Owners of livestock may request conflict minimization materials from the Division. The request must be made on a form provided by the Division and the requestor must indicate they have the legal right to install or use the materials sought in the location specified in the request form. Conflict minimization materials include fladry, electrified fladry, and scare devices, such as shell-crackers, propane cannons, and fox-lights.
Subject to available appropriations and taking into consideration gray wolf activity in the area, the Division may loan and deliver conflict minimization materials to the requestor only under the terms of a written cooperative agreement. Materials will be provided on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the proximity of wolves to livestock, previous behavior of wolf packs in the area, and whether the requestor has experienced a prior Confirmed Wolf Depredation. The Division may, in its discretion, prioritize the distribution of conflict minimization materials throughout the state and may recommend and supply materials that are different than those requested.
2 CCR 406-17-17173