Current through December 27, 2024
Section 7-323l-18a - Examinations - general(a) The certification unit shall prepare and conduct oral, written and practical skills examination as deemed appropriate to determine if a person is qualified and eligible to be certified.(b) The commission shall prepare and conduct a training program, the successful completion of which shall qualify an individual for certification eligibility.(c) The commission may accept successful completion of programs of training developed by public or private agencies and approved by the commission as proof of qualifications for certification eligibility.(d)(1) All examination components for a given level of certification shall be completed within a 12-month period. The 12-month period shall commence on the date of signature of the lead instructor authorized to sign the examination application form for the specific certification level. Failure to complete requirements within the 12-month period shall render all examination components that have been completed void.(2) Lead instructors authorized to sign examination application forms shall be certified to: (A) the level of fire service instructor I; and(B) at least one level higher than that the certification level indicated on the examination application form within the same job category if a higher level of certification exists. If a higher level of certification does not exist, the lead instructor shall be certified to the same level as the certification level indicated on the examination application form and shall document at least three years practical experience in that job category.(3) In circumstances where a lead instructor is not certified to the certification level indicated on the examination application form, a lead instructor shall provide documentation of at least three years of practical experience in the same job category. Such documentation may include, but not be limited to, FEMA certificates. Approval of such documentation shall be granted by the director of certification prior to signature being affixed to examination application form.(e) The deadline for testing to any level of certification may be extended up to three months in some extenuating circumstances such as military deployment, serious personal illness and such circumstances as the commission, in its discretion, may determine to be extenuating. A written request for an extension that states the specific reasons why the examination cannot be accomplished within the allotted 12-month period shall be submitted to the commission before the expiration of the original 12-month period.(f) All examinations and components of examinations shall be structured and administered in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USC 12101 et seq., and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC 2000d et seq. Appropriate examination accommodations shall be made on an as-needed basis when supported by appropriate documentation of disability or language needs.(g) Candidates for certification to any level specified in sections 7-323l-5 a to 7-323l-17a, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies shall successfully complete any written and non-live fire practical skills examination required for that level in accordance with sections 7-323l-20 a through 7-323l-21a of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies prior to applying for and participating in any live fire control examination required for that level. This requirement does not apply to written verification of live fire suppression activities.(h) The Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, in consultation with the commission may establish such examination fees as deemed appropriate and necessary, pursuant to section 7-323p of the Connecticut General Statutes.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 7-323l-18a