Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 2 CCR 404-1-1101 - REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS1101.a.Flowline and Crude Oil Transfer Line Statuses.(1) Pre-Commissioned Status means a constructed flowline or crude oil transfer line that: A. Has not been connected or opened to sources of oil, condensate, produced water, or natural gas;B. Is isolated from active status assets;C. Does not contain oil, condensate, produced water, or natural gas; and(2) Active Status means a flowline or crude oil transfer line that is connected or open to sources of oil, condensate, produced water, or natural gas or is not in the pre-commissioned, out-of-service, or abandoned status, or contains these products.(3) Out-of-Service Status means a flowline or crude oil transfer line that is associated with an inactive well or the operator has ceased normal operations. For an out of service line, the operator must:A. Isolate or disconnect it from sources of oil, condensate, produced water, or natural gas;B. Evacuate all hydrocarbons and produced water to ensure the line is safe and inert and depressurize the line; and(4) Abandoned Status means a flowline or crude oil transfer line that has been permanently removed from service in accordance with Rule 1105.1101.b.Off-Location Flowline Registration.(1) An operator must register every off-location flowline either individually or as part of a flowline system. An operator may register individual off-location flowlines or a flowline system by submitting a Flowline Report, Form 44, to the Director within 90 days after the flowline or flowline system is placed in active status. An off-location flowline registered as part of a produced water transfer system is not subject to this requirement.(2) Registration Requirements. For off-location flowlines registered pursuant to this section, operators must include the following information:A. Geographic Information System (GIS) data that includes the flowline alignment and the following attributes: fluid type, pipe material type, and pipe size. GIS data must be submitted in the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and in a format approved by the Director;B. Bedding materials used in construction;D. Maximum flowline diameter;E. Fluids that will be transferred;F. The maximum anticipated operating pressure, testing pressure, test date and chart of successful pressure test;G. Identify and describe the starting and ending oil and gas locations;H. Description of corrosion protection; I. Description of the integrity management system utilized in accordance with Rule 1104.f.; andJ. Description of the construction method used for public by-ways, road crossings, sensitive wildlife habitats, sensitive areas, and natural and manmade watercourses (i.e., open trench, bored and cased, or bored only), if applicable.(3) For off-location flowlines in existence prior to May 1, 2018, and already registered with the Commission, operators must submit, on or before December 1, 2020, a Flowline Report, Form 44, that includes: A. A description of the corrosion protection;B. A description of the integrity management system utilized in accordance with Rule 1104.f.; andC. Geographic Information System (GIS) data that includes the flowline alignment and the following attributes: fluid type, pipe material type, and pipe size. GIS data must be submitted in the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and in a format approved by the Director. The GIS data for these off-location flowlines must be the most accurate data possible without using invasive methods and a minimum horizontal positional accuracy of +/- 25 feet.(4) Within 90 days of modifying the alignment of a registered off-location flowline, the operator must report the change to the Director by submitting a Flowline Report, Form 44.(5) If a document is executed after May 1, 2018, that grants a right of access or easement to locate an off-location flowline on lands, then either the document itself or a memorandum or notice of such document must be recorded by the operator in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county where the lands are located. If the document contains a legal description or map of the access or easement, then the memorandum or notice must include the legal description or map. Upon the surface owner's request, the operator shall provide a copy of the recorded document to the surface owner.1101.c.Domestic Tap Registration.(1) Within 90-days of installation or discovery of a domestic tap connected to the operator's flowline, an operator must submit a Flowline Report, Form 44, to the Director to register the tap. The registration must include the latitude and longitude of the flowline or wellhead connection for the domestic tap and the street address or the latitude and longitude of the point of delivery.(2) For domestic taps installed after May 1, 2018, an operator must register the domestic tap pursuant to subpart (1) and notify the domestic tap owner in writing that the domestic tap must: A. Be locatable by a tracer line or location device placed adjacent to or in the trench of the domestic tap to facilitate locating it, and a tracer wire or metallic device for locating must be resistant to corrosion damage;B. Be installed by a licensed plumber;C. Have properly-sized regulators at the point the tap connects to the operator's flowline and at the point the tap delivers gas to the dwelling or structure where the gas is utilized;D. Include all necessary piping to accommodate appropriate odorization and equipment to control vapor content and gas utilization metering;E. Be installed using materials designed for gas service and appropriate cover and bedding material in accordance with industry standards; andF. Have markers that are installed and maintained at the point the domestic tap connects to the operator's flowline and at the point it delivers gas to the dwelling or structure where the gas is utilized consistent with Rule 1102.g.(3) An operator must supply odorant to the domestic tap owner at the time of installation until abandonment of the domestic tap.(4) Within 30 days of realigning, abandoning, discovering, or receiving notification that a registered domestic tap has been re-aligned or abandoned, the operator must report the change to the Director by submitting a Flowline Report, Form 44.1101.d.Crude Oil Transfer Line and Produced Water Transfer System Registration.