Current through December 27, 2024
Section 29-161x-1 - Requirements for licensing as a security service(a) An individual applicant for licensing as a security service or the person applying on behalf of an association, corporation or partnership, provided that such person is an officer or member of such association, corporation or partnership, shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commissioner the experience prescribed in section 29-161h of the Connecticut General Statutes, as provided in subsection (c) of this section.(b) An application by an individual or an association, corporation or partnership shall be made on forms prescribed by the commissioner and in the manner provided in section 29-161k of the Connecticut General Statutes. The application fee provided in section 29-161n of the Connecticut General Statutes, payable to the Department of Public Safety by cashier's check, money order or by such other method as the commissioner may prescribe, shall accompany such application. In addition, an applicant shall return completed state and federal fingerprint cards, together with the appropriate fee per set, which shall be paid with a cashier's check or money order payable to the Department of Public Safety, or by such other payment method as the commissioner may prescribe. All supporting documentation that is required to be provided with such application shall be submitted to the department not later than sixty (60) days after the date that the application is filed.(c) In addition to the items provided in subsection (b) of this section, an applicant or person applying on behalf of an association, corporation or partnership shall provide the following documentation:(1) Motor vehicle operator's records for the previous three (3) years from any state in which the applicant resided during that period and a copy of the applicant's current motor vehicle operator's license;(2) Copy of the applicant's DD-214 or other reliable documentation of military service, with reenlistment codes, if applicable;(3) Credit bureau report prepared not more than six (6) months before the date of application for an individual applicant;(4) Copy of a high school diploma, General Equivalency Degree (GED), college transcript or college degree, and evidence of training related to the security industry or law enforcement, such as course transcripts or certificates;(5) Proof of citizenship or right to work in this country;(6) Proof of employment in the security industry or law enforcement agency, including length of service, title or titles held, duties performed in each position held, date of retirement or other separation from employment and the reason for separation from the employment. For the purposes of this subdivision, examples of such proof may include, but shall not be limited to, written statements from current or former employers;(7) If the applicant is an individual or an association, corporation or partnership, information regarding whether the applicant is or has been licensed by Connecticut or another state. For applicants previously or currently licensed in another state, verification from the state licensing agency stating the applicant's name, type of license held, duration of license and proof that the license was or is in good standing;(8) If the applicant is a corporation, proof of incorporation in Connecticut or authority to do business in Connecticut as a foreign corporation, issued by the Connecticut Secretary of the State's office;(9) If the applicant is an association, corporation or partnership, information from each individual who composes or intends to compose such association, corporation or partnership, as provided by sections 29-161i and 29-161k of the Connecticut General Statutes; and(10) Four letters of character reference drafted and signed by the authors and sent directly to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit by the authors. Letters shall include the authors' addresses and telephone numbers and, where available, e-mail addresses. The Special Licensing and Firearms Unit shall not consider form letters or letters from the applicant's spouse, parents or other immediate family members.(d) Oral interviews shall be scheduled once applications are complete.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 29-161x-1
Adopted effective June 29, 2007