When directed by the implementing agency, the owner and operator of an UST system permanently closed before December 22, 1988 shall assess the excavation zone and close the UST system in accordance with this subsection if releases from the UST may, in the judgment of the implementing agency, pose a current or potential threat to human health and the environment, or if, in the judgement of the implementing agency, the owner or operator of the UST system has violated any of the requirements in these regulations.
Owners and operators shall maintain records in accordance with subsection 22a-449(d) -103 (e) of these regulations that are capable of demonstrating compliance with closure requirements under section 22a-449(d) -107 of these regulations. The results of the excavation zone assessment required in subsection 22a-449(d) -107 (e) of these regulations shall be maintained for at least 5 years beyond completion of the UST system permanent closure in the following ways:
No person or municipality shall use or operate an abandoned UST system.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-449(d)-107