Conn. Agencies Regs. § 29-292-17e

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 29-292-17e - Connecticut amendments

The adopted International Fire Code® is amended to meet the needs of the State of Connecticut as follows:


A section or subsection in the Connecticut Amendments preceded by "Amd" indicates the substitution of this provision in the adopted referenced standard, the International Fire Code®, 2003 edition.

A section or subsection in the Connecticut Amendments preceded by "Del" indicates the deletion of this provision in the adopted referenced standard.

A section or subsection in the Connecticut Amendments preceded by "Add" indicates the addition of this provision in the adopted referenced standard.



(Del) 101.1 Title. Delete section.

(Del) 101.2 Scope. Delete section.

(Del) 101.2.1 Appendices. Delete section.

(Del) 101.3 Intent. Delete section.

(Del) 101.4 Severability. Delete section.

(Del) 101.5 Validity. Delete section.

(Del) 102.1 Construction and design provisions. Delete section.

(Del) 102.2 Administrative, operational and maintenance provisions. Delete section.

(Del) 102.3 Change of use or occupancy. Delete section.

(Del) 102.4 Application of building code. Delete section.

(Del) 102.5 Historical buildings. Delete section.

(Amd) 102.6 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 45 and Part II of this code, and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply.

(Del) 102.7 Subjects not regulated by this code. Delete section.

(Del) 102.8 Matters not provided for. Delete section.


(Del) 104.1 General. Delete section.

(Del) 104.2 Applications and permits. Delete section.

(Del) 104.3 Right of entry. Delete section.

(Del) 104.4 Identification. Delete section.

(Del) 104.5 Notices and orders. Delete section.

(Del) 104.6 Official records. Delete section.

(Del) 104.7.2 Technical assistance. Delete section.

(Del) 104.8 Modifications. Delete section.

(Del) 104.10 Fire investigations. Delete section.

(Del) 104.11 Authority at fires and other emergencies. Delete section.

(Del) SECTION 105 PERMITS. Delete section.

(Del) Section 106 inspections. Delete section.

(Del) SECTION 107 MAINTENANCE. Delete section.

(Del) SECTION 108 BOARD OF APPEALS. Delete section.

(Del) SECTION 109 VIOLATIONS. Delete section.

(Del) SECTION 110 UNSAFE BUILDINGS. Delete section.

(Del) SECTION 111 STOP WORK ORDERS. Delete section.




See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) PERSONAL CARE SERVICE. The care of residents who do not require chronic or convalescent medical or nursing care. Personal care involves responsibility for the safety of the resident while inside the building.

(Add) RESIDENTIAL CARE/ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES. A building or part thereof housing persons, on a 24-hour basis, who because of age, mental disability or other reasons, live in a supervised residential environment which provides personal care services. The occupants are capable of responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from staff. This classification shall include, but not be limited to, the following: residential board and care facilities, assisted living facilities, halfway houses, group homes, congregate care facilities, social rehabilitation facilities, alcohol and drug abuse centers and convalescent facilities.

(Add) Self-Preservation. The occupants are capable of responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from staff.

(Amd) SPECIAL AMUSEMENT BUILDING. A special amusement building is any temporary or permanent building, structure or portion thereof that is occupied for amusement, entertainment or educational purposes and that contains a device or system that conveys passengers or provides a path of travel along, around or over a course in any direction so arranged that the means of egress path is not readily apparent due to visual or audio distractions or is intentionally confounded or is not readily available because of the nature of the attraction or mode of conveyance throughout the building or portion thereof.

Exception: Multi-level play structures that do not exceed 10 feet in height and do not have an aggregate horizontal projection in excess of 160 square feet.



(Del) Delete Chapter.

(Del) CHAPTER 4 EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS. Delete Chapter 4 in its entirety and replace with the following:




(Add) 401.1 Detailed use and occupancy requirements. In addition to the occupancy and construction requirements in this code, the provisions of this chapter apply to the special uses and occupancies described within.

(Add) 401.2 Covered mall buildings. Covered mall buildings not exceeding three floor levels at any point nor more than three stories above grade shall comply with the provisions of Section 402 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.3 High-rise buildings. Buildings having occupied floors located more than 75 feet (22,860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department access shall comply with Section 403 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.4 Atriums. Atriums shall comply with Section 404 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.5 Underground buildings. Building spaces having a floor level used for human occupancy more than 30 feet (9144 mm) below the lowest level of exit discharge shall comply with Section 405 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.6 Motor-vehicle-related occupancies. Motor-vehicle-related occupancies, including, but not limited to, parking and repair garages, shall comply with Section 406 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.7 Group I-2 occupancies. Occupancies in Group I-2 shall comply with the provisions of Section 407 of the State Building Code and other applicable provisions of this code.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) 401.8 Group I-3 occupancies. Occupancies in Group I-2 shall comply with the provisions of Section 408 of the State Building Code and other applicable provisions of this code.

