Any insurer required pursuant to Section 38a-651 of the Connecticut General Statutes to file a copy of a form with the Commissioner for approval, shall comply with the following standards:
This is to certify that the forms listed below are in compliance with Chapter 699a of the Connecticut General Statutes.
_____1. Policy and its related forms are scored for the Flesch reading ease test as one unit and the combined score is _____.
_____2. Policy and its related forms are scored separately for the Flesch reading ease test. Scores for the policy and each form are indicated below:
Form Form Number Flesch Score
_____1. Test was applied to entire form(s).
_____2. Test was applied on sample basis. Form(s) contain(s) more than 10,000 words. Copy of form(s) enclosed indicating word samples tested.
A checked block indicates the standard has been achieved.
_____1. The policy text achieves a minimum score of 45 on the Flesch reading ease test in accordance with the option chosen in Section A above.
_____2. It is printed in not less than ten point type, one point leaded. (This does not apply to specification pages, schedules and tables.)
_____3. The layout and spacing of the policy separate the paragraphs from each other and from the border of the paper.
_____4. The section titles are captioned in bold face type or otherwise stand out significantly from the text.
_____5. Unnecessarily long, complicated or obscure words, sentences, para- graphs or constructions are not used in the policy.
_____6. The style, arrangement and overall appearance of the policy give no undue prominence to any portion of the policy or to any endorsement or riders.
______7. A table of contents or an index of the principal sections is included in the policy. (This applies only if the policy has more than 3,000 words or consists of more than 3 pages.)
_________________ By: ______________________________
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-651-2