M2 = (M3Q3- M1Q1)/Q2
Q1 = Upstream low flow
Q2 = Average flow of the source as it enters the waterway
Q3 = Q1 + Q2 = Downstream flow
M1 = Upstream pollutant concentration
M2 = Known or unknown pollutant concentration
M3 = Known pollutant concentration, calculated resulting pollutant concentration, or Water Quality Standard of pollutant
Q3 may be measured at the location of the use to which the senior appropriation has normally been put, or at or near the point where the substituted supply enters the waterway. If Q3 is measured at the point of use of the senior appropriator, additional known quantities, with known concentrations of constituents, must be used if necessary to account for accretions and depletions between the point where the substitute supply is introduced and the location of use of the senior appropriation. This data must be provided by the applicant for the exchange, plan for augmentation, or substitute supply plan, if the applicant chooses to use the mass balance equation to show that the quality of water meets the requirements of use to the senior appropriator.
2 CCR 402-8-4