Conn. Agencies Regs. § 27-102l(d)-90

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 27-102l(d)-90 - Residential facility
(a) The Department shall operate a residential program at 287 West Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut, for veterans, who aside from brief acute hospitalization periods necessitated by illness, shall be capable and desire to perform their own activities of daily living, including dressing, bathing and eating, and who can manage their own personal affairs, including leisure time, employment (if desired), and finances.
(b) Within appropriations, the Commissioner may designate the number of beds available and organize said beds into units as may be appropriate to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of veterans in residence.
(c) Within appropriations, the Commissioner may designate beds or units for a particular and specialized care need or program or may offer activities as demand may warrant, including:
(1) Substance Abuse Treatment Program (SATP) which is a treatment program housed in the Veterans Recovery Center (VRC) for veterans who have had a substance abuse problem, voluntarily agree to a plan of care and adhere to that plan, and meet all other criteria for admission to the Residential Facility.
(A) A SATP participant may concurrently be designated a participant in the Veterans Improvement Program, Veteran Worker Program, or other specialized programs, activities, or services offered by the Department,
(B) Failure to comply with conditions of the plan of care is basis for involuntary termination in SATP, but may not be the basis of an involuntary discharge from residence in the Residential Facility, unless expressly provided by the plan of care.
(2) Veterans Improvement Program (VIP) which is a rehabilitation program for Residential Facility veterans based on the desire of the veteran to remain in residence or to return to life in the community at large. The three categories shall be:
(A) Accelerated Veterans Improvement Program (AVIP) for veterans whose plan of care anticipates discharge from the Residential Facility within six (6) months,
(B) Standard Veterans Improvement Program (SVIP) for veterans whose plan of care anticipates discharge from the Residential Facility within two (2) years, but not sooner than six (6) months, and
(C) Extended Veterans Improvement Program (EVIP) for veterans whose plan of care anticipates discharge, if at all, beyond two (2) years.
(3) Education and Vocational Training Programs which may be provided in cooperation with local educational institutions or under contract to veterans who may be earning degrees, qualifying for occupational licenses, exams, or personal growth.
(4) Transitional Housing Program which shall be time limited housing options for veterans whose plan of care indicates that residence in the Residential Facility is no longer warranted or desired by the veteran. This program shall be a therapeutic extension of the Residential Facility and each resident shall have an individual plan of care as defined in section 27-102l(d)-90 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. The program may include:
(A) Transitional Living Center (TLC) for veterans whose plan of care indicates a need for minimal support services from the Department. To participate a veteran shall have full time employment, and have completed the VIP or have demonstrated an ability to maintain personal hygiene and maintenance of personal living quarters.
(i) Each plan of care shall include an occupancy agreement with such terms as may be required, including cost per month or week, conditions of termination, and directions for payment of fees. The Commissioner may reassign any resident in the TLC to a bed in the Residential Facility in the event that the TLC resident fails to comply with any term or condition of occupancy, including loss of full time employment, lack of fiscal responsibility as set in the plan, consumption of alcohol or other substances in violation of federal or state law, or any other activity contraindicated in the plan of care,
(ii) An occupancy may not exceed six (6) months, except upon approval of the Commissioner for an additional six (6) months, if the resident can demonstrate said extension is required by factors beyond his or her control,
(iii) A Residential Facility or Veterans Recovery Center (VRC) veteran shall apply to the Veterans' Home Director of the Residential Facility to transfer to the TLC. Transfers shall be on a first come/first serve and space available basis. No veteran may be transferred without a revised plan of care,
(iv) The Department shall assist a residents' council to establish by-laws, including a provision for representation of the Department on it, and each occupant shall be a member of it. The council shall submit its by-laws and any amendment to the Commissioner for approval. The Commissioner may approve or disapprove the bylaw or amendment. The Commissioner shall explain his rationale for any disapproval, and
(v) A TLC resident who fails to comply with the revised plan of care may be transferred back to the Residential Facility or VRC, except that the Department may discharge the resident, if the basis of said discharge is a major offense as defined in Section 27-102l(d)-200 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
(B) Alternative Living Residence (ALR) which is a community residence established by a private owner, municipality, the Department or another state or federal agency for veterans who may be without proper housing and desire minimal contact with the Department, but who may benefit from therapeutic programs, activities or services offered by the Department under the terms of a resident's agreement.