(Add) 401.9 Motion picture projection rooms. Occupancies containing rooms in which ribbon-type cellulose acetate or other films are utilized in conjunction with electric arc, xenon or other light-source projection equipment that develops hazardous gases, dust or radiation shall comply with the provisions of Section 409 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.10 Stages and platforms. Occupancies containing stages or platforms and similar appurtenances shall comply with the provisions of Section 410 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.11 Special amusement buildings. Occupancies containing special amusement buildings shall comply with the provisions of Section 411 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.12 Aircraft-related occupancies. Aircraft-related occupancies, including, but not limited to, airport traffic control towers, hangars and heliports and helistops, shall comply with Section 412 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.13 Combustible storage. High-piled stock or rack storage in any occupancy shall also comply with Section 413 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.14 Hazardous materials & Groups H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4 and H-5. Buildings or structures occupied for the processing, dispensing, use or storage of hazardous materials and Groups H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4 and H-5 shall also comply with Sections 414 and 415 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.15 Drying rooms. A drying room or dry kiln installed within a building shall comply with Section 417 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.16 Group E Educational occupancies. Buildings containing Group E educational occupancies shall comply with Section 419 of the State Building Code.

(Add) 401.17 Group B Medical occupancies. Buildings containing Group B medical occupancies shall comply with Section 420 of the State Building Code.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.



(Del) Delete Chapter.



(Add) 601.1.1 Fuel gas. The 2003 International Fuel Gas Code® is not adopted by the State of Connecticut. The installation and operation of gas equipment and piping shall comply with sections 29-329, 29-330 and 29-331 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and the regulations known as the Connecticut Gas Equipment and Piping Code adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety under authority of section 29-329 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and the regulations known as the Connecticut Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas Code adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety under authority of section 29-331 of the Connecticut General Statutes. References to the International Fuel Gas Code® within the body of the model document shall be considered to be references to such statutes and regulations.

(Add) 601.1.2 Oil-burning equipment, piping and storage. In addition to the requirements of this code, the installation of oil burners and equipment used in connection therewith, including tanks, piping, pumps, control devices and accessories shall comply with sections 29-316 and 29-317 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and the regulations known as the Connecticut Oil Burning Equipment Code adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety under authority of section 29-317 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Del) 601.2 Delete section.

(Amd) 604.1 Installation. Emergency and standby power systems shall be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code®, NFPA 70, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111.

(Add) 607.4 Equipment regulated by statute. All elevators, dumbwaiters, material lifts, vertical and inclined chair lifts, limited use, limited (application) access elevators and escalators, including existing systems, shall comply with regulations adopted by the Commissioner of Public Safety pursuant to chapter 538 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Where the provisions of this chapter conflict with other statutory or regulatory provisions, those requirements contained in such statutes or regulations shall prevail.



(Amd) 701.1 Scope. The requirements for and the maintenance of fire-resistance-rated construction and the requirements for enclosing floor openings and shafts in new buildings and structures shall comply with the appropriate provisions of the State Building Code.

(Del) SECTION 704 FLOOR OPENINGS AND SHAFTS. Delete Section 704 in its entirety and replace with the following.


(Add) 704.1 Incidental use areas.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) 704.1.1 Where Table 704.1 requires a fire-resistance-rated separation, the remainder of the building shall be separated from the incidental use area with a fire barrier. Where Table 704.1 permits an automatic fire-extinguishing system without a fire barrier, the incidental use area shall be separated by construction capable of resisting the passage of smoke. The partitions shall extend from the floor to the underside of the fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling assembly or fire-resistance-rated roof/ceiling assembly or to the underside of the floor or roof deck above. Doors shall be self-closing or automatic-closing upon detection of smoke. Doors shall not have air transfer openings and shall not be undercut in excess of the clearance permitted in accordance with NFPA 80.

(Add) Table 704.1 Incidental Use Areas



Furnace room where any piece of equipment is over 400,000 Btu per hour input

1 hour or provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Rooms with any boiler over 15 psi and 10 horsepower

1 hour or provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Refrigerant machinery room

1 hour or provide automatic sprinkler system

Parking garage (See Section 406.2 of State Building Code)

2 hours; or 1 hour and provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Hydrogen cut-off room

1-hour fire barriers and floor/ceiling assemblies in Group B, F, H, M, S and U occupancies; 2-hour fire barriers and floor/ceiling assemblies in Group A, E, I and R occupancies

Incinerator rooms

2 hours and automatic sprinkler system

Paint shops, not classified as Group H, located in occupancies other than Group F

2 hours; or 1 hour and provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Laboratories and vocational shops, not classified as Group H, located in Group E or I-2 occupancies

1 hour or provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Laundry rooms over 100 square feet

1 hour or provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Storage rooms over 100 square feet

1 hour or provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Group I-3 cells equipped with padded surfaces

1 hour

Group I-2 waste and linen collection rooms

1 hour

Waste and linen collection rooms over 100 square feet

1 hour or provide automatic fire-extinguishing system

Stationary lead-acid battery systems having a liquid capacity of more than 100 gallons used for facility standby power, emergency power or uninterrupted power supplies

1-hour barriers and floor/ceiling assemblies in Group B, F, H, M, S and U occupancies; 2-hour fire barriers and floor/ceiling assemblies in Group A, E, I and R occupancies

For SI: 1 square foot = 0.0929m2, 1 pound per square inch = 6.9 kPa, 1 British thermal unit = 0.293 watts, 1 horsepower = 746 watts, 1 gallon = 3.785 L.

a Where an automatic fire-extinguishing system is provided, it need only be provided in the incidental use room or area.



