The period of exposure for complete chemical sterilization is arrived at by adding to the time required to destroy germs by formaldehyde one-half the time required by any given insecticide to kill insects and insect eggs. In no instance shall the total time for complete sterilization be less than the time required by the given insecticide to kill all insect life. The periods of exposure required for complete sterilization with formaldehyde and each of the listed insecticides are given below. The temperature in all cases shall be not less than 75°F.
(a)Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide ("carboxide"). If three pounds of this chemical mixture per one thousand cubic feet are used, the exposure time shall be one-half of twelve hours exposure to the insecticide, plus ten hours exposure to formaldehyde, a total of sixteen hours. If five pounds per one thousand cubic feet are used, the time of exposure shall be one-half of eight hours for the insecticide plus ten hours for formaldehyde or fourteen hours all told.(b)Hydrocyanic acid gas. To be used only by licensed operatives. Exposure time for hydrocyanic acid gas, six hours plus ten hours for formaldehyde or sixteen hours all told.(c)Methyl formate and carbon dioxide ("malium"). Six hours plus ten hours total sixteen hours.(d)Ethylene dichloride and carbon tetrachloride. Fourteen hours plus ten hours, total twenty-four hours.(e)Carbon tetrachloride. Fourteen hours plus ten hours, total twenty-four hours.(f)Sulphur dioxide. Ten hours plus ten hours, total twenty hours.(g)Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT). Six hours plus ten hours for formaldehyde treatment, total sixteen hours. (For quantities of chemicals, see Regs. 21a-235-23, 21a-235-24.)
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 21a-235-20