(i) Each resident shall be subject to subparagraph (A) of this subdivision, except that all references to the TLC shall be to the Alternative Living Residence (ALR) and any failure to comply with the plan of care may result in discharge, even if not a major offense,
(ii) Any ALR shall comply with all local zoning and building code regulations,
(iii) Any veteran eligible for service from OAA may apply to become a resident in an ALR. No right of admission to the Home attaches to an ALR veteran not otherwise eligible for admission to that facility,
(iv) The Commissioner may enter into agreements with owners of housing units to provide an ALR and underwrite payment of rental fees due from occupants, if the veteran is otherwise eligible for admission to the Home subject to the terms and conditions of a written plan of care, and
(v) For any ALR owned and operated by the Department, a one year durational limitation shall be placed on an ALR occupant and such limitation may be extended for an additional year, subject to the continued compliance with applicable rules.
(5) Veteran Worker Program provides an opportunity for veterans to earn a wage and provides meaningful vocational and therapeutic work activities.
(A) Compensation is paid:
(i) A minimum wage,
(ii) Only for time worked, except where the immediate supervisor sends the veteran for a medical appointment related to or required by work activity, including assessment and reassessment of fitness for work, and
(iii) No benefits, sick time, vacation time or personal leave is accrued.
(B) A veteran worker shall be:
(i) Physically able to work assigned hours and perform assigned tasks, and
(ii) Medically cleared by his primary physician for one of five types of assignments as stated in the regulations of Connecticut state agencies.
(C) Assignments shall be evaluated and classified as follows:
(i) Class A which may be full-time jobs and may require a worker with no physical or environmental restrictions and include duties such as pulling, lifting, digging, crouching, or climbing,
(ii) Class B which may be full-time jobs and may require a worker with no difficulty standing, walking, climbing, or light lifting (under 30 lbs.), and may include duties such as pushing, sweeping, or operating electrical equipment (e.g. floor buffers),
(iii) Class C which may be full-time jobs and may require a worker with no difficulty standing, walking, sitting, and minimal lifting (under 20 lbs.), and include duties such as answering phones, filing, typing, or data entry,
(iv) Class D-1 which may be full-time jobs and may require a worker with no difficulty standing and sitting most of the day and include lifting (under 10 lbs.), but otherwise shall not require a worker to perform any physical tasks, or
(v) Class D-2 has the same standards found in D-1, except that worker is not capable of sustaining a full day schedule or demands of attention for longer than 1-2 hours at a time.
(D) A veteran not placed in any class under paragraph (C) of this subsection shall be Class E which is for veterans who may not be physically or mentally capable of any work.
(E) Within appropriations, the Commissioner or his designee, shall assign each veteran to a position based on the physical classification and interests and background of the veteran, if possible.
(F) If the number of veteran workers available exceeds the number of jobs available, the Commissioner shall establish a waiting list based on the veterans date of admission or transfer to the Home and the veteran next on the list shall be assigned a job within the classification for which the veteran is capable of performing, even if the assignment is in a lower class. While working in a lower class, the veteran worker shall retain his position on the waiting list for a higher classification.
(G) The Commissioner, or his designee, may authorize the supervisor of a veteran worker to adjust the veteran's work hours to avoid any loss of earnings in the event that a medically necessary appointment or employment interview conflict with the scheduled work hours. The authorization shall be approved prior to the excused absence and the hours worked may be completed during the same pay period.
(H) A veteran who fails to comply with his plan of care may be temporarily suspended or terminated from the veteran worker program.
(d) A Residential Facility or TLC veteran may apply to the Commissioner, or his designee, to be placed in or participate in any service, activity, or program offered by the Department.
(1) The Commissioner shall refer the application to an evaluation team comprised of a social worker, Veterans' Home Director of the Residential Facility, substance abuse counselor, and psychologist for a recommendation on any such application.
(2) The team may:
(A) Order a battery of tests of aptitude and personality interests,
(B) Review prior work history and military records,
(C) Analyze substance abuse history, if any,
(D) Receive input from the applicant and any other party personally familiar with the applicant, and
(E) Recommend placement in any service, activity, or program offered by the Department, or recommend alternative services, activities, or programs that the Department may be capable of arranging for the veteran, including referral to other local, state or federal programs.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 27-102l(d)-90

Effective January 19, 1996; Amended October 11, 2007