(Amd) 801.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter and Chapter 8 of the International Building Code shall govern furniture and furnishings, interior finishes, interior trim, decorative materials and decorative vegetation in buildings.

(Del) 804 Decorative Vegetation. Delete section.

(Amd) 805.1.2 Flame-resistant materials. The permissible amount of flame-resistant materials shall not exceed 10 per cent of the aggregate area of walls and ceilings.

Exception: In auditoriums of Group A, the permissible amount of flame-resistant decorative material shall not exceed 50 per cent of the aggregate area of walls and ceiling where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, and where the material is installed in accordance with Section 803.4 of the International Building Code.

(Amd) 805.2 Acceptance criteria and reports. Where required to be flame resistant, decorative materials shall be tested by an approved agency and pass Test 1 or 2, as described in NFPA 701, or such materials shall be noncombustible. Reports of test results shall be prepared in accordance with NFPA 701 and furnished to the fire code official upon request.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 806.2 Wall and ceiling finish. Interior wall and ceiling finishes shall be classified in accordance with Section 803 of the International Building Code. Such interior finishes shall be grouped in the following classes in accordance with their flame spread and smoke-developed index.

Class A: Flame spread index 0-25

Smoke-developed index 0-450

Class B: Flame spread index 26-75

Smoke-developed index 0-450

Class C: Flame spread index 76-200

Smoke-developed index 0-450

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.



(Del) 901.3 Delete section.

(Del) 901.4.3 Delete section.

(Del) 901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Delete section.

(Del) 901.7 Systems out of service. Delete section.

(Del) 901.8 Removal of or tampering with equipment. Delete section.

(Amd) 903.1.1 Alternative protection. In any occupancy where the character of fuel for fire is such that extinguishment or control of fire is accomplished by a type of alternative automatic extinguishing system complying with Section 904 in lieu of an automatic sprinkler system, such alternative system shall be installed in accordance with the applicable standard and approved by the code official.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 903.2.6 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided as required below in Group M occupancies where one of the following conditions exists:

1. Throughout all buildings where a Group M fire area exceeds 12,000 square feet.
2. Throughout all buildings where a Group M fire area is located more than three stories above grade.
3. Throughout all buildings where the combined area of all Group M fire areas on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds 24,000 square feet.
4. Throughout stories below the level of exit discharge where such stories have an area exceeding 2,500 square feet and are used for the sale, storage or handling of combustible goods or merchandise.

(Amd) 903.2.7 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area.


1. Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments.
2. Existing buildings four stories or less in height undergoing a change of occupancy from Group R-3 to Group R-2 where each dwelling unit has either:
2.1. An exit door directly to the exterior at a level of exit discharge,
2.2. Direct access to an exterior stair serving a maximum of two dwelling units on the same story, or
2.3. Direct access to an interior stair serving only that dwelling unit and separated from all other portions of the building with 1-hour fire-resistance-rated fire barriers.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) 903.2.14 Additional statutory requirements. Pursuant to section 29-315 of the Connecticut General Statutes, automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be installed in any building or structure to be built more than four stories tall and used for human occupancy and in other occupancies as required by the State Fire Marshal in the interest of safety because of special occupancy hazards.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 903. Limited area sprinkler systems. Limited area sprinkler systems serving six sprinklers or less in any fire area are permitted to be connected to the domestic service where a wet automatic standpipe is not available. Limited area sprinkler systems connected to domestic water supplies shall comply with each of the following requirements:

1. Valves shall not be installed between the domestic water riser control valve and the sprinklers.

Exception to Item 1: An approved indicating control valve supervised electrically or locked or secured in the open position shall be permitted.

2. The domestic service shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13.

(Add) 903. Water authority approval. Unless served by a private well of sufficient capacity or other approved source, domestic service shall be permitted to provide the water supply for the automatic sprinkler system only upon written approval of the water authority supplying such domestic service.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Del) 903.5 Testing and maintenance. Delete section.

(Del) 903.6 Existing buildings. Delete section.

(Del) 904.10.1 System test. Delete section.

(Del) 904.10.2 Containers. Delete section.

(Del) 904.10.3 System hoses. Delete section.

(Del) 904.11.6 Operations and maintenance. Delete section.

(Del) 905.3.4.1 Delete section.

(Del) 905.10 During construction. Delete section.

(Del) 905.11 Delete section.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 906.1 Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed and maintained as required in the Connecticut State Fire Prevention Code and as required in Section 906.1.1.

(Add) 906.1.1 Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments. In Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments, portable fire extinguishers shall only be required to be located in kitchens. All portable fire extinguishers shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 10. A listed residential range top extinguisher unit or an approved commercial kitchen hood with a listed, approved automatic fire suppression system shall be permitted to be installed in lieu of the installation of a portable fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 907.2.1.1 Emergency voice/alarm communications. Activation of the fire alarm in Group A occupancies with an occupant load of 300 or more and Group A-1 theaters with more than one viewing room shall initiate a signal using an emergency voice/alarm communications system in accordance with NFPA 72.

