BESB may provide funding for the purchase of the most effective, least expensive, vision-related adaptive equipment, computers, software and peripherals that are essential to the child's participation in education. All equipment, including computers and adaptive devices with a purchase price of six-hundred dollars or more must be recommended in the child's applicable Education Plan. A computer shall not be considered necessary for vision-related needs and, therefore, shall not be ordered with BESB funds when no adaptive products such as large print or text-to-speech software are required by the student in order to use the computer. All adaptive technology devices, computers, software and peripherals shall be purchased in accordance with State of Connecticut purchasing procedures using state-authorized vendors. Any adaptive equipment from the agency that is currently held by a child or any adaptive equipment from the agency received by a child shall be the property of such child or the child's guardian. At such time as the child or guardian no longer desires the equipment, disposal shall be at the child or guardian's discretion. The cost of maintenance or repair of the equipment shall rest with the child or guardian. In circumstances where a child or guardian requests, the agency shall reimburse the child or guardian for the documented cost of the repair and applicable shipping of said equipment to and from the repair location. The agency shall accept returned equipment.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-295-15