Current through December 27, 2024
Section 19a-76-2 - Basic local health program(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, to be eligible for state grants under section 19a-202 or section 19a-245 of the Connecticut General Statutes or section 19a-202a of the Connecticut General Statutes health departments shall ensure the provision of a basic public health program in accordance with subsection (b) below. The health department may ensure the provision of a program by directly providing the service, contracting with another health department or community agency or coordinating public health services with other community or regional resources providing specialized services. Nothing in these regulations shall prohibit any health department from providing health services in addition to the basic services described in subsection (b) below.(b) The basic health program to be provided shall include the following services that prevent disease or reduce conditions that have an adverse effect on health: (1) Public health statistics. There shall be participation in a mechanism for the collection, tabulation, analysis and reporting of public health statistics for the health jurisdiction served;(2) Health education. There shall be public and professional information and education with emphasis on prevention and individual responsibility for health status, community organization and outreach;(3) Nutritional services. There shall be a nutrition program including appropriate activities in education and consultation for the promotion of positive health, the prevention of ill health, and the dietary control of disease;(4) Maternal and child health. There shall be a comprehensive plan for maternal and child health services to include but not necessarily be limited to:(A) Prenatal, childbearing, and reproductive care;(C) Child and adolescent health including school health;(E) Genetic disease control;(5) Communicable and chronic disease control(A) There shall be preventive services including immunization, screening, consultation, diagnostic services, epidemiological investigation, and community education;(B) The qualifying health department shall identify resources and provide referral for treatment and rehabilitation of persons with communicable, chronic, and handicapping conditions including, but not necessarily limited to, tuberculosis, venereal disease, cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease;(C) There shall be a plan for the prevention and control of vision, hearing, and dental problems;(6) Environmental services. These shall include activities relating to water, food, air, wastes, vectors, housing, bathing places, safety, noise, toxic hazards, and nuisances in the community and work place;(7) Community nursing services. There shall be provision for community nursing need to implement programs for which the qualifying health department is responsible;(8) Emergency medical services. There shall be provision for the development and implementation of an emergency medical service system to include: identification of primary services, written mutual aid and mass casualty plans, and participation in regional planning.(c) A municipality that has designated itself as having a part-time health department may ensure the provision of a basic public health program as described in subsection (b) of this section by directly providing the service, contracting with another health department or community agency or coordinating public health services with other community or regional resources providing specialized services.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-76-2
Effective December 15, 1983; Amended April 29, 1999