Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-A23

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 12-574-A23 - Stewards
(a)Number, appointment, compensation, license. There shall be three (3) stewards to supervise each race meeting: The commission steward appointed by the commission, who shall be the presiding steward, and two (2) stewards appointed by the association conducting the meeting. The compensation paid to the steward appointed by the commission shall be paid by the commission. All stewards and deputy stewards must be licensed by the commission and pay the fee, if any, required by the act.
(b)Deputy and temporary stewards. The association shall appoint two (2) deputy stewards to serve in the absence of the association stewards. In the event of an emergency, where a deputy steward who is called to duty is absent or cannot be present in time, the association may appoint a temporary steward from the licensed officials employed by the association. The association shall make a full written report of the absence of a steward or deputy steward to the commission immediately including therein the names of the replacements. Appointments of temporary stewards and utilization of deputy stewards shall be made only with the full knowledge and consent of the duly authorized representative of the commission at the track. Appointments of temporary stewards are valid only for the day of their appointment. Likewise, the commission shall appoint a deputy steward to act in the absence of the commission steward. In the event the commission steward or his deputy is absent, the rules governing temporary stewards appointed by the association shall govern. Deputy stewards may also be licensed as an official who is employed by the association but must have a license to act as a deputy steward.
(c)Emergency substitute.
(1) When vacancies occur among the officials, other than the stewards, and the association has not notified the stewards prior to the time fixed for the first race of the day that it has been filled, the stewards shall fill such vacancy immediately, said appointment to stand for the day only.
(2) Should the vacancy occur after the racing for the day has started, the stewards shall fill the vacancy at once, the appointment standing for the day only; unless the association shall fail to fill the vacancy on the following day and notify the stewards of their action one hour before the time fixed for the first race.
(3) Emergency substitutes shall be persons holding a license from the commission as an official.
(d)Power of stewards. The stewards have power to regulate and control the conduct of all officials and of all owners, trainers, jockeys, grooms and other persons attendant on horses. Such stewards shall exercise such powers and perform such duties at each race as may be prescribed by these rules and regulations. The stewards have power, as they think proper, to make and, if necessary, to vary all arrangements for the conduct of the meeting and to determine all questions, within a reasonable time, arising in reference to racing at the meeting, subject to appeal to the commission. They shall compile a "stewards' list" upon which they shall enter the names of all horses at the track prohibited from starting.
(e)Accept decision of stewards. Persons entering horses to run on licensed Connecticut tracks agree in so doing to accept the decision of the stewards on any questions relating to a race or to racing.
(f)Majority rule. A majority vote of the stewards will decide all questions.
(g)Complaints against officials. Every complaint against an official shall be made to the stewards in writing, and signed by the complainant.
(h)Locking machines. The commission steward shall lock all pari-mutuel ticket issuing machines and sound the off-bell not later than the advertised post time, except that the commission steward may delay the locking of the ticket selling machines in unusual circumstances. It shall be the duty of the stewards to see to it that the horses arrive at the starting gate as near to post time as possible.
(1) A protest, except a protest involving fraud, may be filed only by the owner (or his authorized agent), trainer or jockey of a horse engaged in the race over which the protest is made or by a racing official of the meeting.
(2) A protest involving fraud may be made by any person.
(3) A protest, except a claim growing out of happenings in the running of the race, must be made in writing, signed by the complainant and filed with the stewards before post time of the race in question.
(4) To merit consideration, a protest against the programmed distance of a race must be made at least thirty (30) minutes before post time for that race.
(5) To merit consideration, a protest against a horse based on a happening in a race must be made to the stewards before the placing of the horses for that race has been officially confirmed.
(6) If a jockey wishes to protest a happening in a race, he must so notify the clerk of the scales, immediately upon his arrival at the scales for weighing in, and the clerk of the scales shall immediately notify the stewards that a protest has been made.
(7) Before the consideration for a protest, the stewards may demand a deposit of $50 to be made with the horsemen's accountant. This deposit shall be applied to the costs and expenses. Any excess shall be refunded unless the protest is found to be frivolous, in which case the deposit may be assessed as a fine, and remitted to the state of Connecticut.
