Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-481-9

Current through September 27, 2024
Section 38a-481-9 - Additional rate filing requirements
(a) All rate filings for individual health insurance providing coverage of the types specified in Connecticut General Statutes Section 38a-469 (1), (2), (4), (11) and (12) shall include:
(1) A demonstration that the experience data submitted is consistent with the most recent financial statement filed by the insurer with the Department pursuant to section 38a-53a of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(2) Utilization trend by broad service category, including utilization data.
(3) Impact of cost sharing leverage on trend.
(4) Medical technology trend.
(5) Benefit buy-down analysis and impact on trend.
(6) Cost of each new benefit mandate or requirement due to a change in state or federal law, separately identified, from the experience period to the rating period.
(7) Unit cost trend by broad service category, including actual unit cost data and impact of provider contract changes from experience period to rating period (medical and prescription drug separately).
(8) An annual certification of compliance with mental health parity. Any insurer that offers a plan that includes a cost share for medical expense at a lower level than the mental health cost share shall include a demonstration that the copayment is in compliance with mental health parity.
(9) A certification and demonstration that any substitution of a non-dollar limit on an essential health benefit as permitted by the PPACA is actuarially justified.
(10) A comparison of the proposed retention charge in the filing to the most recently filed financial statement for the insurer for which this filing is being made.
(11) Monthly historical experience including earned premium, paid claims, incurred claims, membership, actual loss ratios and expected loss ratios shall be provided for the most recent two (2) years.
(12) The current capital and surplus for the insurer for which this filing is being made.
(13) For filings subject to the PPACA, a demonstration that the rate increase requested in this filing will generate an expected medical loss ratio, for rebate purposes, that is consistent with the medical loss ratio prescribed by the federal law for individual health insurance.
(14) For filings subject to the PPACA, the Uniform Rate Review Template (URRT), the Part III Actuarial Memorandum, and the Health Insurance Oversight System rate tables. The Health Insurance Oversight System rate tables shall be filed in a portable document format. Insurers shall also provide a summary of benefits for each plan design along with the federal Department of Health and Human Services' Actuarial Value Calculator output that confirms compliance with the corresponding metal tier set forth in the PPACA. The Health Insurance Oversight System plan ID and the corresponding plan name on the summary of benefits for each plan shall be indicated.
(b) Every rate filing submission for individual health insurance providing coverage of the types specified in Connecticut General Statutes Section 38a-469 (1), (2), (4), (11) and (12) that includes an increase to previously approved rates shall include a summary of the rate increases requested and shall be clearly marked as Appendix A. The appendix shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) The requested rate increase for each product contained within the rate filing and the effective date of each proposed rate increase. The requested increase for each product shall be identified as a specific percent increase or, if appropriate, a range of percent increases with an explanation of what the variance is that produces the range.
(2) Number of covered individuals for each product; number of covered policyholders; minimum current premium on a per member per month (pmpm) basis; minimum proposed premium on a pmpm basis; maximum current premium on a pmpm basis; maximum proposed premium on a pmpm basis and the percentage change.
(3) Each component of the rate increase including trend, experience adjustments and any other factors that are a component of the requested rate increase. These may be identified as a specific percent or, if appropriate, a percent range.
(4) A footnote listing any other factors that can have an impact on premium rates that have not been specifically identified in the appendix, including, but not limited to, age bands, geographic area, and smoking.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-481-9

Effective August 2, 2016; Amended 12/3/2018