The Office shall collaborate with other divisions within the Department to identify annually through the accreditation process, as defined in CCR 301-1 (Rules for the Administration of Statewide Accountability Measures), those local education providers (LEPs) that do not meet expectations for Graduation and Completion rates. Of those LEPs identified, those most in need of improvement and assistance shall be recognized as High Priority and those in significant need of improvement and assistance shall be recognized as Priority based on the following criteria:
3.00(1) Identified LEPs with Graduation and Completion rates that are significantly below State averages or those that do not meet expectations for post secondary workforce readiness indicators, as defined pursuant to CCR 301-1 (Rules for the Administration of Statewide Accountability Measures), will be designated Priority. 3.00(1)(a) Identification shall consider size of pupil membership in determining designation of Priority.3.00(2) Identified LEPs will be designated High Priority if they meet the criteria for Priority and there is indication that they are most in need of improvements. Indicators shall be based on data highly correlated with the likelihood that students will dropout, including but not limited to dropout rates, truancy rates, suspension or expulsion rates that significantly above state averages. These rates are defined in section 5.00 of these rules.3.00(3) The designation of High Priority and Priority will be recognized and in effect for three consecutive fiscal years to allow time to complete the "practices assessment," adopt Student Graduation and Completion Plan and review and evaluate plans as described in sections 3.02 and 3.05 in these rules. Based on the timeline listed in 3.01 (1) in these rules, the first group of High Priority LEPs will begin in fiscal year 2009-2010. The first group of Priority LEPs will begin in fiscal year 2010-2011. In subsequent years, the timeline will follow criteria described in section 3.07 of these rules.3.00(4) If after completion of the three-year period, a designated LEP meets its Graduation and Completion rate expectation(s), the LEP shall no longer be recognized as High Priority or Priority. If after completion of the three-year period, a designated LEP does not meet its Graduation and Completion rate expectation(s), the Department shall review continuation of the designation of High Priority or Priority in collaboration with other divisions within the Department and may require an update of the LEP's "practices assessment" and a revision and further evaluation of the LEP's Student Graduation and Completion Plan.3.01Practices Assessment. Each High Priority and Priority LEP shall conduct a "practices assessment" as described in 22-14-106(2), C.R.S. Each High Priority and Priority LEP's "practices assessment" shall consider community partnerships with state and local government agencies and community-based organizations and current practices and policies as they relate to different types of dropout students or students at risk of dropping out. 3.01(1) For the first group, each High Priority LEP shall complete its initial "practices assessment" no later than June 30, 2010. Each Priority LEP shall complete its initial "practices assessment" no later than June 30, 2011. Following completion of the initial "practices assessment," each High Priority and Priority LEP shall review and update the "practices assessment" in accordance with timelines as described in section 3.06 and 3.07 of these rules.3.01(2) Each LEP that is not a High Priority or Priority LEP is encouraged to conduct a "practices assessment" and to periodically review and update the "practices assessment." A LEP that chooses to conduct a "practices assessment" shall comply with provisions pursuant to this paragraph and shall comply with provisions of section 3.04 of these rules.3.01(3) If a High Priority or Priority LEP has authorized one or more existing charter schools pursuant to article 30.5 of title 22 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, each charter school shall conduct its own "practices assessment" in accordance with the deadlines specified in subsection (1) and section 3.07 of these rules. In addition, they shall submit the assessment to the Department as described in section 3.04 of these rules. A "practices assessment" conducted by a charter school shall conform to the requirements specified in section 3.02 of these rules.3.02Practices Assessment Implementation. Each practices assessment, at a minimum, shall address the High Priority or Priority LEP's: 3.02(1) Attendance and truancy reporting and enforcement policies and definitions;3.02(2) Risk factors and remedies applicable to students who are failing one or more courses, have experienced traumatic life events, or have lost academic interest or motivation and to students whose presence or actions are perceived to be detrimental to other students;3.02(3) Interaction with the judicial system in enforcing compulsory school attendance;3.02(4) Interaction with the juvenile justice system in: 3.02(4)(a) Assisting in administering juvenile diversion programs and coordinating supports for all students transitioning out of the juvenile justice system to aid in the continuation of the students' education, especially for those students involved in the juvenile justice system as a result of school-related violations of the LEP's code of conduct or crimes committed on school property; and3.02(4)(b) Coordinating with juvenile probation officers regarding school-related conditions of probation;3.02(5) Coordination with child welfare services, including but not