(1)Registration. At least 10 days before beginning construction of a crude oil transfer line or produced water transfer system, an operator must register it by submitting a Flowline Report, Form 44, to the Director. A produced water transfer system registered as part of a flowline system is not subject to this requirement. An operator may register multiple crude oil transfer lines using a single Form 44 to register those lines as a system. For a crude oil transfer line or produced water transfer system constructed before May 1, 2018, and already registered with the Commission, operators must submit: A. Geographic Information System (GIS) data as required by (2)A., below, on or before December 1, 2020; andB. Update any information required by (2)B., below, to the extent such information becomes known by the operator or can be acquired from such relevant records in the possession of the operator or its immediate predecessor in interest.(2)As-built Specifications. For a crude oil transfer line or produced water transfer system, the operator must submit a Flowline Report, Form 44, within 90 days of placing it into active status to include the following information: A. Geographic Information System (GIS) data that includes the flowline or crude oil transfer line alignment, isolation valves, and the following attributes: fluid type, pipe material type, and pipe size. GIS data shall be submitted in the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and in a format approved by the Director;B. Specifications: i. Bedding materials used in construction;ii. Fluids that will be transferred;iii. The maximum anticipated operating pressure, testing pressure, test date, and chart of successful pressure test;iv. The pipe description (i.e., maximum size, grade, wall thickness, coating, standard dimension ratio, and material);v. The burial depth of the crude oil transfer line or produced water transfer system;vi. Description of corrosion protection;vii. Description of the integrity management system utilized in accordance with Rule 1104.f.;viii. Description of the construction method used for public by-ways, road crossings, sensitive wildlife habitats, sensitive areas and natural and manmade watercourses (i.e., open trench, bored and cased, or bored only); andix. Copy of the operator's crude oil leak protection and monitoring plan prepared in accordance with 1104.g. If an operator has previously filed with the Director a current copy of its leak protection and monitoring plan it may cross reference the oil and gas facility or location for which the leak protection and monitoring plan was previously filed with reference to the API number, facility identification number, or COGCC document number.C. An affidavit of completion stating the operator designed and installed the crude oil transfer line or produced water transfer system in compliance with the 1100 Series rules.(3) Within 90 days of modifying the alignment of a registered crude oil transfer line, the operator must report the change to the Director by submitting a Flowline Report, Form 44.(4) For produced water transfer systems that have had system alignment changes during the preceding year, an operator must submit a Flowline Report, Form 44, by May 1st of each year to report the new alignment.(5) If a document is executed after May 1, 2018, that grants a right of access or easement to locate a crude oil transfer line or produced water system on lands, then either the document itself or a memorandum or notice of such document must be recorded by the operator in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county where the lands are located. If the document contains a legal description or map of the access or easement, then the memorandum or notice must include the legal description or map. Upon the surface owner's request, the operator shall provide a copy of the recorded document to the surface owner. 1101.e.Disclosure of Form 44 Data.(1) The Director will make Geographic Information System (GIS) data for off-location flowlines, crude oil transfer lines, and produced water transfer systems available through a publicly accessible online map viewer. Line attributes available to the public through the online map viewer will include the spatial location, operator, fluid type, pipe material type, and pipe size. Online map viewer data only will be available at scales greater than or equal to 1:6,000. Any person may view spatial data at scales less than 1:6,000 for an individual parcel at the Commission's office.(2) Upon request from a local governmental designee(s), and subject to executing a confidentiality agreement and the provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, the Commission will provide to the local government all Geographic Information System (GIS) data submitted through Flowline Reports, Form 44s, for all off-location flowlines, crude oil transfer lines and produced water transfer systems. The local government may only reproduce or publish data that the Commission makes publicly available through its website. A local government may share more specific data in person than that which the Commission makes publicly available, but the information must be treated as confidential and may not be reproduced or published.(3) Except as provided in parts (1) and (2), above, the Commission will keep all such Geographic Information System (GIS) data confidential to the extent allowed by the Colorado Open Records Act.37 CR 16, August 25, 2014, effective 9/30/201438 CR 01, January 10, 2015, effective 2/14/201538 CR 03, February 10, 2015, effective 3/2/201538 CR 07, April 10, 2015, effective 4/30/201538 CR 16, August 25, 2015, effective 9/14/201539 CR 04, February 25, 2016, effective 3/16/201641 CR 05, March 10, 2018, effective 4/1/201841 CR 06, March 25, 2018, effective 5/1/201841 CR 23, December 10, 2018, effective 12/30/201842 CR 02, January 25, 2019, effective 2/14/201942 CR 17, September 10, 2019, effective 9/30/201942 CR 24, December 25, 2019, effective 1/14/202043 CR 17, September 10, 2020, effective 9/30/202043 CR 13, July 10, 2020, effective 11/2/202043 CR 24, December 25, 2020, effective 1/15/202145 CR 07, April 10, 2022, effective 4/30/202245 CR 09, May 10, 2022, effective 5/30/202245 CR 13, July 10, 2022, effective 7/30/2022