Exception: Where approved, the prerecorded announcement is allowed to be manually deactivated for a period of time, not to exceed 3 minutes, for the sole purpose of allowing a live voice announcement from an approved, constantly attended location.

(Amd) 907.2.7 Group M. A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in Group M occupancies, other than covered mall buildings complying with Section 401.2, when any of the following occurs:

1. There is an occupant load of 500 or more persons;
2. This is an occupant load of more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge; or
3. There is a Group M occupancy that occupies more than three stories, or portions thereof, for sales purposes.

Exception: A single manual fire alarm box in an approved location shall be permitted if the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

(Amd) 907.2.8.2 Automatic fire alarm system. An automatic fire alarm system shall be installed throughout all interior corridors serving guest rooms.


1. An automatic fire detection system is not required in buildings that do not have interior corridors serving guest rooms and each guest room has a means of egress door opening directly to an exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit.
2. An automatic fire detection system is not required in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments (See Section 907.

(Amd) 907.2.9 Group R-2. A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in Group R-2 occupancies where:

1. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located three or more stories above the lowest level of exit discharge;
2. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located more than one story below the highest level of exit discharge of exits serving the dwelling unit or sleeping unit; or
3. The building contains more than 11 dwelling units or sleeping units.


1. A fire alarm system is not required in buildings not over two stories in height where all dwelling units or sleeping units and contiguous attic and crawl spaces are separated from each other and public or common areas by at least 1-hour fire partitions and each dwelling unit or sleeping unit has an exit directly to a public way, exit court or yard.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required throughout the building when the following conditions are met:
2.1 The building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2,
2.2 The notification appliances will activate upon sprinkler flow, and
2.3 At least one manual fire alarm box is installed at an approved location.
3. A fire alarm system is not required in buildings that do not have interior corridors serving dwelling units or sleeping units and are protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, provided that dwelling units or sleeping units either have a means of egress door opening directly to an exterior exit access that leads directly to the exits or are served by open-ended corridors designed in accordance with Section 1022.6, Exception 4.

(Add) 907. Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments. An approved household fire warning system in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72®, consisting of a control unit with smoke detectors, a manual fire alarm box on each floor and occupant notification shall be installed in all Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments. A heat detector shall be installed in the kitchen.

(Add) 907. Group R-4. In Group R-4 occupancies, single- or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in living rooms, dens, day rooms and similar spaces in addition to the locations required by Section 907.

(Add) 907. Alterations and additions. When alterations or additions requiring a permit occur in Group R-2, R-3 and R-4 occupancies, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing dwelling units, the entire dwelling unit shall be provided with smoke alarms located as required for new dwellings. Such smoke alarms within existing spaces may be battery operated and are not required to be dual powered or interconnected unless other remodeling considerations require removal of wall and ceiling coverings which would facilitate concealed interconnected wiring.

(Add) 907. Day care and child care occupancies. Single- or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in all day care and child care occupancies in the following locations:

1. In each story in front of doors to the stairways;
2. In the corridors of all floors occupied by the day care or child care occupancy; and
3. In lounges, recreation areas and sleeping rooms in the day care or child care occupancy.

Exception: Day care or child care occupancies housed in one room.

(Add) 907.9.3 Emergency forces notification. Emergency forces notification shall be provided to alert the municipal fire department in buildings with occupancies in Group E, Group I-2, Group I-3, Group I-4, Group R-2, Group M or Group B medical and dental occupancies (See Section 420 of the State Building Code).

(Add) 907.9.3.1 Alarm transmission. Where required by Section 907.9.3, the fire alarm system shall be arranged to automatically transmit the alarm to the municipal fire department via any of the following means in accordance with NFPA 72:

1. Auxiliary alarm system;
2. Central station connection;
3. Proprietary system; or
4. Remote station connection.

(Amd) 907.16 Automatic telephone-dialing devices. Automatic telephone-dialing devices shall comply with the requirements of subsection (c) of section 28-25b of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Del) 907.20 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Delete section.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Del) 909.21 Maintenance. Delete section.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Del) 912.2.2 Existing buildings. Delete section.

(Del) 912.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Delete section.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Del) 913.5.2 Generator sets. Delete section.

(Del) 913.5.3 Transfer switches. Delete section.

(Del) 913.5.4 Pump room environmental conditions. Delete section.


(Add) 914.1 Carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed and maintained in Group R-3 and R-4 occupancies and in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments. Such detectors shall be located outside of each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms. When more than one carbon monoxide detector is required to be installed within a Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishment, the alarm devices shall be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one carbon monoxide detector will activate all of the carbon monoxide detectors in the occupancy. When more than one carbon monoxide detector is required to be installed in Groups R-3 or R-4 the alarm devices shall be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one carbon monoxide detector will activate all of the carbon monoxide detectors in the individual unit. The alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms or sleeping rooms over background noise levels with all intervening doors closed. All carbon monoxide detectors shall be listed and shall be installed in accordance with their listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Exception: Carbon monoxide detectors shall not be required in occupancies or dwelling units not containing a fuel-burning appliance, fireplace or attached garage.

