Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-306-26

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 17a-306-26 - Personnel policies

This section sets forth those fiscal-related policies pertaining to personnel, fringe benefits and travel reimbursement.

(a)Clearance of Key Area Agency on Aging Personnel

The Board of Directors of the area agency on aging shall have the authority to hire and otherwise supervise the activities of the area agency on aging Executive Director. Any replacements to an area agency on aging Executive Director vacancy shall be hired using a job description developed in conjunction with the Connecticut Department on Aging.

(b)Biennial Survey of Salaries of Certain Employees

Once every two years, the area agency on aging shall conduct, have conducted or obtain data from a survey of the comparability of Fair Labor Standards Act exempt position holders in the local labor market. This survey data should be obtained from comparable human service organizations, with the approximate same number of employees and funding level in the local geographic area. This survey should especially seek to obtain salary data from counterpart human service organizations such as the welfare agency, community action agency, JTPA-funded agency, local health and welfare agency, etc. The results of this salary survey should be used in periodically adjusting the agency's salaries and be maintained on file.

(c)Area Agency on Aging Compliance with the Federal Hatch Act

5 U.S.C. 1501-1508 relates to prohibitions on state or local government employees from influencing elections and taking part in political campaigns. Nonpartisan candidates and persons who exercise no functions in connection with the activity as well as individuals employed by an educational or research institute are exempt. As nonprofit organizations, area agency employees are also exempt from the Hatch Act.

(d)Taking Security Deposits and Making Payments on Behalf of Clients

Unless an area agency on aging has an approved program for such purposes and any such security deposits and payments are explicitly covered under the agency's fidelity bond coverage, all officers, employees, volunteers and agents shall be precluded from taking security deposits or from making payments on behalf of participants of programs funded under the Older Americans Act. In situations where such programs are provided for and explicitly covered under the agency's fidelity bond coverage, adequate safeguards shall be set in place and periodically policed.

(e)Reimbursement for Overtime Premium for Professionals

For Fair Labor Standards Act-exempt personnel, nothing higher than straight time at the regular rate of pay in the form of pay or compensatory time in lieu of pay shall be paid for overtime. For nonexempt personnel, a premium of 50% of the regular rate of pay shall be paid with the prior approval of the Connecticut Department on Aging with the exception of emergencies. In cases where approval cannot be obtained, an area agency on aging must use its own funds to cover such extra costs.

(f)Area Agency on Aging Out-of State Travel

Provided the costs for out-of-state travel are taken from the travel line item of the area agency on aging budget, area agencies on aging are not required to obtain prior approval from the Connecticut Department on Aging. In situations where funding is budgeted in other than the "travel" line item, it will be necessary to obtain prior written approval for out-of-state travel.

(g)Ceilings on Per Diem Rates for Travel in Continental United States

Area agencies on aging shall adopt uniform travel regulations adhering to reimbursement for expenses incurred on authorized agency travel not to exceed the daily reimbursement rate established for comparable personnel employed by the State of Connecticut.

(h)Support for Labor Distribution
(1) Charges to awards for salaries and wages, whether treated as direct costs or indirect costs, will be based on documented payrolls approved by a responsible supervisory official of the area agency on aging. The distribution of time worked must be supported by personnel activity reports.
(2) Labor distribution reports should be prepared and controlled according to the following minimum standards:
(A) Employees, including subcontracted employees, performing in-house work are responsible for preparing their own timecards/timesheets.
(i) Employees must be provided clear instructions of the work to be performed and the grant to be charged.
(ii) Timecards/timesheets must be prepared in ink.
(iii) Timecards/timesheets must be filled out as work is performed, but no less often than daily.
(iv) All hours worked must be recorded on the timecards/timesheets.
(B) Timecards/timesheets must be signed by employees and the supervisor only after they are filled out.
(C) Corrections are to be made by cross-out and new entry, with no erasures or whiteouts.
(i) Corrections are to be initialed by the employee and supervisor.
(ii) An explanation must be provided for corrections.
(D) Distribution and collection of timecards and/or timesheets must be controlled.
(i) Only one card is to be prepared per employee per period.
(ii) Timecards/timesheets must be turned in to a designated timekeeping office or collected by an authorized person.
(E) Responsibility for distribution and collection of timecards/timesheets should be segregated from that for:
(i) Preparation and approval of time and attendance records.
(ii) Preparation and distribution of the payroll.
(iii) Monitoring performance to budgets.
(F) New employees must be fully indoctrinated on proper timecard/timesheet procedures. Employees must be made aware of their independent responsibility for accurate timecard/timesheet preparation.
(G) Periodic internal reviews are to be performed of the timekeeping system to assure compliance with system controls.
(H) Overtime hours are to be approved in advance and justification provided.
(I) A list of supervisors authorized to approve timecards/timesheets is to be maintained along with signature cards kept on file by the timekeeping office.
(i)Reasonable Fringe Benefit Elements

Individual fringe benefits elements are considered allowable provided that total compensation is reasonable for the service rendered. Besides those fringe benefits (i.e., Old-Age, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance (OASDHI), unemployment compensation and workers' compensation), which employers in the State of Connecticut must maintain, the cost of pensions, medical care, term life insurance premiums, paid sick leave, vacation and holidays will be considered allowable, if reasonable in amount. Any other proposed fringe benefit must be submitted to the Connecticut Department on Aging for review and approval.

(j)Up-to-Date Job Description for all Title III-Funded Positions

For all paid and volunteer positions funded by Title III of the Older Americans Act, the area agency on aging shall maintain an up to date and complete job description. This job description should cover the scope of each position-holder's duties and responsibilities and minimum entry-level standards of performance. These job descriptions should be updated as job content changes or for any reorganization of duties or jobs.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-306-26

Effective November 8, 1991