Division prior to relocation. Permit approval or denial shall be based on the following: size of the relocation site; proximity of the site to public lands; habitat suitability and potential to support the relocated species; escape control, including buffer zones and active control if necessary; wildlife health and zoonotic disease concerns, and any other appropriate wildlife management concerns. In addition, applications must be submitted for all requests to move prairie dogs including modifications and extensions for wild to wild relocation permits. Permits authorizing movement of prairie dogs shall cost forty dollars ($40.00). Original applications shall also include a management plan specifically addressing the applicant's long term plans for the maintenance or control of the prairie dog population on the property. For any species which, in accordance with the provisions of § 35-7-203, C.R.S., requires approval of the county commissioners, the applicant shall also submit a copy of the resolution as approved by the county commissioners.
If the target depredating wildlife is taken alive, the wildlife shall be dispatched in accordance with the provisions of regulation #303.E.5, or the wildlife may be relocated if prior approval has been granted by the Division as provided in regulation #17122.B.1.
Written authorization is required for any identified designee. Any such authorization shall contain: the designee's name; the name of the property owner, operator, or lessee; identify the target depredating wildlife; and specify the time period and geographic area in which the identified designee is authorized to take control measures. An identified designee shall not pay, nor shall the property owner, operator, or lessee accept payment from an identified designee for the right to act as an identified designee. Nothing herein prohibits the property owner, operator, or lessee from paying an identified designee for services. Wildlife Services, the Colorado Department of Agriculture, or any other government agency shall not be an identified designee.
2 CCR 406-17-17122