10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.7528

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.7528 - In-Home Support Services (IHSS)
8.7528.AIn-Home Support Services Eligibility
1. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) is a covered benefit available to Members enrolled in one of the following HCBS waivers:
a. Children's Home and Community-Based Services Waiver b. Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver c. Elderly, Blind, Disabled Waiver
8.7528.BIn-Home Support Services Definitions
1. Attendant means a person who is directly employed by an In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency to provide IHSS. A Family Member, including a spouse, may be an Attendant.
2. Authorized Representative means an individual designated by the Member, or by the Parent or Guardian of the Member, if appropriate, who has the judgment and ability to assist the Member in acquiring and receiving services under Title 25.5, Article 6, Part 12, C.R.S. The Authorized Representative shall not be the eligible person's service provider.
3. Care Plan means a written plan of care developed between the Member or the Member's Authorized Representative, In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency and Case Management Agency that is authorized by the Case Manager.
4. Extraordinary Care means a service that exceeds the range of care a Family Member would ordinarily perform in a household on behalf of a person without a disability or chronic illness of the same age, and which is necessary to assure the health and welfare of the Member and avoid institutionalization.
5. Inappropriate Behavior means documented verbal, sexual, or physical threats or abuse committed by the Member or Authorized Representative toward Attendants, Case Managers, or the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency.
6. Independent Living Core Services means services that advance and support the independence of individuals with disabilities and to assist those individuals to live outside of Institutions. These services include but are not limited to information and Referral services, independent living skills training, peer and cross-disability peer counseling, individual and systems advocacy, transition services or diversion from nursing homes and Institutions to Home and Community-Based living, or upon leaving secondary education.
7. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) means services that are provided in the home and in the community by an Attendant under the direction of the Member or Member's Authorized Representative, including Health Maintenance Activities and support for Activities of Daily Living or Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Personal Care services and Homemaker services.
8. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency means an Agency that is certified by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, enrolled in the Medicaid program and provides Independent Living Core Services.
9. Licensed Health Care Professional means a state-licensed Registered Nurse (RN) who contracts with or is employed by the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency.
8.7528.C In-Home Support Services Member Eligibility
1. To be eligible for In-Home Support Services (IHSS) the Member shall meet the following eligibility criteria:
a. Be enrolled in a Medicaid program approved to offer IHSS.
b. Provide a signed Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form at enrollment and following any change in condition stating that the Member has sound judgment and the ability to self-direct care. If the Member is in unstable health with an unpredictable progression or variation of disability or illness, the Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form shall also include a recommendation regarding whether additional supervision is necessary and if so, the amount and scope of supervision requested.
c. Members who elect or are required to have an Authorized Representative must appoint an Authorized Representative who has the judgment and ability to assist the Member in acquiring and using services.
d. Demonstrate a current need for covered Attendant support services.
2. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) eligibility for a Member will end if:
a. The Member is no longer enrolled in a Medicaid program approved to offer IHSS.
b. The Member's medical condition deteriorates causing an unsafe situation for the Member or the Attendant as determined by the Member's Licensed Medical Professional.
c. The Member refuses to designate an Authorized Representative when the Member is unable to direct their own care as documented by the Member's Licensed Medical Professional on the Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form.
d. The Member provides false information or false records.
e. The Member no longer demonstrates a current need for Attendant support services.
8.7528.DIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) Inclusions and Covered Services
1. Services are for the benefit of the Member. Services for the benefit of other persons are not reimbursable.
2. Services available for eligible adults (as defined in EBD and CIH waivers):
a. Homemaker
b. Personal Care
c. Health Maintenance Activities
3. Services available for eligible children (as defined in the CHCBS waiver):
a. Health Maintenance Activities
4. Service Inclusions:
a. Homemaker inclusions are set forth at Section 8.7527.C.
b. Personal Care inclusions are set forth at Section 8.7538.C.
c. Health Maintenance Activities inclusions are set forth at Section 8.7523.C.