limited to county departments of social services, facility schools, and other youth services providers;3.02(6) Grading policies;3.02(7) Policies for grade repetition and remediation;3.02(8) Course completion requirements and policies; and3.02(9) Policies and practices relating to: 3.02(9)(a) The use of individual career and academic plans;3.02(9)(b) Addressing ethnicity, language and cultural barriers between students' homes and school;3.02(9)(c) English-language acquisition;3.02(9)(d) Student acquisition of behavioral, social and emotional skills;3.02(9)(e) Students' health care needs;3.02(9)(f) Alternative and flexible educational strategies;3.02(9)(g) Family involvement and family support services;3.02(9)(h) Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs;3.02(9)(i) Staff development in implementing evidence-based strategies;3.02(9)(j) Innovations to address barriers to school engagement and success;3.02(9)(k) Outreach services to re-engage students who drop out of school; and3.09(9)(l) Review and analysis of data regarding dropout rates, Graduation rates, school completion rates, truancy rates, the number of students who are habitually truant, suspension rates, and expulsion rates.3.03Technical Assistance. The Office shall provide technical assistance to High Priority LEPs to assist them in completing their "practices assessments" and Student Graduation and Completion Plans. The Office may provide technical assistance to Priority LEPs as allowable within available appropriations. In addition, at the request of a High Priority or Priority LEP and to the extent practicable within available resources, the Office shall provide a template, which includes any student data that is pertinent to the High Priority or Priority LEP and to which the Office has access, to assist the High Priority or Priority LEP in preparing its "practices assessment".3.04Publication of Assessment. Upon completing its practices assessment or any updates to the assessment, each High Priority and Priority LEP shall transmit the assessment to the Department for publication on the internet.3.05Student Graduation and Completion Plan.3.05(1) Based on the completed "practices assessment," for the first group of designated LEPs, each High Priority LEP shall adopt a Student Graduation and Completion Plan for the schools operated or approved by the High Priority LEP by October 1, 2010. Each Priority LEP shall adopt a Student Graduation and Completion Plan by October 1, 2011. Timelines for subsequent years are described in section 3.07 of these rules.3.05(2) For the first group of designated LEPs, following adoption of the initial Student Graduation and Completion Plan, each High Priority and Priority LEP shall review and update the Student Graduation and Completion Plan in accordance with timelines described in section 3.06 of these rules. In setting the dates for adoption of the initial Student Graduation and Completion Plan and the timelines for reviewing and updating the Student Graduation and Completion Plan, the State Board shall ensure that the dates coincide with the dates by which each LEP is required to adopt the plan required by its accreditation category or its annual performance review. The timelines for subsequent years are described in section 3.07 of these rules.3.05(3) Each LEP that is not a High Priority or Priority LEP is encouraged to adopt a Student Graduation and Completion Plan and to periodically review and update the plan. A LEP that chooses to adopt a Student Graduation and Completion shall comply with the provisions of subsection (8).3.05(4) Notwithstanding any provision in subsection (1) to the contrary, if a High Priority or Priority LEP has authorized one or more existing charter high schools pursuant to article 30.5 of this title, each charter high school shall adopt its own Student Graduation and Completion Plan in accordance with the deadlines specified in sections 3.06 and 3.07 of these rules and submit the plan to the Department pursuant to subsection (8). A Student Graduation and Completion Plan adopted by a charter high school shall conform to the requirements specified in subsections (5) and (6).3.05(5) At a minimum, each High Priority and Priority LEP's Student Graduation and Completion Plan shall include: 3.05(5)(a) The percentage by which the High Priority or Priority LEP anticipates reducing the student truancy rate and dropout rate and the timeline for achieving the reductions;3.05(5)(b) The percentage by which the High Priority or Priority LEP anticipates increasing the student attendance, graduation, and completion rates and the timeline for achieving the increases;3.05(5)(c) Other objectives that the High Priority or Priority LEP identifies that are designed to result in improved Dropout Prevention, improved student attendance, and improved Student Engagement and Re-engagement within the schools operated or approved by the High Priority or Priority LEP;3.05(5)(d) The manner in which the High Priority or Priority LEP will measure success in achieving the goals and objectives of the Student Graduation and Completion Plan;3.05(5)(e) The manner in which school staff and Parents will work together to address the risk factors and remedies for students; and3.05(5)(f) A description of the supports that the High Priority or Priority LEP will provide to a student who leaves a public school prior to graduation or completion, which supports, at a minimum, shall include an explanation of the educational alternatives available to the student to assist him or her in re-engaging in school and other information to assist with his or her transition into other educational settings, including but not