Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-B28

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 12-574-B28 - Owners, drivers, trainers and grooms
(a)Application for driver's license. Every driver at a race meeting shall be required to obtain a license from the commission. Such license shall be presented to the clerk of the course before driving.
(b)Qualification for a driver's license.
(1) In order to be licensed by this commission, a driver must have a current United States trotting association license, either provisional (p), restricted (v), or full drivers (a). In cases where drivers are provisional (p), it shall be noted on the program. In addition to any other requirements mentioned herein, a driver shall be required to submit evidence of an annual eye examination.
(2) In the event any person is involved in an accident on the track, the commission may, at any time in their discretion, require an examination.
(3) All penalties imposed on any driver will be recorded on the reverse side of both his United States trotting association and commission driver's license by the presiding judge.
(c)Trainer's license. A trainer to be licensed must submit a current United States trotting association trainer's license. All other requirements will be in accordance with the United States trotting association rules for a trainer's license.
(d)Grooms, application for license. An applicant for a license as a groom must satisfy the commission that he possesses the necessary qualifications, both mental and physical, to perform the duties required. Elements to be considered, among others, shall be character, reputation, temperament, experience, knowledge of the rules of racing and of the duties of a groom.
(e)Suspension or revocation of drivers', trainers', or grooms' licenses. The license of any driver, trainer or groom may be suspended, revoked, or a money fine may be imposed, at any time for:
(1) Failure to obey the instructions of a racing official.
(2) Failure to drive in a race when programmed, unless excused by the presiding judge.
(3) Consumption of intoxicating beverages within four (4) hours of the first post time of the program on which he is carded to drive.
(4) Appearing in the paddock in an unfit condition to perform his duties.
(5) Fighting.
(6) Assault upon any other person.
(7) Offensive or profane language.
(8) Smoking while on the racetrack in silks and during actual racing hours.
(9) Warming up a horse without silks at any time after the admission gates are open.
(10) Disturbing the peace.
(11) Refusal to take a breath analyzer test when directed by the presiding judge.
(12) Refusal, when requested by the commission, to submit evidence of his ability to perform the duties for which he is licensed, and/or to submit to a physical examination.
(13) Failure to participate in post parade, unless specifically excused by the presiding judge.
(14) Any other act or conduct detrimental to the sport.
(15) Violation of any rule of the commission.
(16) Falsifying or misrepresenting answers on the application for license.
(17) Taking a foot out of the stirrup at any time the sulky is on the race course.
(18) Suspension or revocation of a driver's or trainer's license by the United States trotting association.
(f)Reinstatement of license of drivers, trainers and grooms. A license may be reinstated by the commission, in its discretion, upon application and upon such terms as the commission may prescribe.
(g)Required time drivers should be present in paddock prior to race. Drivers shall be in the paddock at least one hour before post time for the races in which they are scheduled to drive.
(h)Breath analyzer test. Drivers, trainers and grooms shall submit to a breath analyzer test as pursuant to rule (k) (13) of section 12-574-B23.
(i)Colors. To be properly attired, drivers must wear registered colors and white driving pants.
(1) No driver or trainer shall he allowed to drive in any race or public performance, or to otherwise appear on the racetrack during racing program unless wearing his own or his owner's registered colors. No driver may appear in colors registered in the name of another, without the special permission of the presiding judge.
(2) No driver shall be permitted to start in a race or other public performance unless in the opinion of the judges he is properly attired.
(3) When drivers are participating in races in inclement weather, they shall wear rain suits of their registered colors, or rain suits made of a transparent material through which their colors may be distinguished. Those drivers not complying with these requirements must race in their regular colors.
(4) No driver wearing colors shall appear at a betting window, grandstand or clubhouse, or at a bar in a restaurant dispensing alcoholic beverages.
(j)Safety helmets. No driver will be permitted to drive in a race unless he is wearing a protective safety helmet of a type satisfactory to the commission and constructed with a hard shell and containing adequate padding and an adequate chin strap in place.
