The following tests should be done on a sample of air obtained from the compressor after it has been in operation for at least ten minutes thereby permitting observation of the effects of heating the motor.
When the sample is collected on silica gel, the oil may be analyzed by extraction with a known volume of carbon tetrachloride and compared for fluorescence under a "dark lamp", using known quantities of S.A.E. No. 30 petroleum lubricating oil in carbon tetrachloride for standards.
An alternate method may be used, by collecting a known volume of air on a molecular filter sampler and comparing the "black light" fluorescence with known standard quantities of S.A.E. No. 30 oil. For example, with the "RV Black Light", a 30 microgram quantity of lubricating oil can be detected on a 47 mm molecular filter paper. Thus a 6 liter air sample, through a molecular filter, will detect a concentration of 5 mg/M3 of oil mist. Repeated samples, at higher or lower total air volume, can be collected to estimate the magnitude of oil mist concentration.
Mineral or silicone oil which occasionally are used for compressor lubrication do not fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Where these oils are used assay should be done by gravimetric analysis at a micro-chemical laboratory.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19-66c-1