Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-30-7

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 22a-30-7 - Processing of an application
(a)Copies of application to be provided. The commissioner shall cause copies of all complete applications submitted under these regulations to be provided to all persons required to receive such applications pursuant to section 22a-32 of the General Statutes.
(b)Public notice. Following the receipt of a complete application, the commissioner shall publish a public notice of his intent to conduct or waive a hearing on such application in a newspaper having general circulation in the town or towns in which the proposed regulated activity or any part thereof is located. Such notice shall contain the information listed in subsection (c) and shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of sections 22a-361 and 22a-32 of the General Statutes.
(c)Content of public notices. Public notices issued pursuant to subsection (b) of these regulations shall include at a minimum the following:
(1) A reference to the particular sections of the statutes and regulations pertinent to the consideration of the application;
(2) A short and plain statement of the matters relevant to the consideration and evaluation of the application including:
(A) A concise description of the proposed activity;
(B) The specific geographic location of the activity or address of the property on which the proposed activity is to occur;
(C) The name of the applicant and his designated agent if applicable;
(D) The name of the owner of record of the property on which the proposed regulated activity is to be conducted, if the applicant is not the owner;
(E) Where applicable, the ecological unit, subdivision, drawing and parcel number(s) from the wetland map showing the wetland on which the proposed regulated activity is to be conducted;
(F) The date of the plans showing the proposed activity;
(G) The address and location of the office(s) at which the complete applications on file for inspection; and
(H) Any additional information the commissioner deems necessary.
(3) In the event a hearing is to be held, a statement of the date, time, place, nature of the hearing and a statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
(4) In the event the hearing is proposed to be waived, a comment period for receipt of written comments on the application. The comment period shall run for a period not less than forty (40) days nor more than forty-five (45) days from the date of issuance of the notice of intent to waive the public hearing.
(5) The commissioner's tentative decision regarding the application, pursuant to sections 22a-32 and 22a-361 of the General Statutes.
(d)Hearing upon receipt of a petition. When the commissioner receives a petition submitted in accordance with section 22a-32 of the General Statutes, he shall hold a public hearing on the application in question and shall publish a public notice of said hearing in accordance with said section.
(e)Copies of public notices of applications to be provided. The commissioner shall provide, by certified mail, return receipt requested, copies of all public notices of applications issued pursuant to section 22a-32 of the General Statutes to all persons required to receive such notice under sections 22a-32 and 22a-361 of the General Statutes.

The commissioner may provide, by first class mail, copies of all public notices of application issued pursuant to section 22a-32 of the General Statutes to the following persons or agencies:

(9) Any state, federal and municipal agencies whose regulatory or managerial functions or interests are affected by the project or its effect on the wetland as determined by the commissioner;
(10) Other persons or agencies which have indicated in writing to the commissioner, their desire to receive such notices.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22a-30-7

Effective September 24, 1996