8.7528.EIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) Exclusions and Limitations
1. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) is a covered benefit for the HCBS Elderly, Blind, and Disabled (EBD), Complementary Integrative Health (CIH), and Children's Home and Community-Based Services (CHCBS) Waivers:
a. IHSS services must be documented on an approved IHSS Care Plan and prior authorized before any services are rendered. The IHSS Care Plan and Prior Authorization Request (PAR) must be submitted and approved by the Case Manager and received by the IHSS Agency prior to services being rendered. Services rendered in advance of approval and receipt of these documents are not reimbursable.
b. Services rendered by an Attendant who shares living space with the Member or Family Members are reimbursable only when the Case Manager determines, prior to the services being rendered, that the services meet the definition of Extraordinary Care.
c. Health Maintenance Activities may include related Personal Care and/or Homemaker services if such tasks are completed in conjunction with the Health Maintenance Activity and are secondary or contiguous to the Health Maintenance Activity.
i. Secondary means in support of the main task(s). Secondary tasks must be routine and regularly performed in conjunction with a Health Maintenance Activity. The Case Manager must document evidence that the secondary task is necessary for the health and safety of the Member. Secondary tasks do not add units to the care plan.
ii. Contiguous means before, during or after the main task(s). Contiguous tasks must be completed before, during, or after the Health Maintenance Activity. The Case Manager must document evidence that the contiguous task is necessary for the health and safety of the Member. Contiguous tasks do not add units to the care plan.
iii. The IHSS Agency shall not submit claims for Health Maintenance Activities when only Personal Care and/or Homemaking services are completed.
d. Independent Living Core Services, Attendant training, and oversight or supervision provided by the IHSS Agencies Licensed Health Care Professional are not separately reimbursable. No additional compensation is allowable to IHSS Agencies for providing these services.
e. Billing for travel time is prohibited. Accompaniment of a Member by an Attendant in the community is reimbursable. IHSS Agencies must follow all Department of Labor and Employment guidelines on time worked.
f. Companionship is not a benefit of IHSS and shall not be reimbursed.
2. HCBS Children's Home and Community-Based (CHCBS) Waiver:
a. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) for CHCBS shall be limited to tasks defined as Health Maintenance Activities.
b. Family Members of a Member can only be reimbursed for extraordinary care.
3. HCBS Elderly, Blind, and Disabled (EBD), Complementary Integrative Health (CIH) Waivers:
a. Family Members shall not be reimbursed for more than forty (40) hours of Personal Care services in a seven (7) day period.
b. Restrictions on allowable Personal Care units shall not apply to Parents who provide Attendant services to their eligible adult children through In-Home Support Services.
8.7528.FIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) Member and Authorized Representative Participation and Self-Direction
1. A Member or their Authorized Representative may self-direct the following aspects of service delivery:
a. Present a person(s) of their own choosing to the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency as a potential Attendant. The Member must have adequate Attendants to assure compliance with all tasks in the Care Plan.
b. Train Attendant(s) to meet their needs.
c. Dismiss Attendants who are not meeting their needs.
d. Schedule, manage, and supervise Attendants with the support of the IHSS Agency.
e. Determine, in conjunction with the IHSS Agency, the level of in-home supervision as recommended by the Member's Licensed Medical Professional.
f. Transition to alternative service delivery options at any time. The Case Manager shall coordinate the transition and Referral process.
g. Communicate with the IHSS Agency and Case Manager to ensure safe, accurate and effective delivery of services.
h. Request a Reassessment, as defined at Section 8.7200.B.27, if Level of Care or service needs have changed.
2. An Authorized Representative is not allowed to be reimbursed for In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Attendant services for the Member they represent.
3. If the Member is required to or elects to have an Authorized Representative, the Authorized Representative shall meet the requirements:
a. Must be at least 18 years of age.
b. Has not been convicted of any crime involving exploitation, abuse, neglect, or assault on another person.
4. The Authorized Representative must attest to the above requirement on the Shared Responsibilities Form.
5. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Members who personally require an Authorized Representative may not serve as an Authorized Representative for another IHSS Member.
6. The Member and their Authorized Representative must adhere to In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency policies and procedures.
8.7528.GIn-Home Support Services Agency Eligibility
1. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency must be a licensed home care Agency. The IHSS Agency shall comply with all requirements of their Certification and licensure, in addition to requirements described in Section 8.7400.
2. Administrators or managers as defined at 6 C.C.R. 1011-1 Chapter 26 shall satisfactorily complete the Department authorized training on In-Home Support Services (IHSS) rules and regulations prior to Medicaid Certification and annually thereafter. Provider Agencies must upload the certificate of completion annually into the Medicaid Provider Portal.
8.7528.H In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency Responsibilities
1. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall assure and document that all Members are provided the following:
a. Independent Living Core Services
i. An IHSS Agency must provide a list of the full scope of Independent Living Core Services provided by the Agency to each Member on an annual basis. The IHSS Agency must keep a record of each Member's choice to utilize or refuse these services, and document services provided.
b. Attendant training, oversight and supervision by a licensed healthcare professional.
c. The IHSS Agency shall provide 24-hour back-up service for scheduled visits to Members at any time an Attendant is not available. At the time the Care Plan is developed the IHSS Agency shall ensure that adequate staffing is available. Staffing must include backup Attendants to ensure necessary services will be provided in accordance with the Care Plan.
2. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall adhere to the following:
a. If the IHSS Agency admits Members with needs that require care or services to be delivered at specific times or parts of day, the IHSS Agency shall ensure qualified staff in sufficient quantity are employed by the Agency or have other effective back-up plans to ensure the needs of the Member are met.
b. The IHSS Agency shall only accept Members for care or services based on a reasonable assurance that the needs of the Member can be met adequately by the IHSS Agency in the individual's temporary or permanent home or place of residence.
i. There shall be documentation in the Care Plan or Member record of the agreed upon days and times of services to be provided based upon the Member's needs that is updated at least annually.
c. If an IHSS Agency receives a Referral of a Member who requires care or services that are not available at the time of Referral, the IHSS Agency shall advise the Member or their Authorized Representative and the Case Manager of that fact.
i. The IHSS Agency shall only admit the Member if the Member or their Authorized Representative and Case Manager agree the recommended services can be delayed or discontinued.
d. The IHSS Agency shall ensure orientation is provided to Members or Authorized Representatives who are new to IHSS or request re-orientation through the Department's prescribed process. Orientation shall include instruction in the philosophy, policies, and procedures of IHSS and information concerning Member rights and responsibilities.
e. The IHSS Agency will keep written service notes documenting the services provided at each visit.
3. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency is the legal employer of a Member's Attendants and must adhere to all requirements of federal and state law, and to the rules, regulations, and practices as prescribed by the Department.
4. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall assist all Members in interviewing and selecting an Attendant when requested and maintain documentation of the IHSS Agency's assistance and/or the Member's refusal of such assistance.
5. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency will complete an intake Assessment following Referral from the Case Manager. Utilizing the authorized units provided on the IHSS Care Plan Calculator provided by the Case Manager, the IHSS Agency will develop a Care Plan in coordination with the Case Manager and Member. Any proposed services described in the Care Plan that differ from the authorized services and units must be submitted to the Case Manager for review. The Care Plan must be approved prior to the start of services.
6. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall ensure that a current Care Plan is in the Member's record, and that Care Plans are updated with the Member at least annually or more frequently in the event of a Member's change in condition. The IHSS Agency will send the Care Plan to the Case Manager for review and approval.
a. The Care Plan will include a statement of allowable Attendant hours and a detailed listing of frequency, scope, and duration of each service to be provided to the Member for each day and visit. The Care Plan shall be signed by the Member or the Member's Authorized Representative and the IHSS Agency.
i. Secondary or contiguous tasks must be described on the care plan as required in Section 8.7528.E.3.a-b.
b. In the event of the observation of new symptoms or worsening condition that may impair the Member's ability to direct their care, the IHSS Agency, in consultation with the Member or their Authorized Representative and Case Manager, shall contact the Member's Licensed Medical Professional to receive direction as to the appropriateness of continued care. The outcome of that consultation shall be documented in the Member's revised Care Plan, with the Member and/or Authorized Representative's input and approval. The IHSS Agency will submit the revised Care Plan to the Case Manager for review and approval.
7. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agencies Licensed Health Care Professional is responsible for the following activities:
a. Administer a skills validation test for Attendants who will perform Health Maintenance Activities. Skills validation for all assigned tasks must be completed prior to service delivery unless postponed by the Member or Authorized Representative to prevent interruption in services. The reason for postponement shall be documented by the IHSS Agency in the Member's file. In no event shall the skills validation be postponed for more than thirty (30) days after services begin to prevent interruption in services.
b. Verify and document Attendant skills and competency to perform IHSS and basic Member safety procedures.
c. Counsel Attendants and staff on difficult cases and potentially dangerous situations.
d. Consult with the Member, Authorized Representative or Attendant in the event a medical issue arises.
e. Investigate Complaints and Incidents within ten (10) calendar days as required in Section 8.7411.
f. Verify the Attendant follows all tasks set forth in the Care Plan.
g. Review the Care Plan and Physician Attestation for Consumer Capacity form upon initial enrollment, following any change of condition, and upon the request of the Member, their Authorized Representative, or the Case Manager.
h. Provide in-home supervision for the Member as recommended by their Licensed Medical Professional and as agreed upon by the Member or their Authorized Representative.
