Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-11-107

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 16-11-107 - Meter reading and bill form
(a) Meters shall be read each month at regular scheduled intervals, unless special permission is granted by the authority. Bills shall be rendered promptly. Estimated bills may be submitted to non-residential customers when it is impracticable to read meters at regular periods. Efforts shall be made to avoid rendering two consecutive estimated bills. Estimated bills of residential customers shall be rendered in accordance with the provisions of section 16-3-102 of the regulations of Connecticut state agencies.
(b) The meter reading date may be advanced or postponed not more than five days without adjustment of the billing for the period.
(c) Every electric company shall show on all periodically rendered bills, the present and previous meter reading dates, the present meter reading, the kilowatt hours consumed, the rate designation, the fuel charge rate, if any, the amount of the bill, and such other information as will, in conjunction with its published rates, make possible a recomputation of the charges assessed.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-11-107

Effective June 7, 1978