(8) A person or persons lodging a protest must pay all costs and expenses incurred. If the objection is upheld, the cost shall be paid by the offender.
(9) Pending the determination of a protest, any money or prize won by a protested horse or any other money affected by the outcome of the protest, other than parimutuel wagers, shall be paid to and held by the horsemen's accountant until the protest is determined.
(10) A protest may not be withdrawn without permission of the stewards. No person shall make frivolous protests.
(11) The stewards shall keep a record of all protests and complaints and of any action taken thereon; and shall report both daily to the commission.
(j)Access to all facilities. The stewards have control over, and they and the members of the commission and their duly appointed representatives have access to all stands, weighing rooms, enclosures and all other places within the grounds of the association.
(k)Supervision of entries, declarations. The stewards have supervision over all entries and declarations.
(l)Questionable conduct. The stewards shall take notice of any questionable conduct with or without complaint thereof.
(m)Prompt investigation. The stewards must investigate promptly, and render a decision in every protest and in every complaint properly made to them.
(n)Power to exclude, suspend. If the stewards shall find that any person has violated any of the sections of these rules to which their jurisdiction extends or has been involved in any improper turf practice, they may exclude such person from the grounds or any portion of such grounds of the association conducting the meeting for a period not exceeding the remainder of the meeting or 60 days; or they may suspend such person from acting or riding for a period not exceeding the remainder of the meeting or 60 days, or both such exclusion and suspension, and if they consider necessary any further punishment, they shall promptly refer the matter to the commission. The stewards shall exclude from all places under their control persons who are warned or ruled off. They shall also exclude any person declared guilty of any corrupt or fraudulent turf practices by turf authorities of any country, or stewards of any recognized meeting, and the names of all persons penalized shall be promptly reported to the commission.
(o)Imposition of fines.
(1) In place and stead of or in addition to the punishments recited in rule (n) of this section, the steward is hereby authorized to impose a fine in an amount not to exceed $250 for each violation of any of the sections of these rules to which their jurisdiction extends or for any improper turf practice, and each day upon which such violation continues may he considered by the commission steward as a separate violation in assessing the amount of such civil penalty. Before imposing such civil penalty, the commission steward shall give the other two stewards of the meeting a reasonable opportunity to submit recommendations relative to such penalty.
(2) All fines shall be paid to the horsemen's accountant with forty-eight (48) hours after imposition.
(3) Fines collected lay the horsemen's accountant shall be paid to the state of Connecticut.
(p)Violations other than for rule of the race-procedure. When the stewards feel that a rule, other than a rule of the race, has been violated by any person, the procedure shall be as follows:
(1) The person involved shall be summoned to a meeting before the stewards, called for that purpose, which meeting shall be called for as soon as practical after notice of the fact that a violation may have occurred.
(2) Adequate notice of said meeting shall be given the summoned party. The stewards' decision as to what is adequate notice shall be final.
(3) No penalty shall be imposed until such hearing.
(4) Non-appearance of the summoned party after adequate notice shall be construed as a waiver of right to hearing before the stewards.
(5) No special announcement of the hearing or of the alleged infraction of rules shall be made until after said hearing. Immediately after a hearing, provided the matter is settled, the stewards shall transmit their findings in the signed written statement to the commission and to the party in question.
(q)Appeal from penalty. Any person penalized by action of rules (n) or (o) of this section shall have the right to appeal to the commission by filing with the commission within ten (10) days after the imposition of such penalty, a written notice of such appeal; and the commission in determining the appeal may increase or decrease the amount of such penalty, or it may suspend or revoke or otherwise act with respect to the license of the appellant; and the determination of the commission on such appeal shall be final.
(r)Stay of execution. The commission may grant a stay to any person licenser by it, pending appeal, who is affected by any decision of, or penalty, imposed by an official or officials at a race meeting.
(1) The appeal will be filed on form called a "notice of appeal and request for a stay" provided by the commission or upon presentation of a similar request in writing. The stay, if granted, will be at such a time or for such a duration designated by the commission. The commission may require the posting of security, which may be withheld in whole or in part if the appeal was frivolous or without foundation.
