1 Del. Admin. Code § 1001-4.0
Grant determinations may be reconsidered if the Division Director determines that the application was reviewed on the basis of criteria other than those appearing in the published guidelines for that grant category; that Grant Panelists or Council members were influenced by Council members who failed to disclose conflicts of interest, or that erroneous information was provided by staff, panelists, or Council members at the time of the application's review, and such erroneous information was relied upon by the Grant Panel, Council, or Division Director in making the grant determination.
Prior to submitting an appeal, applicants should first consult with the staff member assigned to the application to review the panel comments and considerations.
After consulting with the assigned staff member, if the applicant wishes to pursue an appeal, the appeal must be sent in writing to the Division Director within 30 days of the date notifying the applicant of the funding decision. The letter should contain evidence to support one or more of the grounds for appeal noted in 4.1.
The Director will notify the Chair of the State Arts Council of the appeal. The Director and Chair will review the appeal and, at their discretion, will make a ruling or submit the appeal to the full Council for review and recommendation.
The Director will notify the applicant in writing of the ruling on the appeal.
After reviewing the appeal letter determination, the applicant may request a public hearing with the Council, pursuant to 29 Del.C. Ch. 100. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Council will reconsider the appeal and make a final ruling. A simple majority vote of the Council will determine the appeal outcome.
1 Del. Admin. Code § 1001-4.0