10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.950

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.950 - PRIMARY CARE FUND
8.950.1.A. In accordance with Section 21 of Article X (Tobacco Taxes for Health Related Purposes) of the State Constitution, an increase in Colorado's tax on cigarettes and tobacco products became effective January 1, 2005, and created a cash fund that was designated for health related purposes. House Bill 05-1262 divided the tobacco tax cash fund into separate funds, assigning 19% of the moneys to establish the Primary Care Fund, set forth how the funds will be allocated and designated the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department) as the administrator of the Primary Care Fund.
8.950.1.B. The Primary Care Fund provides an allocation of moneys to health care providers that make basic health care services available in an outpatient setting to residents of Colorado who are considered medically indigent. Moneys shall be allocated based on the number of medically indigent patients in an amount proportionate to the total number of medically indigent patients served by all health care providers who qualify for moneys from this fund.
8.950.2.A.Arranges For - Demonstrating Established Referral Relationships with health care providers for any of the Comprehensive Primary Care services not directly provided by the provider.
8.950.2.B.Children's Basic Health Plan also known as Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) - As specified in Article 19 of Title 26, C.R.S.
8.950.2.C.Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) - As specified in Article 15 of Title 26, C.R.S.
8.950.2.D.Comprehensive Primary Care - Basic, entry-level health care provided by health care practitioners or non-physician health care practitioners that is generally provided in an outpatient setting. At a minimum, this includes providing or arranging for the provision of the following services on a Year-Round Basis: primary health care; maternity care, including prenatal care; preventive, developmental, and diagnostic services for infants and children; adult preventive services, diagnostic laboratory and radiology services; emergency care for minor trauma; Pharmaceutical Services; and coordination and follow-up for hospital care. It may also include optional services based on a patient's needs such as dental, behavioral health and eyeglasses.
8.950.2.E.Cost-Effective Care - Provides or Arranges for Comprehensive Primary Care that is appropriate and at a reasonable average cost per patient Visit and/or Encounter.
8.950.2.F.Eligible Qualified Provider - A qualified Provider who is identified by the Department to receive funding from the Primary Care Fund.
8.950.2.G.Established Referral Relationship - A formal, written agreement in the form of a letter, a memorandum of agreement or a contract between two entities which includes:
1. The Comprehensive Primary Care and/or products (e.g., pharmaceuticals, radiology) to be provided by one entity on behalf of the other entity;
2. Any applicable policies, processes or procedures;
3. The guarantee that referred Medically Indigent Patients shall receive services on a Sliding Fee Schedule or at no charge; and
4. Signatures by representatives of both entities.
8.950.2.H.Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) - As specified in Article 4 of Title 26, C.R.S.
8.950.2.I.Medically Indigent Patient - A patient receiving medical services from a Qualified Provider:
1. Whose yearly family income is below two hundred percent (200%) of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL);
2. Who is not eligible for the Medical Assistance Program,, the Children's Basic Health Plan, Medicare or any other governmental reimbursement for health care costs such as through Social Security, the Veterans Administration, Military Dependency (TRICARE or CHAMPUS), or the United States Public Health Service. (Payments received from the Colorado Indigent Care Program are not considered a governmental reimbursement for health care costs related to a specific patient); and
3. There is no Third Party Payer.
8.950.2.J.Medically Underserved Area - A federal government designation given to a geographical area based on the ratio of medical personnel (physicians, dentists, behavioral health workers, etc.) to the population. These areas have fewer than a generally accepted minimum number of medical personnel per thousand population resulting in insufficient health resources (personnel and/or facilities) to meet the medical needs of the resident population. Such areas are also defined by measuring the health status of the resident population; an area with an unhealthy population being considered underserved.
8.950.2.K.Medically Underserved Population - A federal government designation given to a human population that does not receive adequate medical attention or have access to health care facilities.
8.950.2.L.Outside Entity - A business or professional that is not classified as an employee of the provider or the Department and does not have a direct or indirect financial interest with the provider. The business or professional shall have auditing experience or experience working directly with the Medical Assistance Program or similar services or grants for Medically Indigent Patients.
