Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-1-132

Current through June 15, 2024
Section 16-1-132 - Subscriber votes
(a) In all cases where a petition is found to be in the public interest and otherwise conforms to these rules, the Authority shall direct the telephone company to conduct a survey of all subscribers in the area proposed to be transferred. The vote of subscribers shall be initiated within sixty (60) days after the hearing required in Section 16-1-131 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. Each separately billed subscriber is entitled to only one vote. Responses to such a ballot shall be submitted to the telephone company no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the sixty (60) day voting period for counting under the direction of the Authority. The ballots for such votes shall clearly and plainly state:
(1) The change in local service rates, if any, to which the subscribers would be subject due to different exchange classifications under currently effective tariffs, if the area transfer were approved.
(2) The exchanges, towns and three (3) digit telephone number prefixes which would be accessible to the subscribers if the area transfer were approved.
(3) The exchanges, towns and three (3) digit telephone number prefixes which would no longer be accessible to the subscribers if the area transfer were approved.
(4) The three (3) digit telephone number prefix(es) to which subscribers telephone numbers would be changed if the area transfer were approved.
(b) Modification of exchange boundaries (area transfer) shall be ordered if the Authority finds that at least 50 percent (50%) of those subscribers surveyed respond and at least 60 percent (60%) of those, vote in favor. Only validly completed and signed ballots shall be used in computing the percentages. An area transfer so ordered shall be mandatory for all customers in the subject area.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-1-132

Effective September 27, 1988; Amended February 5, 2016