* | Medical Claims File. As detailed in the Submission Guide, Reporting Entities shall report information about all covered services provided to Members in all settings of care under all reimbursement arrangements, including but not limited to fee for service, capitated arrangements, and any other claims-based payment methods. |
* | Pharmacy Claims File. As detailed in the Submission Guide, Reporting Entities shall report pharmacy paid claims for covered pharmacy benefits that were dispensed to Members. |
* | Member Eligibility File. As detailed in the Submission Guide, Reporting Entities shall report information on every Member enrolled during the reporting month whether or not the Member utilized services during the reporting period. |
* | Provider File. As detailed in the Submission Guide, Reporting Entities shall report information that will uniquely identify health care Providers and allow retrieval of related information from eligibility, medical and pharmacy claims files. (1) Tax id numbers shall be submitted as part of the data set except in the case that a provider uses their personal social security number as their tax id number in which case the tax id number need not be submitted. |
1 Del. Admin. Code § 103-4.0