Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-306-29

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 17a-306-29 - General program income

The purpose of this section is to set forth the Connecticut Department on Aging's fiscal policies in the definition, treatment and use of program income and interest earned.

(a)Acceptable Methods for General Program Income

For Title III-B and C of the Older Americans Act, area agencies on aging are authorized to observe the cost sharing or matching alternative. Under this alternative, the income is used for allowable costs of the project or program but, in this case, the costs borne by the income may count toward satisfying a cost-sharing or matching requirement. Therefore, the maximum percentage of Federal participation is applied to total allowable costs and third-party in-kind contributions. The income shall be used for current costs unless the granting agency authorizes deferral to a later period.

(b)Application to General Program Income of Profit from Fundraising, Fee-for Service, Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Ventures

Where income is derived from activities funded partially or completely by a grant or counted as a direct cost toward meeting cost sharing or matching requirement, it shall be considered program income.

(c)Treatment of Interest Earned on Advances

Provided an area agency on aging doesn't overrequest funds in violation of Treasury Circular 1075, interest earned on Title III funds passed through the Connecticut Department on Aging is the area agency on aging's own funds. Such funds may be used as cash match, to expand any approved program or in furtherance of any activity of benefit to the elderly and approved by its Board of Directors and contained in the area plan.

(d)Allowable Investment and Custody Policies

The investment of available Federal or state funds must be directed by two principles:

(1) to protect all funds received from unreasonable loss or diminished value, and
(2) to earn a reasonable return on funds not expected to be disbursed immediately. In furtherance of such principles, the following investments are authorized:
(A) Any interest bearing account that is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(B) NOW accounts.
(C) Treasury notes, bills and bonds, specifically, participation in funds wholly backed by U.S. Treasury notes, bills, and bonds.
(D) Certificates of Deposits (CDs) purchased from Connecticut chartered banks. CDs must be Any interest bearing account that is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(E) Participation in a cash management service administered by a Connecticut-chartered bank, which assures that all funds so invested are:
(i) fully secured by direct obligations of the United States government,
(ii) fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(e)Timing of Spending General Program Income

To avoid any excessive accumulation of funds the Connecticut Department on Aging has determined that general program income earned shall be spent in the year in which it is earned. If it is earned near the end of the agency's fiscal year and the agency is unable to spend this income by then, it shall at least be spent before the expenditure of any Federal or state funds in the beginning of the next fiscal year.

(f)Special Internal Control Safeguards over Participant Contributions

Because of the cash nature of participant contributions, agencies should exert special safeguards over such funds. At a minimum, agencies receiving cash for participant contributions should employ one or all of the following precautions:

(1) have two persons count all cash contributions;
(2) deposit the amount intact;
(3) deposits should be made on a daily basis;
(4) until deposit, all cash contributions should be maintained in a secure place;
(5) counts of cash should be regularly compared with the deposit receipts received from the bank;
(6) for home-delivered meals, a combination of lock boxes in the vans and/or mailed contributions should be used with responsibilities for counting cash;
(7) staff should be rotated periodically, if staffing permits, etc.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-306-29

Effective November 8, 1991