(Add) 914.2 Power source. In new construction, the required carbon monoxide detectors shall be permanently installed and shall receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is served from a commercial source. When primary power from the building wiring is interrupted, they shall receive power from a battery. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overcurrent protection. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be permitted to be battery operated when installed in buildings without commercial power or in buildings that undergo alterations or additions regulated by Section 914.3.

(Amd) 914.3 Alterations and additions. When alterations or additions requiring a permit occur in buildings with Group R-3 and R-4 occupancies and to Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in such occupancies, the entire occupancy shall be provided with carbon monoxide detectors located as required for new construction. The carbon monoxide detectors shall have a power source in accordance with Section 914.2.


1. The carbon monoxide detectors may be battery operated or plug-in and are not required to be interconnected when other remodeling considerations do not require the removal of the appropriate wall or ceiling coverings to facilitate concealed interconnected wiring.
2. Alterations to the exterior surfaces of existing buildings including, but not limited to, re-roofing, re-siding, window replacement and the construction of decks without roofs, are exempt from the requirements of this section.
3. Carbon monoxide detectors shall not be required in buildings not containing a fuel-burning appliance, fireplace or attached garage.


(Add) 915.1 Features. Where required by other sections of this code, a fire command center for fire department operations shall be provided. The location and accessibility of the fire command center shall be separated from the remainder of the building by not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated fire barrier. The room shall be a minimum of 96 square feet (9 m2) with a minimum dimension of 8 feet (2438 mm). A layout of the fire command center and all features required by the section to be contained therein shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. The fire command center shall comply with NFPA 72® and shall contain the following features:

1. The emergency voice/alarm communication system unit.
2. The fire department communications unit.
3. Fire detection and alarm system annunciator unit.
4. Annunciator unit visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether they are operational.
5. Status indicators and controls for air-handling systems.
6. The fire-fighter's control panel required by Section 909.16 for smoke control systems installed in the building.
7. Controls for unlocking stairway doors simultaneously.
8. Sprinkler valve and water-flow detector display panels.
9. Emergency and standby power status indicators.
10. A telephone for fire department use with controlled access to the public telephone system.
11. Fire pump status indicators.
12. Schematic building plans indicating the typical floor plan and detailing the building core, means of egress, fire protection systems, fire-fighting equipment and fire department access.
13. Worktable.
14. Generator supervision devices, manual start and transfer features.
15. Public address system, where specifically required by other sections of this code.



(Amd) 1001.1 General. Buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with a means of egress system as required by this chapter. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design, construction and arrangement of means of egress components required to provide an approved means of egress from structures and portions thereof.

Exception: Detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures shall comply with the International Residential Code® as adopted by the State Building Code. These buildings are not subject to code compliance enforcement by the fire marshal.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.




Agricultural building

300 gross

Aircraft hangars

500 gross

Airport terminal

Baggage claim

20 gross

Baggage handling

300 gross


100 gross

Waiting areas

15 gross


Gaming floors (keno, slots, etc.)

11 gross

Assembly with fixed seats

See Section 1004.7

Assembly without fixed seats

Concentrated (chairs only - not fixed)

7 net

Standing space

5 net

Unconcentrated (tables and chairs)

15 net

Bowling centers, allow 5 persons for each lane including 15 feet of runway, and for additional areas

7 net

Business areas

100 gross

Courtrooms - other than fixed seating areas

40 net


50 gross


Classroom area

20 net

Shops and vocational room areas

50 net

Exercise rooms

50 gross

H-5 Fabrication and manufacturing areas

200 gross

Industrial areas

100 gross

Institutional areas

Inpatient treatment areas

240 gross

Outpatient areas

100 gross

Sleeping areas

120 gross

Kitchens, commercial

200 gross


Reading rooms

50 net

Stack area

100 gross

Locker rooms

50 gross


Areas on other floors

60 gross

Basement and grade floor areas

30 gross

Storage, stock, shipping areas

300 gross

Parking garages

200 gross


200 gross

Skating rinks, swimming pools

Rink and pool

50 gross


15 gross

Stages and platforms

15 net

Accessory storage areas, mechanical

equipment rooms

300 gross


500 gross

For SI; 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2





Stairways (inches per occupant)

Other egress components (inches per occupant)

Stairways (inches per occupant)

Other egress components (inches per occupant)

Occupancies other than those listed below










I-2, R-1, R-2, R-3





Group H





N/A = not applicable.

a Building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

b Except Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments.

(Add) 1005.1.1 Balanced egress capacity.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 1006.1 Illumination required. The means of egress, including the exit discharge, shall be illuminated at all times the building space served by the means of egress is occupied.


1. Occupancies in Group U.
2. Aisle accessways in Group A.
3. Within dwelling units and sleeping units in Groups R-1, R-2 and R-3.
4. Within sleeping units of Group I occupancies.
5. Continuous illumination of the means of egress in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall not be required when illumination of the means of egress is initiated upon initiation of a fire alarm.

(Add) 1006.2.1 Arrangement of illumination. Required illumination shall be arranged so that the failure of any single lamp does not result in an illumination level of less than 0.2 foot-candle at the floor level.