8. At the time of enrollment and following any change of condition, the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency will review recommendations for supervision listed on the Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form. This review of recommendations shall be documented by the IHSS Agency in the Member record.
a. The IHSS Agency shall collaborate with the Member or Member's Authorized Representative to determine the level of supervision provided by the IHSS Agency's Licensed Health Care Professional beyond the requirements set forth at Section 25.5-6- 1203, C.R.S.
b. The Member may decline recommendations by the Licensed Medical Professional for in- home supervision. The IHSS Agency must document this choice in the Member record and notify the Case Manager. The IHSS Agency and their Licensed Health Care Professional, Case Manager, and Member or their Authorized Representative shall discuss alternative service delivery options and the appropriateness of continued participation in IHSS.
9. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall assure and document that all Attendants have received training in the delivery of IHSS prior to the start of services. Attendant training shall include:
a. Development of interpersonal skills focused on addressing the needs of persons with disabilities.
b. Overview of IHSS as a service-delivery option of consumer direction.
c. Instruction on basic first aid administration.
d. Instruction on safety and emergency procedures.
e. Instruction on infection control techniques, including Universal Precautions.
f. Mandatory reporting and Incident reporting procedures.
g. Skills validation test for unskilled tasks assigned on the care plan.
10. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall allow the Member or Authorized Representative to provide individualized Attendant training that is specific to their own needs and preferences.
11. With the support of the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency, Attendants must adhere to the following:
a. Must be at least 16 years of age and demonstrate competency in caring for the Member to the satisfaction of the Member or Authorized Representative.
i. Minor attendants ages 16 to 17 will not be permitted to operate floor-based vertical powered patient/resident lift devices, ceiling-mounted vertical powered patient/resident lift devices, and powered sit-to-stand patient/resident lift devices (lifting devices).
b. May be a Family Member subject to the reimbursement and service limitations in 8.7528.J.
c. Must be able to perform the assigned tasks on the Care Plan.
d. Shall not, in exercising their duties as an In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Attendant, represent themselves to the public as a licensed nurse, a certified nurse's aide, a licensed practical or professional nurse, a registered nurse or a registered professional nurse pursuant to Section 25.5-6-1203(3), C.R.S.
e. Shall not have had their license as a nurse or certified nurse aide suspended or revoked or their application for such license or certification denied.
12. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall provide functional skills training to assist Members and their Authorized Representatives in developing skills and resources to maximize their independent living and personal management of health care.
8.7528.IIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) Case Management Agency Responsibilities
1. The Case Manager shall provide information and resources about In-Home Support Services (IHSS) to eligible Members, including a list of IHSS Agencies in their service area and an introduction to the benefits and characteristics of participant-directed programs.
2. The Case Manager will initiate a Referral to the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency of the Member or Authorized Representative's choice, including an outline of approved services as determined by the Case Manager's most recent Assessment. The Referral must include the Physician Attestation, Assessment information, and other pertinent documentation to support the development of the Care Plan.
3. The Case Manager must ensure that the following forms are completed prior to the approval of the Care Plan or start of services:
a. The Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form shall be completed upon enrollment and following any change in condition.
b. The Shared Responsibilities Form shall be completed upon enrollment and following any change of condition. If the Member requires an Authorized Representative, the Shared Responsibilities Form must include the designation and attestation of an Authorized Representative.
4. Upon the receipt of the Care Plan, the Case Manager shall:
a. Review the Care Plan within five business days of receipt to ensure there is no disruption or delay in the start of services.
b. Ensure all required information is in the Member's Care Plan and that services are appropriate given the Member's medical or functional condition. If needed, request additional information from the Member, their Authorized Representative, the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency, or Licensed Medical Professional regarding services requested.
c. Review the Care Plan to ensure there is delineation for all services to be provided; including frequency, scope, and duration.
d. Review the Licensed Medical Professional's recommendation for in-home supervision as requested on the Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form. The Case Manager will document the status of recommendations and provide resources for services outside the scope of the Member's eligible benefits.
e. Collaborate with the Member or their Authorized Representative and the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency to establish a start date for services. The Case Manager shall discontinue any services that are duplicative with IHSS.
f. Authorize cost-effective and non-duplicative services via the Prior Authorization Request (PAR). Provide a copy of the Prior Authorization Request (PAR) to the IHSS Agency in accordance with procedures established by The Department prior to the start of IHSS services.
g. Work collaboratively with the IHSS Agency, Member, and their Authorized Representative to mediate Care Plan disputes following The Department's prescribed process.
i. Case Managers will complete the Long-Term Care Waiver Program Notice of Action (LTC-803) and provide the Member or the Authorized Representative with the reasons for denial of requested service frequency or duration, information about the Member's rights to fair hearing, and appeal procedures.
