Conn. Agencies Regs. § 15-121-A4

Current through September 27, 2024
Section 15-121-A4 - Navigational markers
(a)Construction. Navigational markers shall be buoys or beacons lighted or unlighted and whose size, shape, color and material are as designated in this section and approved by the Commissioner upon application.
(b)Colors and purposes.
(1)Well defined channels. Solid-green and solid-red colored buoys indicate well-defined channels. A red and a green buoy shall be installed at both ends of the channel. Any staggering of the green and red buoys shall be limited to instances where they are close enough together to eliminate any possible confusion, and they shall be installed in conformity with the buoys at the beginning of the channel. If numbers are used, such numbers shall be colored white and may be reflectorized. Odd numbers shall be used on green buoys and even numbers on red buoys. To distinguish the state uniform system from the federal lateral system, all numbered state uniform system navigational marker buoys shall have the prefix CT before the number. In cases where there are no numbers, the letters CT shall be painted white.
(2)Channels not well-defined. Where there is no well-defined channel, or where the obstruction is of such a nature or in such a location that it can be approached from more than one direction, a cardinal system shall be used, by using a white colored buoy with a red top or a white buoy with a green top, the width of the top color to be approximately one-third of the portion of the buoy showing above the water level. Navigation shall be to the south or west of the red-topped buoys, and to the north or east of the green-topped buoys. Numbers may be used on these buoys. If numbers are used, they shall be colored white and may be reflectorized and shall be placed in the top portion of the buoy. Odd numbers shall be used on green-topped buoys and even numbers on red-topped buoys. This subdivision pertains to state waters only.
(3)Reflectorized material. If reflectorized material or reflectors are used, the reflective color red shall be used on solid-red colored buoys and the reflective color green shall be used on solid-green colored buoys except where numbers are painted, in which case, the number's reflective color shall be white. All other buoys used in the cardinal system may have silver or white reflectors or reflectorized material.
(4)Navigational lights. All navigational lights shall be flashing; the color of the light lens shall be red for solid-red colored buoys, green for solid-green colored buoys and white for all other buoys.
(5)Lights on bridges. All lights on bridges shall be fixed red lights marking the edges of the safe channel with a single fixed green light placed over the center of the safe channel to indicate maximum vertical clearance at that point.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 15-121-A4

Effective August 25, 1987; Amended March 9, 2004