8.950.2.M.Pharmaceutical Services - Provides prescription drugs, or coordinates access to or

Arranges For client to receive prescription drugs prescribed by the Qualified Provider on a Sliding Fee Schedule or at no charge.

8.950.2.N.Qualified Provider - An entity that provides Comprehensive Primary Care in Colorado and that:
1. Accepts all patients regardless of their ability to pay and uses a Sliding Fee Schedule for payments or does not charge Medically Indigent Patients for services;
2. Serves a designated Medically Underserved Area or Medically Underserved Population as provided in section 330(b) of the federal "Public Health Service Act", 42 U.S.C. sec. 254b, or demonstrates to the Department that the entity serves a population or area that lacks adequate health care services for low-income, uninsured persons;
3. Has a demonstrated Track Record of providing Cost-Effective Care;
4. Provides or Arranges For the provision of Comprehensive Primary Care to persons of all ages. An entity in a rural area may be exempt from this requirement if they can demonstrate that there are no providers in the community to provide one or more of the Comprehensive Primary Care services;
5. Completes a screening that evaluates eligibility for the Medical Assistance Program, the Children's Basic Health Plan, and the Colorado Indigent Care Program and refers patients potentially eligible for one of the programs to the appropriate agency (e.g., county departments of human/social services) for eligibility determination if they are not qualified to make eligibility determinations; and
6. Is a community health center, as defined in Section 330 of the federal "Public Health Services Act", 42 U.S.C. Section 254b; or at least 50% of the patients served by the provider are Medically Indigent Patients or patients who are enrolled in the Medical Assistance Program, the Children's Basic Health Plan, or any combination thereof.
8.950.2.O.Quality Assurance Program - Formalized plan and processes designed to ensure the delivery of quality and appropriate Comprehensive Primary Care in a defined medical setting. This can be demonstrated by obtaining a certification or accreditation through the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) or by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC). If such certification or accreditation is not available, then at a minimum, the Quality Assurance Program shall be comprised of elements that meet or exceed the following components:
1. Establishment of credentialing/re-credentialing requirements for medical personnel;
2. Surveying and monitoring of patient satisfaction;
3. Establishment of a grievance process for patients, including documentation of grievances and resolutions;
4. Development of clinic operating policies and scheduled performance monitoring;
5. Review of medical records to check for compliance with established policies and to monitor quality of care;
6. Assessment of state and federal regulations to ensure compliance;
7. Establishment of patient safety procedures; and
8. Establishment of infection control practices.
8.950.2.P.Sliding Fee Schedule - A tiered co-payment system that determines the level of patient's financial participation and guarantees that the patient financial participation is below usual and customary charges. Factors considered in establishing the tiered co-payment system shall only be financial status and the number of members in the patient's family unit.
8.950.2.Q.Third Party Payments or Third Party Payer - Any individual, entity or program with a legal obligation to pay for some or all health-related services rendered to a patient. Examples include the Medical Assistance Program; the Children's Basic Health Plan; Medicare; commercial, individual or employment-related health insurance; court-ordered health insurance (such as that required by non-custodial parents); workers' compensation; automobile insurance; and long-term care insurance. The Colorado Indigent Care Program is not considered a Third Party Payer and payments received from the Colorado Indigent Care Program are not considered Third Party Payments.
8.950.2.R.Track Record - Evidence of providing Comprehensive Primary Care covering at least a consecutive 52-week period prior to the submission of the application.
8.950.2.S.Unduplicated User/Patient Count - The sum of patients who have had at least one Visit/Encounter and received at least one of the services under the Comprehensive Primary Care definition during the applicable calendar year, but does not include the same patient more than once. The sum shall be calculated on a specific point-in-time occurring between the end of the applicable calendar year and prior to the submission of the application. Each patient shall be counted once under only one payment source designation (Third Party Payer or Medically Indigent Patient). The patient's payment source designation shall be the payment source designation listed for the patient at the specific point-in-time in which the calculation is made. The sum shall not include:
1. Counting a patient more than once if the same patient returns for additional services (e.g., medical or dental) and/or products (e.g., pharmaceuticals) during the applicable calendar year;
2. Counting a patient more than once if the payment source designation changed during the applicable calendar year;
3. Persons who have only received services through an outreach event, community education program, nurse hotline, or other types of community-based events or programs and were not documented on an individual basis;
4. Persons who have only received services from large-scale efforts such as mass immunization programs, screening programs, and health fairs; or
5. Persons whose only contact with the provider is to receive Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC Program) counseling and vouchers are not users and the contact does not generate an encounter.