limited to an adult basic education, general educational development, or English-as-a-second-language program, or into the workforce or job training.3.05(6) In designing its Student Graduation and Completion Plan, each High Priority or Priority LEP is encouraged to: 3.05(6)(a) Include a variety of innovative dropout reduction efforts in the plan, including new schools and programs that provide educational environments that are specifically designed to promote Student Re-Engagement, including policies and programs that create alternative pathways to high school Graduation; and3.05(6)(b) Review existing supports and resources that the High Priority or Priority LEP may leverage to support implementation of the plan, including but not limited to grants for expelled and at-risk student services available pursuant to § 22-33-205, C.R.S. grants available through the school counselor corps grant program created in article 91 of this title, assistance available through the closing the achievement gap program pursuant to § 22-7-611, C.R.S. and federal moneys available pursuant to the "safe and drug-free schools and communities act", 20 U.S.C. Sec. 7101 et seq.3.05(7) Each High Priority or Priority LEP, in adopting its Student Graduation and Completion Plan, shall also adopt a process by which annually to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan. Each High Priority or Priority LEP that is a school district shall include its "practices assessment" and its Student Graduation and Completion Plan with the plan the school district is required to adopt pursuant to CCR 301-1 (Rules for the Administration of Statewide Accountability Measures).3.05(8) Upon adopting its Student Graduation and Completion Plan or any updates to the plan, each High Priority or Priority LEP shall transmit the plan to the Department for publication on the internet. 3.05(9) Beginning in the 2011-12 academic year, the Office shall annually evaluate each High Priority LEP's Student Graduation and Completion Plan as part of the accreditation review process. The Office shall evaluate the components of each Student Graduation and Completion Plan, the High Priority LEP's implementation of the plan, and the results achieved. In evaluating the Student Graduation and Completion Plans, the Office shall generally ensure that the High Priority LEP applies best practices and strategies and employs rigorous ongoing program evaluation and oversight in implementing the plan. On completion of the evaluation, the Office may provide recommendations to the High Priority LEP concerning improvements in the plan design and implementation. 3.05(9)(a) The Office may evaluate, as described in subsection (6)(a), the Student Graduation and Completion Plans of Priority LEPs as allowable within available appropriations.3.06Timeline for the First High Priority and Priority Local Education Providers That Are IdentifiedFor the first LEPs designated as High Priority and Priority, the following timeline will be implemented in accordance with § 22-14-106, C.R.S:
3.06(1) High Priority LEPs shall complete their "practices assessment" by June 30, 2010.3.06(2) Priority LEPs shall complete "practices assessment" by June 30, 2011.3.06(3) High Priority LEPs shall adopt Student Graduation and Completion Plans by October 1, 2010.3.06(4) Priority LEPs shall adopt Student Graduation and Completion Plans by October 1, 2011.3.06(5) By December 31 of the 2011-12 academic year, the Office shall review and evaluate the Student Graduation and Completion Plans of High Priority LEPs.3.06(6) By the December 31 of 2012-13 of the academic year, the Office shall review and Evaluate the Student Graduation and Completion Plans of Priority LEPs.3.07Timeline for High Priority and Priority Local Education Providers in Subsequent YearsIn subsequent years, beginning in fiscal 2011-2012, LEPs newly designated as High Priority and Priority will be subject to the following timelines:
3.07(1) By December 15 of each year, in cooperation with other units at the Department and accreditation, the Office will identify LEPs that did not meet their Graduation and Completion rate expectation(s) pursuant to section 3.00 of these rules. Within 60 days of identification, the Office shall designate High Priority and Priority based on the criteria as described in sections 3.00 and 3.00 of these rules and will be in effect for three consecutive fiscal years in accordance with section 3.00 (3) of these rules.3.07(1)(a) In year one of their designation, High Priority LEPs shall complete their "practices assessment" by June 30.3.07(1)(b) Priority LEPs shall begin their "practices assessment" in year one of their designation and complete them no later than October 31 in year two of their designation.3.07(1)(c) High Priority LEPs shall adopt Student Graduation and Completion Plans no later than January 15 in the second year of their designation, subject to revision based on CCR 301-1 (Rules for the Administration of Statewide Accountability Measures) timelines for district improvement plans and accreditation.3.07(1)(d) Priority LEPs shall adopt their Student Graduation and Completion Plans no later than June 30 in year two of their designation, subject to revision based on CCR 301-1 (Rules for the Administration of Statewide Accountability Measures) timelines for district improvement plans and accreditation.3.07(1)(e) In year three of designation, the Office will review and evaluate the Student Graduation and Completion Plans of High Priority and Priority LEPs in collaboration with other units at the Department and accreditation, on or before June 30 and pursuant to sections 305 (9) and 305 (9)(a), of these rules