Foot hygiene means the cleaning and soaking of the feet to maintain a clean condition.
Mid-calf means 50% of the total distance between the talus and tibial plateau.
Podiatry includes the suggesting, recommending, prescribing, or administering of any podiatric form of treatment, operation, or healing for the intended palliation, relief, or cure of any disease, ailment, injury, condition, or defect of the human toe, foot, ankle, tendons that insert into the foot, and soft tissue wounds below the mid-calf, including complications thereof consistent with such scope of practice. It may include partial amputation of the foot, but it does not involve the complete amputation, or disarticulation between the talus and the tibia, or the administration of an anesthetic, other than a local anesthetic.
Routine Foot Care means the cutting or removal of corns and calluses; trimming, cutting, or debriding of nails; and other hygienic care due to a physical or clinical finding that is consistent with a metabolic, neurological, or peripheral vascular disease diagnosis and indicative of significant peripheral involvement.
Soft tissue wound means a lesion to the musculoskeletal junction that includes dermal and sub-dermal tissue that does not involve bone removal or repair or muscle transfer.
10 CCR 2505-10-8.810