The Board of Governors for Higher Education, created under Section 10a-2 of the General Statutes, derives its duties and authority from Chapter 185 of the General Statutes. The Board, consisting of eleven voting members, carries out its responsibilities in accordance with its bylaws and under the applicable provisions of Chapter 3 of the General Statutes. The Board serves as the central policy-making authority for public higher education in Connecticut. The Board, pursuant to Section 10a-5 of the General Statutes, appoints a Commissioner responsible for implementing the policies and directives of the Board. The Commissioner employs the staff for the Department of Higher Education, the administrative arm of the Board. The staff, which collects information and prepares studies, analyses and recommendations for the Board's review and action, is organized into four areas: the Office of the Commissioner; the Division of Financial Affairs; the Division of Academic Affairs; and the Division of Research and Information Services.
The areas of major responsibility within the Department of Higher Education are generally as follows:
The Office of the Commissioner: The Commissioner of Higher Education provides executive leadership and overall direction to all segments of the Department. In articulating and implementing the policies and recommendations of the Board, the Commissioner represents the Board before the Governor, the General Assembly, higher education constituencies and the general public. The responsibility for educational opportunity is within the Commissioner's office and includes (a) assisting the Board in statewide efforts to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation of disadvantaged students; and (b) helping ensure that the staffs of the state's public higher education institutions are representative of the diversity of the total population of the state.
The Division of Financial Affairs: The division consists of three offices: the Office of Budget and Financial Planning, the Office of Facilities Planning, and the Office of Student Financial Assistance. The major functions of the division include financial planning, preparation of operating and capital public higher education budget requests, taking into account budget requests submitted to the Board by the constituent units; facilities planning; development of statewide tuition, fee, and student financial aid policies; and administration of numerous state and federal financial aid programs. Functions related to the internal administration of the Department (purchasing, payroll, budgeting, and accounting) also are performed within this division.
The Division of Academic Affairs: The major tasks performed by this division are those related to academic planning and the assessment of applications for program and institutional licensure and accreditation; the review of unit mission and institutional role and scope statements; and the review of existing academic programs offered by public colleges and universities. In addition, staff of the division are involved in coordination of programs financed through the federal Vocational Education Act, coordination of job training programs under the federal Job Training Partnership Act and review of proposals submitted under the Board's program for contracting with independent colleges.
The Division of Research and Information Services: This division coordinates legislative activities, public information, research and computer services for the Department. Key responsibilities of the division include the preparation of an annual legislative package, administrative regulations and special reports to the General Assembly; liaison to the various committees of the General Assembly; production and dissemination of research reports on issues of concern to the Connecticut higher education system; research support to other areas of the Department; dissemination of information through media to increase community awareness of issues and decisions affecting the Connecticut higher education system; and overseeing the development of a management information system for higher education to provide access to information required for higher education planning, budgeting, and research.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10a-5-1