Current through December 27, 2024
Section 22-278-1 - DefinitionsThe terms used in Sections 22-278-1 to 22-278-5, inclusive, shall have the following meaning:
(1) "Accredited Veterinarian" means a veterinarian approved by the Administrator of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal & Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS).(2) "Bovine" means all cattle of the genus Bos.(3) "Captive Cervid" means all species of deer, elk, moose and all other members of the family Cervidae including reindeer and caribou of the genus Rangifur raised or maintained in captivity for the production of meat and other agricultural products, for sport or for exhibition.(4) "Captive Cervidae or Captive Cervids" means one or more "Captive Cervid".(5) "Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)" means a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of cervidae.(6) "Comparative Cervical Tuberculin (CCT) Test" means an intradermal injection of biologically balanced USDA bovine Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) tuberculin and avian PPD tuberculin at separate sites in the mid-cervical area of the animal to determine the probable presence of bovine tuberculosis (M. bovis) by comparing the response of the two tuberculins at 72 hours (plus or minus 6 hours) following the injection.(7) "Designated Accredited Veterinarian" means an accredited veterinarian who is trained and approved by cooperative State and Federal animal health officials to conduct the single cervical tuberculin (SCT) test on captive cervids.(8) "Herd" means a group of captive cervids, a group of other livestock, or a group of captive cervids and other livestock maintained at the same location, or two or more groups of captive cervids or captive cervids and other livestock under common ownership or supervision that are geographically separated but that have movement of animals between groups without regard to health status.(9) "Federal Veterinary Medical Officer" means a veterinarian employed by USDA, APHIS.(10) "Livestock" means "Livestock" as defined in Section 22-278 of the Connecticut General Statutes, for example, cattle, bison, swine, goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, captive cervids, antelope and other hooved animals.(11) "Single Cervical Tuberculin (SCT) Test" means the intradermal injection of 0.1 ml (5,000 tuberculin units) of USDA PPD bovis tuberculin in the mid-cervical area of the animal with reading by visual observation and palpation at 72 hours (plus or minus 6 hours) following the injection.(12) "Source herd" means a herd in which the State Veterinarian or federal veterinary medical officer has determined that a captive cervid less than 60 months of age that was diagnosed as CWD positive was born.(13) "Tuberculin" means a product that is approved by and produced under USDA license for injection into cervids and other animals for the purpose of detecting bovine tuberculosis.(14) "Tuberculosis" means the contagious, infectious, and communicable disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis. (Also referred to as bovine tuberculosis.)Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-278-1
Adopted effective September 12, 2001