(Amd) 1006.3 Illumination emergency power. The power supply for means of egress illumination shall normally be provided by the premises' electrical supply. In the event of power supply failure, an emergency electrical system shall automatically illuminate the following areas:

1. Exit access corridors, passageways and aisles in rooms and spaces which require two or more means of egress.
2. Exit access corridors and exit stairways located in buildings required to have two or more exits.
3. Exterior egress components at other than the level of exit discharge until exit discharge is accomplished for buildings required to have two or more exits.
4. Interior exit discharge elements, as permitted in Section 1023.1, in buildings required to have two or more exits.
5. The portion of the exterior exit discharge immediately adjacent to exit discharge doorways in buildings required to have two or more exits.
6. Means of egress lighting in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments.
7. The egress side of access controlled egress doors in accordance with Section 1008.1.3.4 or doors equipped with delayed egress locks in accordance with Section 1008.1.8.6.

The emergency power system shall provide power for a duration of not less than 90 minutes and shall consist of storage batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator. The installation of the emergency power system shall be in accordance with Section 2702 of the State Building Code.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 1007.5 Platform lifts. Platform (wheelchair) lifts shall not serve as part of an accessible means of egress, except where allowed as part of a required accessible route in Section 1109.7 of the International Building Code. Platform lifts in accordance with Section 604 shall be installed in accordance with ASME A18.1. Standby power shall be provided in accordance with Section 604.2 for platform lifts permitted to serve as part of a means of egress.

(Amd) 1008.1.1 Size of doors. The minimum width of each door opening shall be sufficient for the occupant load thereof and shall provide a clear width of not less than 32 inches. Clear openings of doorways with swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees. Where this section requires a minimum clear width of 32 inches and a door opening includes two door leaves without a mullion, one leaf shall provide a clear opening width of 32 inches. The maximum width of a swinging door leaf shall be 48 inches nominal. Means of egress doors in an occupancy in Group I-2 used for the movement of beds shall provide a clear width not less than 41 1/2 inches. The height of doors shall not be less than 80 inches.


1. The minimum and maximum width shall not apply to door openings that are not part of the required means of egress in occupancies in Groups R-2 and R-3 as applicable in Section 101.2 of the State Building Code.
2. Door openings to resident sleeping units not required to be accessible in occupancies in Group I-3 shall have a clear width of not less than 28 inches.
3. Door openings to storage closets less than 10 square feet in area shall not be limited by the minimum width.
4. Width of door leafs in revolving doors that comply with Section 1008.1.3.1 shall not be limited.
5. Door openings within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit shall not be less than 78 inches in height.
6. Exterior door openings in dwelling units and sleeping units, other than the required exit door, shall not be less than 76 inches in height.
7. Interior egress doors within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit which is not required to be adaptable or accessible.
8. Door openings required to be accessible within Type B dwelling units shall have a minimum clear width of 31 3/4 inches.
9. Doors within and accessing Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall have a minimum clear width of 28 inches. Doors within and accessing bathrooms in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall have a minimum clear width of 24 inches.

(Amd) 1008.1.2 Door swing. Egress doors shall be side-hinged swinging.


1. Private garages, office areas, factory and storage areas with an occupant load of 10 or less.
2. Group I-3 occupancies used as a place of detention.
3. Doors within or serving a single dwelling unit in Groups R-2 and R-3 as applicable in Section 101.2 of the State Building Code.
4. In other than Group H occupancies, revolving doors complying with Section 1008.1.3.1.
5. In other than Group H occupancies, horizontal sliding doors complying with Section 1008.1.3.3 are permitted in a means of egress.
6. Power-operated doors in accordance with Section 1008.1.3.2.

Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel where serving an occupant load of 50 or more persons, where serving an exit enclosure or where serving a Group H occupancy.

The opening force for interior side-swinging doors without closers shall not exceed a 5-pound force. For other side-swinging, sliding and folding doors, the door latch shall release when subject to a 15-pound force. The door shall be set in motion when subjected to a 30-pound force. The door shall swing to a full-open position when subjected to a 15-pound force. Forces shall be applied to the latch side.

(Amd) 1008.1.4 Floor elevation. There shall be a floor or landing on each side of a door. Such floor or landing shall be at the same elevation on each side of the door. Landings shall be level except for exterior landings, which are permitted to have a slope not to exceed 0.25 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-per cent slope).


1. Doors serving individual dwelling units in Groups R-2 and R-3 where the following apply:
1.1 A door is permitted to open at the top step of an interior flight of stairs, provided the door does not swing over the top step.
2.2 Screen doors and storm doors are permitted to swing over stairs or landings.
2. Exterior doors as provided for in Section 1003.5, Exception 1, and Section 1017.2, which are not on an accessible route.
3. In Group R-3 occupancies, the landing at an exterior doorway shall not be more than 7 3/4 inches below the top of the threshold, provided the door, other than an exterior storm or screen door, does not swing over the landing.
4. Variations in elevation due to differences in finish materials, but not more than 0.5 inch.

(Amd) 1008.1.8.6 Delayed egress locks. Approved, listed delayed egress locks shall be permitted to be installed on doors serving occupancies other than Groups A, E and H in buildings that are equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or with an approved automatic smoke or heat detection system installed in accordance with Section 907, provided that the doors unlock in accordance with Items 1 through 6 below. A building occupant shall not be required to pass through more than one door supplied with a delayed egress lock before entering an exit.