(2) The appeal must be filed within ten (10) days after the decision or penalty from which the appeal is taken. It shall be filed at the office of the commission steward. The commission steward shall present a copy of the notice of appeal and request for a stay to the commission on the day received. The commission shall convene a committee of three commissioners to act on the request for a stay as soon as practical after receipt of the request. In no event shall the commission act later than seven (7) days from the receipt of the stay.
(3) The reasons stated in the appeal must be specific.
(s)Persons under suspension. No one under suspension by the commission or the stewards shall be allowed on the grounds of any association unless authorized to be there by the commission or the stewards.
(t)Action by the commission. Whenever under this section a matter has been referred to the commission, the commission shall take such action as it shall deem proper and appropriate.
(u)Permission to exercise.
(1) Permission must be obtained from a steward to exercise a horse between races unless the horse is being warmed up on the way to and just prior to entering the paddock for the next race to be run.
(2) When a horse is being so warmed up before entering the paddock, his official program number shall be displayed by the rider.
(v)Number. In a race, each horse shall carry a conspicuous saddlecloth number and a head number corresponding to his number on the official program. In cases of a fractious horse and with the permission of the paddock judge, the head number may be removed. In the case of an entry, each horse making up the entry shall carry the same number (head and saddlecloth) with a distinguishing letter. For example, 1-1A, 1X. In the case of a field, the horses comprising the field shall carry an individual number, i.e., 12, 13, 14, 15 and so on.
(w)Consent for dismounting. After the horses enter the track, no jockey shall dismount and no horse shall be entitled to the care of an attendant without consent of the stewards or the starter and the horse must be free of all hands other than those of the jockey or assistant starter before the starter releases the barrier.
(1) In case of accident to a jockey, his mount or equipment, the stewards or the starter may permit the jockey to dismount and the horse to be cared for during the delay, and may permit all jockeys to dismount and all horses to be attended during the delay.
(2) In case of accident or casualty to a horse before off-time, the stewards may excuse said horse.
(3) If the jockey is so injured on the way to the post as to require another jockey, the horse shall be taken to the paddock and another jockey obtained.
(1) All horses shall parade and, under penalty of disqualification, shall carry their weight from the paddock to the starting post, such parade to pass the steward's stand.
(2) After entering the track not more than nine (9) minutes shall be consumed in the parade of the horses to the post except in cases of unavoidable delay. After passing the stand once, horses will be allowed to break formation and canter, warm up or go as they please to the post. When horses have reached the post, they shall be started without unnecessary delay.
(z)Blinker. Permission for a horse to add blinkers to his equipment or to discontinue the use of them must be approved by the starter before being granted by the stewards.
(aa)Wilful delay. No person shall wilfully delay the arrival of a horse at the post.
(bb)Striking horse. No person other than the rider, starter, or assistant starter shall be permitted to strike a horse, or attempt, by shouting or otherwise to assist it in getting a start.
(cc)Crossing and weaving.
(1) When clear, a horse may be taken to any part of the course provided that crossing or weaving in front of contenders may constitute interference or intimidation for which the offender may be disciplined.
(2) A horse crossing another so as actually to impede him is disqualified, unless the impeded horse was partly in fault or the crossing was wholly caused by the fault of some other horse or jockey.
(dd)Jostling. If a horse or jockey jostle another horse, the aggressor may be disqualified, unless the jostled horse or his jockey was partly in fault or the jostle was wholly caused by the fault of some other horse or jockey.
(ee)Striking other horse, careless riding. If a jockey wilfully strikes another horse or jockey, or rides wilfully or carelessly so as to injure another horse which is in no way in fault, or so as to cause other horses to do so, his horse is disqualified.
(ff)Disqualification of entry. When a horse is disqualified under rules (cc), (dd) and (ee) of this section, the other horse or horses in the same race coupled as an entry under these regulations may be disqualified by the stewards.
(gg)Complaints made by.
