Current through December 27, 2024
Section 15-15a-16 - Boarding and disembarking areas(a) There is established mandated pilot boarding and disembarking areas at the following locations: Point Judith Pilot Station; latitude 41°-17' N, longitude 071°- 30.5' W. Montauk Point Pilot Station; latitude 41°-02' N, longitude 071°-42' W. All Connecticut State Marine Pilots shall board or disembark vessels bound to or from the waters described in section 15-15a-6(m) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies in the vicinity of either of the two designated pilot stations, except that no vessel with a draft in excess of 38 feet shall be piloted through Montauk Channel. Pilots utilizing Montauk Channel shall consider draft, sea swell, wind, visibility, current and vessel traffic. When these conditions pose a threat to the safety of any person, vessel prudent navigation or safety of the environment, Montauk Point Pilot Station and Montauk Channel shall not be used. Any Pilot found to be in violation of the foregoing shall be subject to sanctions such as fines, license suspension and license revocation.(b) The pilot shall notify the master of an inbound vessel in a timely manner of the exact location of where the pilot shall board the vessel.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 15-15a-16
Effective November 12, 1991; Amended January 3, 2011