This section describes the right of the Connecticut Department on Aging in suspending, terminating or closing out grants, and the handling of all assets and records.
By suspension, the Connecticut Department on Aging means temporary withdrawal of the grantee's authority to obligate grant funds pending corrective action by the grantee/contractor or a decision to terminate the grant/contract. By termination, the Connecticut Department on Aging means permanent withdrawal of the grantee's/contractor's authority to obligate previously awarded grant or contract funds before that authority would otherwise expire. It also means the voluntary relinquishment of that authority by the grantee. In the case of contractors, contractors may not voluntarily relinquish a contract without the right of the Connecticut Department on Aging to reprocure the goods or services and charge the original contractor for any additional costs the Connecticut Department on Aging incurs by virtue of the Contractor's decision to withdraw from the contract.
When a grantee or contractor has failed to comply with a material requirement in the terms and conditions of the grant or contract, the Connecticut Department on Aging shall, upon reasonable notice to the grantee or contractor, suspend the grant or contract in whole or in part. The notice of suspension will state the reasons for the suspension, any corrective action required, and the effective date. Suspensions ordered by the Connecticut Department on Aging shall remain in effect until the grantee or contractor has taken satisfactory corrective action, or has presented satisfactory evidence that such corrective action will be taken, or until termination of the grant or contract.
Typical of matters that could be the basis of a suspension are inadequacies in a grantee's or contractor's financial management system, delays in completing the annual audit, failure to adequately monitor or follow up its subgrantees, excessive delays in disbursing funds to a subrecipient, thereby undermining its ability to perform, and similar temporary problems.
The Connecticut Department on Aging may terminate any grant or contract in whole or in part at any time before the time of expiration, in accordance with the provisions of the contract relating to termination, or whenever it determines that the grantee or contractor has materially failed to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant or contract. The Connecticut Department on Aging will promptly notify the grantee or contractor in writing of the determination and the reasons for the termination, together with the effective date.
Termination on other grounds can include: by mutual consent of the grantee or contractor and the Connecticut Department on Aging, or by notice from the grantee or contractor, setting forth the reasons and effective date of the termination. Matters over which the Connecticut Department on Aging will consider the basis for a cancellation include:
In taking into consideration whether or not to terminate a grant or contract for other than life-safety reasons, the record the Connecticut Department on Aging compiles in notifying the grantee or contractor in writing of material deficiencies, adequate opportunity given for improvement and technical assistance offered, and the responsiveness and effectiveness of the grantee's or contractor's corrective actions will weigh heavily in the decision to terminate or not terminate.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-306-39