1. The doors unlock upon actuation of the automatic sprinkler system or automatic fire detection system.
2. The doors unlock upon loss of power controlling the lock or lock mechanism.
3. The door locks shall have the capability of being unlocked by a signal from the fire command center.
4. The initiation of an irreversible process which will release the latch in not more than 15 seconds when a force of not more than 15 pounds is applied for 1 second to the release device. Initiation of the irreversible process shall activate an audible signal in the vicinity of the door. Once the door lock has been released by the application of force to the releasing device, relocking shall be by manual means only.

Exception to Item 4: Where approved by the local building official and the local fire marshal, a delay of not more than 30 seconds shall be permitted.

5. A readily visible, durable sign in letters not less than 1 inch high and not less than 1/8 inch in stroke width shall be provided on the door located above and within 12 inches of the release device reading:



6. Emergency lighting shall be provided at the door.

(Add) 1008.1.8.8 Bathroom doors. Group I-2 child care facility, Group I-4 day care facility and Group R-4 occupancy bathroom doors subject to locking shall be designed to allow unlocking from the outside during an emergency.

(Amd) 1009.3 Stair treads and risers. Stair riser heights shall be 7 inches maximum and 4 inches minimum. Stair tread depths shall be 11 inches minimum. The riser height shall be measured vertically between the leading edges of adjacent treads. The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. The tread depth shall be measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost projection of adjacent treads and at right angle to the tread's leading edge. The greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by 3/8 inch.


1. Circular stairways in accordance with Section 1009.7.
2. Spiral stairways in accordance with Section 1009.9.
3. Aisle stairs in assembly seating areas where the stair pitch or slope is set, for sightline reasons, by the slope of the adjacent seating area in accordance with Section 1024.11.2.
4. In occupancies in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments, in occupancies in Group R-3, as applicable in Section 101.2 of the State Building Code, within dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2 and in occupancies in Group U, which are accessory to an occupancy in Group R-3, as applicable in Section 101.2 of the State Building Code, the maximum riser height shall be 8 1/4 inches and the minimum tread depth shall be 9 inches. A nosing not less than 3/4 inch but not more than 1 1/4 inches shall be provided on stairways with solid risers where the tread depth is less than 11 inches.
5. The riser height and tread depth of existing stairways in buildings undergoing addition, alteration, repair, relocation or change of occupancy that involve existing stairways shall be permitted to remain, provided the greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by 3/8 inch and the greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by 3/8inch.
6. Any stairway replacing an existing stairway within a space where the pitch or slope cannot be reduced because of existing construction shall not be required to comply with the maximum riser height and minimum tread depth requirements.

(Amd) 1009.8 Winders. Winders are not permitted in means of egress stairways except within a dwelling unit and within existing detached one- and two-family dwellings undergoing a change of occupancy to Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments.

(Add) 1009.8.1 Winder treads. Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth of 9 inches measured at a right angle to the tread's leading edge at a point 12 inches from the side where the treads are narrower and a minimum tread depth of 6 inches. The greatest winder tread depth at the 12-inch walk line within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch.

(Amd) 1009.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side. Handrails shall be adequate in strength and attachment in accordance with Section 1607.7 of the State Building Code. Handrails for ramps, where required by Section 1010.8, shall comply with this section.


1. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024 provided with a center handrail need not have additional handrails.
2. Stairways within dwelling units, spiral stairways and aisle stairs serving seating only on one side are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
3. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change in elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
5. Changes in room floor elevations of only one riser within dwelling units, Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments and sleeping units in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies do not require handrails.
6. Stairways within Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall be equipped with a minimum of one handrail.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) 1011.1.1 Floor proximity exit signs. In addition to the exit signs required by Sections 1011.1 and 1011.1.2 of this code, exit doors shall be marked by floor proximity exit signs in Group A occupancies with an occupant load of more than 300, Group B medical occupancies, Group I-1 occupancies, Group I-2 occupancies, Group R-1 hotels and motels and Group R-2 dormitories.

(Add) 1011.1.1.1 Location and illumination. Floor proximity exit signs shall be located with the bottom of the sign not less than 6 inches nor more than 18 inches above the finished floor. The signs shall be located on the door or adjacent to the door with the nearest edge within 4 inches of the door. Floor proximity exit signs shall be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of Section 1011.4 or 1011.5 of this code.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) 1016.1.1 Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments. A fire resistance rating is not required for corridors in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments. Doors leading from guest rooms into corridors or hallways in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall be equipped with self-closing devices.

(Add) 1017.3 Mercantile occupancies. In mercantile occupancies where the only means of customer entrance is through one exterior wall of a building, the exits in such wall shall be of sufficient width to accommodate not less than two-thirds of the occupant load, but such exits shall not be less than the total required width of all means of egress leading to those exits. The remaining exits shall be capable of providing at least one-half of the total required exit capacity.

Exception: Bulk merchandising mercantile occupancies.

