(1) Priority Rating Criteria. All projects eligible for funding assistance shall be evaluated and assigned a priority rating in accordance with the criteria set forth below and will appear on the project priority list. The Commissioner may determine that large-scale, multi-phase projects be segregated and rated separately. Each project shall be evaluated and given points as applicable for each of the following rating criteria, the sum of which shall determine its priority number. These criteria are consistent with the rating system used to establish federal funding priorities and are shown in the following table: PRIORITY RATING POINT SYSTEM
I. Benefit of project upon adversely impacted potable water supplies. (10 points maximum)A. Impaired water supply affecting less than 25 people-2 points.B. Impaired water supply affecting 26 to 100 people-4 points.C. Impaired water supply affecting 101 to 1,000 people-6 points.D. Impaired water supply affecting 1001 to 5,000 people-8 points.E. Impaired water supply affecting more than 5,000 people-10 points.II. Benefit of project toward attainment of designated water quality standards and goals. (28 points maximum) A. Project is necessary for attainment of water quality standards where the impacted water resource is: 1. Smaller than main stem of a sub-regional drainage basin or groundwater goals will be attained-5 points.2. Main stem of sub-regional drainage basin-10 points.3. Main stem of regional drainage basin-15 points.4. Main stem of major drainage basin-20 points.B. Project will impact coastal areas (considered the equivalent of a regional drainage basin)-15 points. For the purposes of the Priority Rating Point System, the drainage basin designations are defined on the map entitled "Natural Drainage Basins in Connecticut: 1981" prepared by the Natural Resources Center of the Department of Environmental Protection in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey.
C. Project will enable impacted waters to meet minimum dissolved oxygen standards-8 points.III. Project will enhance specific water resource values. (24 points maximum) A. Fishery resources-(6 points maximum). 1. Project will improve recreational fisheries-3 points.2. Project will improve anadromous fisheries-6 points.3. Project will open new streams for fish stocking programs-6 points.B. Shellfish resources-(6 points maximum). 1. Project will lower coliform bacteria levels in the waters of shellfish beds-3 points.2. Project will open new areas for shellfishing-6 points.C. Swimming-(6 points maximum). 1. Project will enhance existing swimming opportunities-3 points.2. Project will allow for new swimming opportunities-6 points.D. Eutrophication-(6 points maximum). 1. Project will reduce eutrophication of a lake or impoundment by diverting septic system discharges out of a drainage basin-3 points.2. Project will reduce eutrophication of a lake or impoundment by providing nutrient removal in a municipal treatment plant or by relocating an existing treatment plant discharge-6 points.IV. Population equivalent (including commercial and industrial waste) initially served by the project. (12 points maximum)A. Less than 5000-2 points.B. 5,000 but less than 10,000-4 points.C. 10,000 but less than 20,000-6 points.D. 20,000 but less than 40,000-8 points.E. 40,000 but less than 75,000-10 points.F. 75,000 or greater-12 points.V. Health and Sanitation Impacts. (6 points) Project will eliminate ponding of sewage from failing septic systems, backup of sewage into basements, or overflow of sewage in streets (combined sewer overflow correction projects are not eligible for points).
VI. Miscellaneous. (20 points maximum)A. Project involves the upgrading of an existing primary facility in order to comply with secondary treatment standards-5 points.B. Project that will result in Commissioner rescinding an Order concerning a sewer connection moratorium-5 points.C. Project will eliminate nuisance odors associated with treatment processes or pump stations but exclusive of large-scale expansion or upgrading of pollution abatement facilities-5 points.D. Remedial action will improve treatment plant operations where treatment standards are already being achieved-5 points.VII. Connecticut Housing Partnership Program-Development Designation Community has received development designation-3 points. Note: In cases where the priority rating or score is the same for two or more projects, the order is determined by the highest score assigned cumulatively in criteria II (total), III (total), and IV. If a tie still remains, preference will be given to those projects ready to proceed at the earliest date within the limit of funds available.