The purpose of this Rule is to clarify the transition of trainee, apprentice, and associate license types; establish the time period during which an apprentice license shall be valid, and to specify the components of the training required to be completed by apprentices pursuant to section 12-230-204, C.R.S.
A. Unlicensed Trainees and Employees 1. As of July 1, 2013, no new trainee licenses will be issued. Trainee licenses that were issued prior to that date expired on June 30, 2013.2. An unlicensed person in this state training to be a licensed hearing aid provider after June 30, 2013, and prior to June 1, 2014, may do so under the direct, line-of-sight supervision of a licensed hearing aid provider. However, such person is not permitted to sell hearing aids independently of the supervising hearing aid provider, and cannot conduct hearing tests or perform the initial fitting of hearing aids.3. A licensed hearing aid provider may hire and employ unlicensed staff to assist with conducting business practices and to assist in dispensing hearing aids if the unlicensed staff is properly supervised by the licensed hearing aid provider, except that the unlicensed employee(s) may not perform any of the acts listed in section (B)(2) of this Rule, except for subsection (j).B. Licensed Apprentices 1. On or after June 1, 2014, a person in this state training to be a licensed hearing aid provider must possess a valid apprentice license issued by the Director. Any work prior to the issuance of an apprentice license will not apply as training hours towards the apprentice license status.a. The supervising hearing aid provider retains ultimate responsibility for the care provided by the apprentice and is subject to disciplinary action by the Director for failure to provide adequate supervision.b. An apprentice is not permitted to sell hearing aids independently of the supervising licensed hearing aid provider.2. In order to be eligible for an apprentice license to be issued by the Director, an applicant must submit verification of training to become a licensed hearing aid provider, which training shall meet the requirements of Paragraph 3 below, and will be provided under the direct supervision of an identified licensed hearing aid provider whose license is active and in good standing.3. Once licensed to begin training, an apprentice is required to complete at least the first six months of training under direct supervision, including a minimum of 300 documented hours of on-site supervised training in the following areas: a. Taking a case history and review;c. Testing of hearing including air conduction and bone conduction with proper masking when needed;d. Testing of speech including speech recognition threshold (SRT), most comfortable loudness level (MCL), uncomfortable loudness level (UCL), and discrimination with proper masking when needed;e. Interpreting hearing tests and the making of medical referrals as necessary;f. Taking of ear impressions suitable for hearing aids and ear molds;g. Fitting and post-fitting adjustments;h. Checking for proper fit and making needed adjustments;i. Verifying the hearing aid performance to determine if the hearing aid is correcting and conforming to the hearing loss as expected. This may include, but is not limited to, the user of real ear measurement, word discrimination, aided versus unaided, or other forms of aided measurements as may be standard in the industry; and j. Counseling, including the delivery of the hearing aid, insertion and removal of the hearing aid, instruction on changing the batteries, and education to the user and family as to the expectations and performance.4. Once an apprentice has successfully completed his/her 300 documented hours of initial supervised training, then he/she may perform any of the activities in paragraph 3 above under the direct supervision of a licensed hearing aid provider. However, all hearing aid sales must be reviewed by the supervising licensed hearing aid provider and all contracts need to be signed by the supervising licensed hearing aid provider.5. An apprentice is eligible to become a licensed hearing aid provider upon successful completion of at least six months of training under direct supervision, including a minimum of 300 documented hours of on-site supervised training, and passage of the International Licensing Examination (ILE), developed by the International Hearing Society (IHS), or another appropriate entry-level examination approved by the Director.C. Licensed Associates As of July 1, 2013, no new associate licenses will be issued. Associate licenses that are issued prior to that date are valid pursuant to section 12-5.5-204(6), C.R.S., [repealed] until the expiration date on the license. An associate license cannot be renewed, and once it expires, it cannot be reinstated.
42 CR 13, July 10, 2019, effective 7/30/201943 CR 03, February 10, 2020, effective 1/1/202043 CR 07, April 10, 2020, effective 4/30/202043 CR 22, November 25, 2020, effective 12/15/202044 CR 09, May 10, 2021, effective 5/30/202144 CR 20, October 25, 2021, effective 11/14/202145 CR 11, June 10, 2022, effective 6/30/202245 CR 17, September 10, 2022, effective 8/15/202245 CR 16, August 25, 2022, effective 9/14/202245 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 11/30/2022