delaware that have established their eligibility under section 613 of the Act (20 U.S.C. 1413) and these regulationsfor use in accordance with Part B of the Act.5.2 Allocations to LEAs: The amount of the allocation DOE makes to eligible LEAs for each fiscal year Delaware receives a federal allocation under Part B of the Act shall be determined in accordance with 34 C.F.R. § 300.705(b) and corresponding federal guidance and instructions.5.3 Reallocation of funds: If DOE determines that an LEA is adequately providing FAPE to all children with disabilities residing in the area served by that agency with State and local funds, the DOE may reallocate any portion of the federal funds under these regulations that are not needed by that LEA to provide FAPE, to other LEAs in Delaware that are not adequately providing special education and related services to all children with disabilities residing in the areas served by those other LEAs.5.4 Application required: Each LEA seeking a sub grant shall complete and submit an application to DOE. The application shall: be submitted during the time frames established by DOE; be completed on or in such written or electronic form as DOE requires; include any certifications and assurances required by DOE; and be consolidated with the LEA's application for other federal programs to the extent permitted by DOE procedures.5.5 Review of application: appeal of adverse determination 5.5.1 DOE shall review each timely sub grant application, notify the LEA whether its application is approved or not approved, and advise the LEA of any conditions which must be met in order for the application to be approved.5.5.2 Any amendment or revision to an LEA application shall be submitted in such written or electronic form as DOE requires and reviewed using the same requirements and procedures used for an initial application.5.5.3 In the event that DOE and the LEA cannot negotiate and effect an approved sub grant application, DOE shall notify the LEA in writing of its intent to disapprove all or part of the application. This notice shall also inform the LEA that it is entitled to a hearing before the DOE's final decision to disapprove all or part of the application, and shall advise the LEA of the procedure for requesting a hearing.5.5.4 An LEA shall have thirty (30) days to request a hearing, beginning on the date of the DOE's notice to the LEA of its right to a hearing. The request for a hearing must be filed in writing with the Secretary and shall explain why the LEA believes its application should be approved.5.5.5 The LEA shall have access, at a reasonable time and location, to all of the Department's records pertaining to the application and to the applications of other LEAs.5.5.6 The DOE shall schedule and conduct a hearing on the record within 30 days of the Secretary's receipt of a hearing request from the LEA. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this section, the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Delaware Department of Education's "Hearing Procedures and Rules" as from time to time amended. 5.5.7 No later than 10 days after the hearing, the DOE shall issue its written ruling, which shall include findings of fact and the reasons for its decision. If the DOE determines that its intention to disapprove all or part of the application was contrary to applicable state or federal law, the Department shall rescind its intent to disapprove the application and shall issue an approval consistent with the requirements of such laws. If the DOE issues a final disapproval of all or part of the application, the LEA may appeal that decision to the Secretary of the United States Department of Education. The LEA must file a notice of appeal with the Secretary of the United States Department of Education within 20 days of the final disapproval of the Delaware Department of Education. A copy of the LEA's federal notice of appeal must be filed with the Delaware Department of Education when it is filed with the United States Secretary of Education.(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1411(f); 14 Del.C. § 3110; see also 34 CFR 76.401(d))
14 Del. Admin. Code § 928-5.0