Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-145-75

Current through June 15, 2024
Section 17a-145-75 - Health and medical treatment. Administration of first aid. Prescription medication. Administration of medicine or treatment. Written records. Storage of drugs, medicines, and instruments. Sick room, telephone
(a) The facility shall provide for the health and medical treatment needs of children by having a written plan which specifies the arrangements for the provision of preventive, routine, elective and emergency medical care. The facility shall provide or arrange for qualified medical care for its residents, including medical emergency treatment, on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis.
(b) There shall be written policies and procedures, reviewed by a physician at least quarterly, for the administration of first-aid; care of residents with minor illnesses, injuries or special conditions; and for the administration or use by residents of patent medicines.
(c) The facility shall only permit prescription medication to be administered to a child upon the written order of a licensed physician who has examined the child in an appropriate manner for the condition and its treatment. Orders for prescription medication should be reviewed at intervals appropriate for that child and his/her treatment, as specified in writing by a physician, and at least quarterly.
(d) The facility shall permit only staff who have been fully instructed in the proper administration, expected and untoward effects, and contraindications to continued administration of a prescribed medicine or treatment to administer that medicine or treatment. The facility shall have a written policy specifying the criteria used for designating staff to administer medication and a written plan for training staff. The facility shall maintain a current, written roster of staff designated to administer medication. There shall be periodic reviews and updating of staff's knowledge about medication and other treatments and their administration.
(e) A written record shall be kept of the administration of all prescriptive and non-prescriptive medicine to a resident, identifying the medicine and dosage, time of administration and the person who administered the medicine.
(f) All drugs, medicines and medical instruments shall be kept in a locked cabinet accessible only to designated staff members. A resident may keep and administer prescribed medicines himself only with the written approval of a physician and the agreement of designated staff that this practice would not be a risk for other children in residence.
(g) The facility shall ensure that residents, in the event of sickness have an area which is comfortable, safe and allows appropriate privacy.
(h) A telephone with posted emergency medical and poison information numbers shall be available in all health care areas.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-145-75

Effective February 1, 1994