Conn. Agencies Regs. § 3-77-2

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 3-77-2 - Basic organization
(a) The office of the Secretary of the State is basically composed of the following divisions: Management & Support Services; Records & Legislative Services; Commercial Recording; and Elections Services. The areas of responsibility of each of the divisions are as follows:
(1) The Management & Support Services Division performs budget, personnel, payroll, accounting, training, publication, distribution and sales, and revenue related activities for the Office of the Secretary of the State.
(2) The Records & Legislative Services Division serves as the repository for all public acts, resolutions, special acts, administrative regulations, notary public registrations and annual meeting schedules of state agencies. The Division also publishes and distributes the state Register and Manual, and the Connecticut General Statutes; performs records management activities, and issues certificates of good standing for corporations.
(3) The Commercial Recording Division determines statutory compliance and files all stock and nonstock corporate certificates, limited partnership certificates, Uniform Commercial Code Liens, and trade and servicemark registrations. The Division serves as the agent for service of process for corporations, partnerships and out-of-State individuals. The Division responds to inquiries concerning corporations, limited partnerships, trademark registrations and UCC liens, prepares certified copies of recorded documents, and issues certificates of good standing for corporations.
(4) The Elections Services Division administers state constitutional and statutory provisions relating to elections, primaries, nominating procedures, and voter registration and enrollment.
(b) Pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 20-279, the State Board of Accountancy is within the office of the Secretary of the State.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 3-77-2

Effective September 26, 1988