Current through December 27, 2024
Section 17a-392-9 - Participation. Term(a) Eligibility for and participation in the program is established when a valid program application is approved, and remains in effect until the expiration date stated on the Connecticut Medicare assignment card, unless such card is revoked earlier.(b) A valid PACE identification card together with proof of participation in Medicare Part B, shall be treated as a Connecticut Medicare assignment card issued pursuant to the act, for all purposes under the act and these regulations, until the expiration date stated on the PACE card, and no person having a PACE identification card shall be required to make separate application for a Connecticut Medicare assignment card in order to obtain benefits under the act.(c) The eligibility effective date and expiration date shall appear on the face of the Medicare Assignment Card issued by the department to eligible applicants. Such expiration date shall not extend beyond the second anniversary of the eligibility effective date.(d) A program participant may request a redetermination of eligibility by completing and submitting an application to the Department prior to the expiration date on his or her Connecticut Medicare assignment card. Eligibility will continue without interruption if an applicant completes and submits an application establishing eligibility pursuant to the Act and these regulations at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. If an application form establishing eligibility is not submitted by that date, eligibility will be established upon the department's approval of a later filed application.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-392-9
Effective December 17, 1992