Conn. Agencies Regs. § 29-136-9a

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 29-136-9a - Mechanical amusement ride and device specifications and owner obligations
(a) If a mechanical amusement ride or device is materially rebuilt or so modified as to change its original action, it shall be identified by a different name or identification number or both and be inspected by an approved engineer.
(b) Repairs shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's or engineer's instructions and shall utilize replacement parts which meet or exceed original equipment specifications.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of the mechanical amusement ride or device owner to obtain all safety alert or maintenance bulletins and strictly adhere to the manufacturer's or engineer's requirements.
(d) The owner shall maintain a current ride file jacket.
(e) All major alterations or other modifications shall be submitted in writing to the manufacturer or an approved engineer for review. The manufacturer's or engineer's comments shall be kept in the ride file jacket.
(f) The assembly and disassembly of a mechanical amusement ride or device shall be performed by or under the immediate supervision of a person experienced in the proper performance of such work with respect to such ride or device.
(g) Parts shall be properly aligned and shall not be bent, distorted, cut, omitted or otherwise deformed to force them into place. Parts requiring lubrication shall be lubricated in the course of assembly in compliance with the manufacturer's or engineer's recommendations. Fastening and locking devices such as bolts, cap screws, cotter pins and lock washers shall be installed where required. Nuts and lock nuts shall be installed to the recommendations of the manufacturer or engineer. Welding of parts upon which safe operation depends shall be done by welders certified in accordance with the requirements of the American Welding Society. Any work performed by a welder shall be approved by the manufacturer or engineer and noted in the mechanical amusement ride or device record and filed in the ride file jacket.
(h) Tools and equipment used in the assembly and disassembly of mechanical amusement rides or devices shall be of proper size and recommended by the manufacturer or the engineer for such purpose.
(i) Daily inspection of mechanical amusement rides or devices shall be required whenever such ride or device is to be used. The inspection shall be made by the owner or the owner's agent. The inspection shall include the operation of control devices, speed-limiting devices, brakes and other equipment provided for safety including, but not limited to, pins, bolts, keys, and other fasteners. The manufacturer's or engineer's recommendations for inspection shall also be followed. A record of each inspection shall be filed in the ride file jacket.
(j) All power transmission devices and associated moving parts shall be shielded from the public in accordance with the manufacturer's or engineer's recommendations.
(k) Hydraulic systems shall be checked for leaks, damaged pipes and worn or deteriorated hoses. Only manufacturer or engineer-approved hydraulic fluid shall be used. Maximum pressures shall not exceed the manufacturer's or engineer's recommendations.
(l) Pressure relief valves or devices, including but not limited to, compressed air and gas devices, shall be tested in accordance with the manufacturer's or engineer's recommendations. Test records shall be kept in the ride file jacket.
(m) All fabrics constituting part of a mechanical amusement ride or device shall meet the requirements of the small-scale test contained in NFPA 701-1996, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films. The standards promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) are available from the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269; telephone number, 1-800-344-3555.
(n) The storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids shall comply with the requirements of the Connecticut Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, as adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety pursuant to Section 29-320 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(o) The storage and use of liquefied petroleum gas shall comply with the requirements of the Connecticut Petroleum Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas Code, as adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety pursuant to Section 29-331 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(p) The installation of gas equipment and gas piping shall comply with the requirements of the Connecticut Gas Equipment and Piping Code, as adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety pursuant to Section 29-329 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(q) In all locations where vehicles and persons may travel, electrical cables shall be protected by approved methods such as, but not limited to, matting or trenching.
(r) Each electrically or mechanically operated amusement ride or device shall be provided with a control access system. Said system shall prevent such ride or device from starting by a single action.
(s) Safe and adequate means of access to and egress from mechanical amusement rides or devices shall be provided. All passageways shall be free from debris, obstructions, projections and other hazards. All surfaces shall be constructed of materials designed to prevent slipping and tipping. The width of passageways shall not be less than the width of exit doors or stairs to which they lead.
(t) A fixed mechanical amusement ride or device permanently erected shall be set on properly designed and constructed foundations or footings and secured to such footings in a manner that conforms to the manufacturer's or engineer's recommendations. Foundations and footings shall meet the minimum requirements of the Connecticut State Building Code, adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety pursuant to Section 29-252 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(u) All mechanical amusement rides or devices shall be surrounded by fencing. Each fence opening shall have a hinged gate adequate to prevent a child from inadvertantly entering the enclosed area. Each gate that swings in the direction of travel upon entering the area where the mechanical amusement ride or device is located shall include a latching device that engages when the gate is shut. Fences and gates shall also be constructed and installed so as to prevent riders or spectators from touching the mechanical amusement ride or device and fences or gates at the same time. Not later than January 1, 1999, all fencing and gates shall be at least 42 inches high, constructed so as to prevent passage of a sphere or round object 4 inches in diameter through all openings, and shall be designed, constructed and erected to prevent overturning or climbing by spectators or riders. Fencing and gates manufactured before January 1, 1993 and physically attached to the mechanical amusement ride or device by the manufacturer may remain in service at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction.
(v) Fixed mechanical amusement rides or devices are required to be dismantled for inspection by the approved engineer or the contractor performing nondestructive testing. The extent of dismantling shall be determined by the manufacturer or engineer and the contractor performing the nondestructive testing.
(w) Mechanical amusement rides or devices are not to be set in the path of natural drainage.
(x) Separation distances required by NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, shall be maintained between mechanical amusement rides or devices and electrical lines, except that greater distances may be required by an inspector in the interest of safety.
(y) It shall be the responsibility of the mechanical amusement ride or device owner to ensure that ride and device operators are trained in the operation of such ride or device, based on the recommendations of the manufacturer or engineer. The owner shall maintain records in each ride file jacket regarding the training each such operator has received, including the nature of the training, when it was received, and the source of the training.
(z) Special amusement buildings shall comply with the requirements of the Connecticut Fire Safety Code and the Connecticut State Building Code as adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety pursuant to Sections 29-292 and 29-252, respectively, of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 29-136-9a

Adopted effective March 2, 1998