Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-26gg-25

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 22-26gg-25 - Scoring Values for Community Farms Preservation Program Projects

The Commissioner shall use the following scoring values when considering applications for inclusion in the community farms preservation program established pursuant to section 22-26nn of the Connecticut General Statutes. A minimum total score of 70 points from subsections (a) to (j), inclusive, of this section, is required for further consideration by the Commissioner.

SUITABILITY OF THE LAND FOR AGRICULTURAL USE (Combined point totals of subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall not exceed 25 points)

(a) One point for each acre of land offered that is classified as having prime farmland, or statewide or locally important farmland soils (maximum of 15 points allowed in this subsection).
(b) The offered farmland meets the criteria for USDA farmland preservation funding program, or other equivalent federal cost-share program (10 points).

PROBABILITY THAT THE LAND WILL BE SOLD FOR NON-AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES (Combined point totals of subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, shall not exceed 25 points):

(c) Municipal population change occurring over the previous ten years (maximum of 5 points allowed in this subsection):

none or decrease

0 points

0.01 - 0.99% increase

1 point

1.00 - 1.99% increase

2 points

2.00 - 2.99% increase

3 points

3.00 - 4.99% increase

4 points

5% or greater

5 points

(d) Amount of farmland, forest land, or open space converted to non-agricultural uses within the municipality over the previous five years (per property sales and changes to land designation under sections 12-107a to 12-107f, inclusive, of the Connecticut General Statutes, from a municipal tax assessor) (maximum of 10 points allowed in this subsection):


0 points

0.01 - 49.99 acres

2 points

50 - 99.99 acres

4 points

100 - 149.99 acres

6 points

150 - 199.99 acres

8 points

200 acres or more

10 points

(e) Estate planning, farm business planning, existing leases (Only one selection possible. Maximum of 10 points allowed in this subsection):
(1) Offered farmland is being farmed by the owner with an existing farm business plan (10 points)
(2) Existing estate planning or settlement directing assets to the next generation of farmers (10 points)
(3) Owner actively seeking a farmer as a buyer through Connecticut Farmlink, or will be selling to current farm lessee (10 points)
(4) Offered farmland is subject to a written lease held by an agricultural producer for at least five years (7 points)
(5) Offered farmland is subject to a written lease held by an agricultural producer for a duration of one year to four years eleven months (4 points)

THE CURRENT PRODUCTIVITY AND THE LIKELIHOOD OF CONTINUED PRODUCTIVITY OF THE FARMLAND (Combined point totals of subsections (f), (g) and (h) of this section shall not exceed 25 points)

(f) Existing farm infrastructure (Only one selection possible. Maximum of 7 points allowed in this subsection):
(1) Agricultural buildings and structures are functional and need only minor renovations (2 points)
(2) Agricultural buildings and structures are functional and do not need renovations (3 points)
(3) Offered farmland currently supports a core farm which is owned by the applicant and the core farm contains a functional farmhouse, agricultural building and structure (5 points)
(4) Offered farmland currently supports a core farm that is owned by the applicant, the core farm contains functional agricultural buildings and structures, and the core farm is preserved agricultural land with an existing conservation restriction (7 points)
(g) Amount of cropland in food or fiber production, whether by owner or lessee, as a percentage of the total farmland being preserved (maximum of 8 points allowed in this subsection):

less than 20%

0 points

20 - 39.99%

2 points

40 - 59.99%

4 points

60 - 79.99%

6 points

80 - 100%

8 points

(h) Likelihood of continued productivity of the farmland (maximum of 10 points allowed in this subsection):
(1) Owner abides by a current NRCS soil conservation plan or restoration plan (3 points)
(2) Offered farmland has been in, or is currently part of, the farmland restoration program operated by the Department (4 points)
(3) Offered farmland has been in active agricultural production for at least the prior five years (5 points)
(4) Irrigation water is or will be available on the offered farmland by the time the offered farmland is preserved (5 points)
(i)DEMONSTRATED LEVEL OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT (maximum of 25 points allowed in this subsection):
(1) At least one municipality, land conservation organization or community nonprofit organization agrees to become a project partner and assists with the due diligence process or with acquiring farmland preservation funding contribution toward the acquisition of development rights (16 points)
(2) Regular farm-to-school contract (2 points)
(3) Offered farmland acreage part of community supported agriculture (CSA) operation (4 points)
(4) On-farm store or farm stand sales (2 points)
(5) Consumer "pick-your-own" operation on the offered farmland (2 points)
(6) Sale of agricultural products at Connecticut farmers market(s) (2 points)

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-26gg-25

Effective 12/13/2023