Current through December 27, 2024
Section 10-293-40 - Vocational rehabilitation servicesThe following information is maintained and used by the board in its implementation and operation of a vocational rehabilitation program for eligible blind and seriously visually impaired persons:
(1) Name: Vocational Rehabilitation Client Services and Program.(2) Type: Automated and manual.(3) Purpose: To enable the board to implement a vocational rehabilitation program authorized by Sections 10-306 through 10-308 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Public Law 93-112, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, for the vocational rehabilitation and placement in remunerative employment, persons whose capacity to earn a living has been lost or impaired by reason of lessened visual acuity.(4) Source of Data: Routine sources of information maintained in the Vocational Rehabilitation Client Services and Program file include the client or applicant, physicians and other providers of health care services including psychologists and psychological examiners, rehabilitation centers and workshops, employers and previous employers of the client or applicant, referral sources, records of other agencies both public and private pertaining to the client or applicant's educational, vocational, disability or economic status, and records which may result from an administrative review or fair hearing.(5) Legal Authority: Sections 10-306 through 10-308 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Public Law 93-112, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.(6) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Educational, including performance or grade level and academic achievement;(B) Physical and mental, including diagnosis, past treatment, prognosis, recommended treatment, and physical, mental and emotional capacities and limitations;(C) Vocational including work history, vocational interests, employment potential, and training needs;(D) Economic status including income, dependency on family or others, eligibility for state or other financial assistance or programs; and(E) Social including ability to relate to others, degree of indepence and ability to function in the community.(7) Categories of other Data: Client's or applicant's name, address, telephone number, birth date, social security number and case record number.(8) Category of Person: Blind or seriously visually impaired person whose capacity to earn a living has been lost or impaired as a result of lessened visual acuity and who may reasonably be expected to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services in terms of employability.(9) Use of Records: Information in the Vocational Rehabilitation Client Services and Program file is used by persons identified in Section 10-293-50(a) (5) of these regulations to: (A) establish eligibility or ineligibility of the applicant or client for services;(B) develop an individual written rehabilitation program (IWRP) of services with the client which may include any of the services defined in Section 10-306 of CGS;(D) assist in placement of the client in competitive or other employment;(E) provide post employment services as needed;(F) identify resources needed to meet client needs and to assist in the development of such resources; and(G) develop and plan program budget needs.(10) Retention Schedule: Five (5) years after the case record becomes inactive; financial records after audit or three (3) years and in compliance with federal requirements set forth in Federal Manual Section 74-7. Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-293-40