A permit holder who desires to operate a greater number of vehicles in livery service than authorized may make application to the Division, in which application the permit holder shall state the number of additional vehicles desired, and the reasons and causes applicable to public convenience and necessity for the additional service sought.
A copy of said application shall be provided by the applicant to the Commissioner of Transportation, the mayor of each city, the warden of each borough or town or the first selectman, and any common carrier within the territory specified. Upon filing said application with the division, the permit holder must, within ten (10) days, publish in a newspaper or newspapers having circulation in the territory specified, a notice of the application.
In the absence of any written opposition, after a period of thirty (30) days of the filing of said application, the Division may grant an uncontested application at a regularly scheduled public hearing on all uncontested applications then pending, which hearing will be held at the offices of the Division at 10:00 a.m., on the second Wednesday of every other month, said hearing to commence upon acceptance of these regulations by the Secretary of the State, in accordance with section 4-172 of the Connecticut General Statutes. In any case wherein the Division receives written opposition to the application, the Division shall schedule a special public hearing to be held on that contested application and shall make public notice of the pendency of said contested application as required by law.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-325-8