(1) Complaints under rules (cc), (dd) and (ee) of this section can only be received from the owner (or his authorized representative), trainer or jockey of the horse alleged to be aggrieved, and must be made to the clerk of the scales or to the stewards before his jockey has passed the scales. But nothing in this section shall prevent the stewards taking cognizance of foul riding.
(2) A jockey whose horse has been disqualified or who unnecessarily causes his horse to shorten his stride with a view to complaint, or an owner, trainer or jockey who complains frivolously that his horse was crossed or jostled, may be punished.
(hh)Jockey hearing. Any jockey against whom a foul is claimed shall be given the opportunity to present his case to the stewards before any decision is made by them.
(ii)Corrupt instructions. All horses are expected to give their best efforts in races in which they run, and any instructions or advice to jockeys to ride or handle their mounts otherwise than for tile purpose of winning are forbidden and will subject all persons giving or following such instructions or advice to disciplinary action by the stewards and the commission.
(jj)Disqualification of horses. The stewards have power to call for proof that a horse is neither itself disqualified in any respect, nor nominated by nor the property, wholly or in part, of a disqualified person, and in default of such proof being given to their satisfaction, they may declare the horse disqualified.
(kk)Examination of horses. The stewards have power at any time to order an examination, by such person or persons as they think fit, of any horse entered for a race or which has run in a race.
(ll)Using photographic records. Photographic records shall be taken of every race from start to finish and may be used to aid the stewards in determining any question within their jurisdiction.
(mm)Discretionary powers. If any case occurs which is not or which is alleged not to be provided for by these rules and regulations, it shall be determined by the stewards in such manner as serves the best interests of thoroughbred racing; and the stewards may impose such punishment and take such other action in the matter as they may deem to be within the intent of this section, including reference to the commission.
(nn)Minute book and reports. Action by the stewards in performing their duties shall be reported to the commission. The stewards shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after the close of each day, file with the commission a signed report of any and all infractions of the rules coming under their observance that day; and shall file with the commission any and all rulings on infractions or otherwise as soon as said rulings are made. Where one steward disagrees with the majority, that fact shall be noted in the report and the dissenting steward shall have the right to file with the commission a written report setting forth the reason or reasons for the disagreement. The stewards shall keep a minute book, recording therein all complaints made to them and the disposition and all investigations by the stewards and their findings thereon and all rulings made by the stewards.
(oo)In paddock. One of the stewards or his duly appointed representative and the paddock judge shall be in the paddock twenty (20) minutes before each race and until the horses go to the post.
(pp)Starting time. During the racing day, at least one of the stewards shall be present at the office building on the grounds of the association where the race meeting is being held, not later than scratch time of the racing program of the day, to exercise the authority and perform the duties imposed on them by the rules and regulations. At least one of the stewards must be on duty within call of the racing secretary from the scratch time of the racing program of the day until after the drawing of post positions.
(qq)Stewards in stand. There shall be three (3) stewards (no more, no less) in the steward's stand when a race is being run.
(rr)Disqualification. It shall be left to the discretion of the stewards to rule on the disqualification of a horse or horses in a race, and the placing of such horse or horses as a result of the disqualification.
(ss)Substitute riders, trainers. In their discretion, the stewards shall have the right to put upon a horse, a rider selected by them and to place the horse in the charge of a trainer they may select.
(tt)Consult veterinarian. The stewards shall consult with the association veterinarian in each ease where there is a question of a horse's physical fitness to race.
(uu)Unruly horse. The stewards may scratch an unruly horse or place an unruly horse outside the starting gate pursuant to rule (b) of section 12-574-A24.
(vv)Final odds, testing horses. Stewards stall observe the final odds. the respective finish, and the performance of each horse in each race to determine which horses shall be sent to the detention area for the taking of specimens, pursuant to rule (d) of section 12-574-A34 of these rules.
(ww)Final report. At the close of each meeting, the stewards shall make a written report to the commission of the condition of the meeting and any recommendations they deem advisable.
(xx)Stewards supersede other officials. The laws of Connecticut, and the rules and regulations of the commission, supersede the conditions of a race, or the regulations of a race meeting, when their is a conflict, and in matters pertaining to racing, the orders of the stewards supersede the orders of the officials of the association.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-A23