Certification of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
- Section 13a-165-1 - Statement of purpose
- Section 13a-165-2 - Definitions
- Section 13a-165-3 - Disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) program
- Section 13a-165-4 - DBE eligibility criteria
- Section 13a-165-5 - Submission of application
- Section 13a-165-6 - Application review
- Section 13a-165-7 - DBE certification panel
- Section 13a-165-8 - Certification determination
- Section 13a-165-9 - Reciprocity
- Section 13a-165-10 - Certification period, update and review
- Section 13a-165-11 - Prequalification update/modification
- Section 13a-165-12 - Grounds for decertification
- Section 13a-165-13 - Decertification procedures
- Section 13a-165-14 - Temporary certification
- Section 13a-165-15 - Federal appeal