Except as noted below, every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of buying, selling and/or transporting live poultry, the meat of which is to be sold or used for food, shall obtain a license from the commissioner of agriculture and natural resources. Such license will be granted after the applicant has filed application on a special form with said commissioner and has paid the required fee. The following are excepted from the provisions of this section:
(1) Merchants transporting dressed poultry; (2) transportation of poultry by common carriers; (For the purpose of administering section 22-37 of the general statutes, as amended, the following definition of common carrier will apply: "One who transports persons or property indiscriminately for hire.")(3) shipments of poultry originating outside the state of Connecticut for destination within the state or passing through the state, provided a bill of sale shall accompany each shipment; (4) transportation by farmers of poultry entirely of their own raising.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-37-1