(Amd) 1018.2 Buildings with one exit. Only one exit shall be required in buildings as described below:

1. Buildings described in Table 1018.2, provided that the building has not more than one level below the first story above grade plane.
2. Buildings of Group R-3 occupancy.
3. Buildings of Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishment occupancy.
4. Single-level buildings with the occupied space at the level of exit discharge provided that the story or space complies with Section 1014.1 as a space with one means of egress.

(Amd) 1019.1 Enclosures required. Interior exit stairways and interior exit ramps shall be enclosed with fire barriers. Exit enclosures shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours where connecting a total of four stories or more and not less than 1 hour where connecting less than four stories. The number of stories connected by the shaft enclosure shall include any basements but not any mezzanines. An exit enclosure shall not be used for any purpose other than means of egress. Enclosures shall be constructed as fire barriers in accordance with Section 706 of the State Building Code.


1. In buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1 with other than Group H and I occupancies, a stairway serving an occupant load of less than 10 not more than one story above the level of exit discharge is not required to be enclosed.
2. Exits in buildings of Group A-5 where all portions of the means of egress are essentially open to the outside need not be enclosed.
3. Stairways serving not more than three stories and contained within a single residential dwelling unit or sleeping unit in occupancies in Group R-2 or R-3 and sleeping units in occupancies in Group R-1 are not required to be enclosed.
4. Stairways that are not a required means of egress element are not required to be enclosed where such stairways comply with Section 707.2 of the State Building Code.
5. Stairways in open parking structures that serve only the parking structure are not required to be enclosed.
6. Stairways in occupancies in Group I-3 as provided for in Section 408.3.6 of the State Building Code are not required to be enclosed.
7. Means of egress stairways as required by Section 410.5.4 of the State Building Code are not required to be enclosed.
8. Stairways connecting the first and second floors of Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall not be required to be enclosed. Stairways connecting the second and third floors in such occupancies shall be enclosed with fire separation assemblies having a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. Stairways connecting the basement and the first floor in such occupancies shall be enclosed with fire partitions having a fire resistance rating of not less than 1/2 hour with 20-minute fire-resistance-rated door assemblies. Fire-resistance-rated assemblies at stairways in Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments shall not be required to be supported by fire-resistance-rated construction.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Amd) 1024.3 Assembly other exits. Group A occupancies and buildings that have a single main entrance/exit in accordance with Section 1024.2, shall be provided with additional exits that provide for at least one-half of the total occupant load of such occupancy or building and comply with Section 1014.2.

(Amd) 1024.12 Seat stability. In places of assembly, the seats shall be securely fastened to the floor.


1. In places of assembly or portions thereof without balconies, ramped or tiered floors for seating and with 200 or fewer seats, the seats shall not be required to be fastened to the floor.
2. In places of assembly or portions thereof with seating at tables and without ramped or tiered floors for seating, the seats shall not be required to be fastened to the floor.
3. In places of assembly or portions thereof without ramped or tiered floors for seating and with greater than 200 seats, the seats shall be fastened together in groups of not less than three or the seats shall be fastened to the floor.
4. In places of assembly where flexibility of the seating arrangement is an integral part of the design and function of the space and seating is on tiered levels, a maximum of 200 seats shall not be required to be fastened to the floor provided that all seats in balconies are fastened together in groups of not less than three or the seats shall be fastened to the floor. Plans showing the seating, tiers and aisles shall be submitted for approval.
5. Groups of seats within a place of assembly separated from other seating by railings, guards, partial height walls or similar barriers with level floors and having no more than 14 seats per group shall not be required to be fastened to the floor.
6. Seats intended for musicians or other performers and separated by railings, guards, partial height walls or similar barriers shall not be required to be fastened to the floor.

(Add) 1025.1.1 Group E occupancies. In Group E occupancies, emergency escape and rescue openings shall be provided in every room or space greater than 250 square feet used for classroom or educational purposes or normally subject to student occupancy.


1. Buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Rooms or spaces that have a door leading directly to the outside of the building.
3. Rooms located more than three stories above grade.

(Add) 1025.1.2 Group I-4 occupancies. In Group I-4 occupancies, emergency escape and rescue openings shall be provided in every room or space greater than 250 square feet normally subject to client occupancy.

(Amd) 1025.2.1 Minimum dimensions. The minimum net clear opening height dimension shall be 24 inches. The minimum net clear opening width dimension shall be 20 inches. The net clear opening dimensions shall be the result of normal operation of the opening.

Exception: In existing buildings undergoing a change of occupancy to Group R-1 bed and breakfast establishments, the net clear opening dimensions shall be permitted to be obtained by removal of the sash without the use of a key or tool provided that the instructions for the removal of the sash are clearly posted on the inside of the guest room door.

See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.



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See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.



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See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.



See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.



See the 2009 Amendment to the 2005 CT State Fire Safety Code.

(Add) 2401.3 In addition to the requirements of this code, tents, canopies and membrane structures shall comply with the provisions of section 29-140 of the Connecticut General Statutes and the regulations adopted pursuant to section 29-140 of the Connecticut General Statutes, known as the Connecticut Tent and Portable Shelter Code.



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(Del) ICC; International Code Council, Inc. Delete section.

(Del) NFPA; National Fire Protection Association. Delete section.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 29-292-17e

Adopted effective December 31, 2005; Amended October 2, 2012