8.950.2.T.Visit/Encounter - An appointment with medical personnel (physicians, physician assistants, dentists, behavioral health workers, etc.) in which the patient received health related services and/or products (e.g., pharmaceuticals or radiology) and the appointment is customarily billable to a Third Party Payer.
8.950.2.U.Year-Round Basis - Comprehensive Primary Care provided in a consecutive 52-week period directly by the provider and/or through an established referral relationship with other providers. If an organization is closed for four consecutive weeks or longer in a calendar year on a regularly scheduled basis, it is not considered to directly provide services on a year-round basis.
8.950.3.A. Providers who provide Comprehensive Primary Care to Medically Indigent Patients and who meet all of the requirements established for the Primary Care Fund as of the date the application form is submitted to the Department shall receive moneys appropriated to the Primary Care Fund. Specifically, the provider shall:
1. Meet all of the requirements of a Qualified Provider as specified in 8.950.2.N;
2. Have a Quality Assurance Program in place as specified in 8.950.2.O; and
3. Submit a completed application form according to stated guidelines as specified under 8.950.4.
8.950.4.A. The application form shall be available to providers annually and posted for public access on the Department's website at least 30 calendar days prior to the response due date.
8.950.4.B. At a minimum, the application form shall require responses that:
1. Demonstrate how the provider meets the criteria of a Qualified Provider as defined in 8.950.2.N;
2. Provide an Unduplicated User/Patient Count covering the applicable calendar year which, at a minimum, shall include the number of patients eligible for the Medical Assistance Program and the Children's Basic Health Plan and the number of patients considered to be Medically Indigent Patients;
3. Provide certification that the Unduplicated User/Patient Count identified in 8.950.4.B.2 has been verified by an Outside Entity; and
4. Provide documentation that the provider has a Quality Assurance Program as defined in 8.950.2.O.
8.950.4.C. Providers shall complete and provide a response annually. The response shall be made in compliance with all specifications in the application form, including format, data and documentation. Responses to the application form shall be submitted directly to the Department by the required response deadline.
8.950.4.D. All providers who submit a response to the application form shall be notified within 45 days of the response deadline if the provider met or did not meet the requirements to become an Eligible Qualified Provider.
8.950.5.A. Eligible Qualified Providers are determined on a state fiscal year basis and shall receive only those moneys appropriated to the Primary Care Fund for that same state fiscal year, subject to the tax amount actually collected for that state fiscal year.
8.950.5.B. Payments shall be based on the number of Medically Indigent Patients in each Eligible Qualified Provider's Unduplicated User/Patient Count in an amount proportionate to the total number of Medically Indigent Patients from all Eligible Qualified Providers' Unduplicated User/Patient Counts.
8.950.5.C. The schedule for the disbursement of moneys to all Eligible Qualified Providers shall be dependent on actual tax collections allocated to the Primary Care Fund such that:
1. Tax collections for sales in July, August, and September shall be distributed to Eligible Qualified Providers prior to the end of October.
2. Tax collections for sales in October, November, and December shall be distributed to Eligible Qualified Providers prior to the end of January.
3. Tax collections for sales in January, February, and March shall be distributed to Eligible Qualified Providers prior to the end of April.
4. Tax collections for sales in April, May, and June shall be distributed to Eligible Qualified Providers prior to the end of July.
5. For State Fiscal Year 2005-06 only, tax collections for sales in January 2005 through December 2005, shall be distributed to Eligible Qualified Providers prior to the end of February 2006.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.950