All Persons interested in recommending certain stream reaches or natural lakes for inclusion in the ISF Program may make recommendations to the Board or Staff at any time. Staff will provide a preliminary response to any Person making such a recommendation within 30 working days after receipt of the recommendation at the Board Office. Staff will collaborate with State and Federal agencies and other interested Persons to plan and coordinate collection of field data necessary for development of ISF recommendations. The Staff shall advise the Board, at least annually, of all new recommendations received and of streams and lakes being studied for inclusion in the ISF Program.
All recommendations transmitted to the Board or Staff for water to be retained in streams or lakes to preserve the natural environment to a reasonable degree must be made with specificity and in writing.
Periodically, after studying streams and lakes for inclusion in the ISF Program, Staff will recommend that the Board appropriate ISF rights. The Board and Staff will use the following annual schedule for initiating, processing and appropriating ISF water rights:
* The January Board meeting agenda will list proposed ISF appropriations to be appropriated that year.
* Staff will provide data, engineering and other information supporting each proposed ISF appropriation to the Board prior to or at the January Board meeting.
* Staff will present its information and recommendation for each proposed ISF appropriation at the January Board meeting.
* The Board will take public comment on the proposed ISF appropriations at the January Board meeting.
* The Board may declare its intent to appropriate for each proposed ISF appropriation at the January Board meeting, provided that the particular ISF appropriation has been listed as being under consideration in a notice, mailed at least 60 days prior to the January Board meeting, to the ISF Subscription Mailing List for the relevant water division(s).
* Notice of the Board having declared its intent to appropriate will be distributed through the ISF Subscription Mailing List for the relevant water division(s).
* The Board will take public comment on all ISF appropriations at the March Board meeting.
* Notice to Contest an ISF appropriation, pursuant to Rule 5k, must be submitted to the Board Office by March 31st, or the first business day thereafter.
* Staff will notify all Persons on the ISF Subscription Mailing List(s) of contested ISF appropriations by April 10th, or the first business day thereafter.
* Notice of Party status or Contested Hearing Participant status, pursuant to Rules 5l. or 5m., must be submitted to the Board Office by April 30th, or the first business day thereafter.
* Staff will report to the Board which ISF appropriations are being contested.
* The Board may set hearing dates for contested ISF appropriations.
* At the May Board meeting, the Board may take final action on all uncontested ISF appropriations.
* A prehearing conference will be held prior to the July Board meeting for all contested ISF appropriations (Date specific to be determined by the Hearing Officer).
* Five working days before the prehearing conference, all Parties shall file at the Board office, for the record, any and all legal memoranda, engineering data, biological data and reports or other information upon which the Party will rely.
* All Parties must submit written rebuttal statements, including testimony and exhibits, by August 15th, or the first business day thereafter. Except for such rebuttal and testimony provided at the hearing pursuant to Rule 5p.(2), the Board will not accept any statements, related documentation or exhibits submitted by any Party after the prehearing conference, except for good cause shown or as agreed upon by the Parties.
* Staff will make its final recommendations to the Board, based upon its original report, all public comments, documents submitted by the Parties and all data contained in the official record, at the September Board meeting.
* Notice of the Final Staff ISF Recommendations will be sent to all Persons on the Contested Hearing Mailing List prior to the September Board meeting.
* Parties may choose to continue or withdraw their Notice to Contest an ISF appropriation at or before the September Board Meeting.
* The Board will hold hearings on all contested ISF appropriations.
* The Board shall update the public on the results of any hearings through its agenda and may take final action on contested ISF appropriations.
When necessary, the Board may modify or delay this schedule or any part thereof as it deems appropriate.
Notice of the Board's potential action to declare its intent to appropriate shall be given in the January Board meeting agenda and the Board will take public comment regarding its intent to appropriate at the January meeting.
The Board may select an appropriation date that may be no earlier than the date the Board declares its intent to appropriate. The Board may declare its intent to appropriate when it concludes that it has received sufficient information that reasonably supports the findings required in Rule 5i.
Agenda and ISF Subscription Mailing List(s) notice shall be given pursuant to Rule 5d. and the public shall be afforded an opportunity to comment pursuant to Rule 5e. Notice of the date of final action on uncontested ISF appropriations shall be mailed to Persons on the ISF Subscription Mailing Lists for the relevant water divisions, maintained pursuant to Rule 5e.(3).
The Board may take final action on any uncontested ISF appropriation(s) at the May Board meeting or any Board meeting thereafter. If a Notice to Contest has been filed, the Board shall proceed under Rules 5j. - 5q.
Before initiating a water right filing to confirm its appropriation, the Board must make the following determinations:
That there is a natural environment that can be preserved to a reasonable degree with the Board's water right if granted.
That the natural environment will be preserved to a reasonable degree by the water available for the appropriation to be made.
That such environment can exist without material injury to water rights.
These determinations shall be subject to judicial review in the water court application and decree proceedings initiated by the Board, based on the Board's administrative record and utilizing the criteria of §§ 24-4-106(6) and (7), C.R.S.
Each Party shall deliver a copy of its prehearing statement to all other Parties, Contested Hearing Participants, the Hearing Officer and directly to the Assistant Attorneys General representing Staff and the Board five working days before the prehearing conference. The Board will not consider information, other than rebuttal statements and testimony provided at the hearing pursuant to Rule 5p.(2), submitted by the Parties after this deadline except for good cause shown or as agreed upon by the Parties.
The Board may take final action at the hearing or at a later date.
In the event that any Person files a Statement of Opposition to an ISF water right application in Water Court, the Staff may agree to terms and conditions that would prevent injury. Where the resolution of the Statement of Opposition does not involve a change regarding the Board's determinations under Rule 5i. (including but not limited to the amount, reach, and season), the Board is not required to review and ratify the resolution. Staff may authorize its counsel to sign any court documents necessary to finalize this type of pretrial resolution without Board ratification.
If the Board elects to withdraw a Water Court filing, notice shall be given in the agenda of the Board meeting at which the action is expected to occur.
2 CCR 408-2-5