(k)Drivers' meeting. Before the first race at any meeting is contested the racing officials and drivers shall meet at a time and place to be designated by the presiding judge. Notice of the time and place of such meeting shall be published on the bulletin board in the office of the race secretary at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, and shall be announced over the public address system one (1) hour prior to the meeting.
(1) The officials will announce any special rules affecting the race meeting and shall explain any of the special rules as shall be requested. These special rules shall be posted on the bulletin board in the office of the race secretary at the conclusion of such meeting as specified in rule (k) of this section. It is the driver's responsibility to be familiar with these special rules. Any driver failing to attend such meeting as specified in rule (k) of this section, after being duly notified, may be penalized.
(2) No driver shall he permitted to drive unless he has attended such meetings as specified in rule (k) of this section, or has met with the officials. It shall be the driver's duty to request a meeting with the presiding judge or an associate judge if he has not attended such meeting as specified in rule (k) of this section. Upon such request, it shall be incumbent upon the presiding judge or an associate judge to explain these special rules.
(l)Removal and substitution of drivers. If the judges believe a driver is unfit or incompetent to drive, or if he refuses to comply with the direction of the judges, or is reckless or unmannerly in his conduct, he may be removed and penalized and another driver may be substituted at any time. Compensation of such substitute driver may be fixed at the discretion of the judges.
(m)Owners. Application for license. Every owner desiring to enter a harness horse at a race meeting shall be required to obtain a license from the commission. Such application shall be on forms provided by the commission.
(n)Qualifications for owner's license. Every applicant for a license as an owner in addition to any other requirements mentioned herein shall:
(1) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(2) Submit evidence of good moral character.
(3) Furnish a completed application form.
(4) Where a horse is owned jointly by two or more parties, all parties must comply with rule (n), (1), (2) and (3) of this section.
(5) Where a horse is owned in whole or in part by a corporation, all officers and directors must comply with rule (n), (1), (2) and (3) of this section. In addition, all shareholders must comply with rule (n), (1), (2) and (3) of this section, unless such requirements are expressly waived by the commission.
(6) No corporation or partnership or registered stable of more than ten (10) persons formed after April 1, 1962, shall be allowed either to race or to lease horses for racing purposes except as provided in rule (k) (1) of section 12-574-B9.
(o)Suspension or revocation of owners' licenses. The license of any owner may be suspended, revoked, or a money fine may be imposed for:
(1) Failure to obey the instructions of a racing official.
(2) Failure to race his horse when programmed, unless excused by the presiding judge.
(3) Misconduct or acts detrimental to the sport.
(4) Violation of any rule of the commission.
(5) Falsifying or misrepresenting answers on an application for an owner's license.
(p)Reinstatement of owner's license. A license may be reinstated by the commission, in its discretion, upon application and upon such terms as the commission may prescribe.
(q)Trainer's duty regarding racing of horses. A trainer is responsible for the timely attendance of his horse or horses when they are being raced, and he shall attend his horse in the paddock to supervise the preparation of such horse when it is programmed to race.
(r)Absence of trainer, notice, substitute trainer. If any licensed trainer is to be absent from the track where employed, the presiding judge shall be immediately notified in writing and at that time a licensed substitute trainer, acceptable to the presiding judge, shall be appointed to assume responsibility for the horse or horses racing during the absence of the regular trainer. The name of the substitute trainer shall appear on the program if possible. The presiding judge shall be advised immediately when the regular trainer is present and resumes his duties.
(s)Stable roster requirements. Each employer of grooms at a racetrack is required to submit to the commission office, a stable roster stating the name of each employee and license number. He shall inform the commission immediately of any changes. If any employer does not comply with this requirement, a fine may be imposed against him.
(t)Ownership of horses, prohibited. An association including any individual owner, corporate owner and officers, directors and stockholders thereof shall not be permitted to race any horse owned by them at the track operated by that association.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-B28