5. The Case Manager shall ensure cost-effectiveness and non-duplication of services by:
a. Documenting the discontinuation of previously authorized Agency-based care, including Homemaker, Personal Care, and long-term home health services that are being replaced by In-Home Support Services (IHSS).
b. Documenting and justifying any need for additional in-home services including but not limited to acute or long-term home health services, hospice, traditional HCBS services, and private duty nursing.
i. A Member may receive non-duplicative services from multiple Attendants or agencies if appropriate for the Member's Level of Care and documented service needs.
c. Ensuring the Member's record includes documentation to substantiate all Health Maintenance Activities on the Care Plan and requesting additional information as needed.
d. Coordinating transitions from a hospital, nursing facility, or other Agency to IHSS. Assisting Members with transitions from IHSS to alternate services if appropriate.
e. Collaborating with the Member or their Authorized Representative and the IHSS Agency in the event of any change in condition. The Case Manager shall request an updated Physician Attestation of Consumer Capacity form. The Case Manager may revise the Care Plan as appropriate given the Member's condition and functioning.
f. Completing a Reassessment as defined at Section 8.7200.B.27 if requested by the Member if Level of Care or service needs have changed.
6. The Case Manager shall not authorize more than one consumer-directed program on the Member's Prior Authorization Request (PAR).
7. The Case Manager shall participate in training and consultative opportunities with the Department's Consumer-Directed Training & Operations Contractor.
8. Additional requirements for Case Managers:
a. Contact the Member or Authorized Representative once a month during the first three months of receiving In-Home Support Services (IHSS) to assess their IHSS management, their satisfaction with Attendants, and the quality of services received.
b. Contact the Member or Authorized Representative quarterly, after the first three months of receiving IHSS, to assess their implementation of Care Plans, IHSS management, quality of care, IHSS expenditures and general satisfaction.
c. Contact the Member or Authorized Representative when a change in Authorized Representative occurs and continue contact once a month for three months after the change takes place.
d. Contact the IHSS Agency semi-annually to review the Care Plan, services provided by the Agency, and supervision provided. The Case Manager must document and keep record of the following:
i. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Care Plans;
ii. In-home supervision needs as recommended by the Physician;
iii. Independent Living Core Services offered and provided by the IHSS Agency; and
iv. Additional supports provided to the Member by the IHSS Agency.
9. Start of Services
a. Services may begin only after the requirements of Sections 8.7528.C, 8.7528.H.5, 8.7528.H.9, and 8.7528.I.3 of this rule have been met.
b. The Case Manager shall follow the Department's utilization management review process and receive authorization prior to authorizing a start date for Attendant services for Person-Centered Support Plans that;
i. Contain Health Maintenance Activities; or
ii. Exceed the cost of care received in an institutional setting.
c. The Case Manager shall establish a service period and submit a Prior Authorization Request (PAR), providing a copy to the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency prior to the start of services.
8.7528.JIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) Reimbursement and Service Limitations
1. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Personal Care services must comply with the rules for reimbursement set forth at Section 8.7538 Personal Care. IHSS Homemaker services must comply with the rules for reimbursement set forth at Section 8.7527 Homemaker Services.
2. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall not submit claims for services missing documentation of the services rendered, for services which are not on the Care Plan, or for services which are not on an approved Prior Authorization Request (PAR). The IHSS Agency shall not submit claims for more time or units than were required to render the service regardless of whether more time or units were prior authorized. Reimbursement for claims for such services is not allowable.
3. The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall request a reallocation of previously authorized service units for 24-hour back-up care prior to submission of a claim.
4. Services by an Authorized Representative to represent the Member are not reimbursable. In- Home Support Services (IHSS) services performed by an Authorized Representative for the Member that they represent are not reimbursable.
5. An In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall not be reimbursed for more than twenty-four hours of IHSS service in one day by an Attendant for one or more Members collectively.
6. A Member cannot receive In-Home Support Services (IHSS) and Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) at the same time.
7. Payment does not include travel time to or from the Member's residence.
8.7528.KIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) Discontinuation and Termination
1. A Member may elect to discontinue In-Home Support Services (IHSS) or use an alternate service-delivery option at any time.
2. A Member may be discontinued from In-Home Support Services (IHSS) when equivalent care in the community has been secured.
3. The Case Manager may terminate a Member's participation in In-Home Support Services (IHSS) for the following reasons:
a. The Member or their Authorized Representative fails to comply with IHSS program requirements as defined in Section 8.7528.F, or
b. A Member no longer meets program criteria, or
c. The Member provides false information, false records, or is convicted of fraud, or
d. The Member or their Authorized Representative exhibits Inappropriate Behavior, and The Department has determined that the IHSS Agency has made adequate attempts at dispute resolution and dispute resolution has failed.
i. The IHSS Agency and Case Manager are required to assist the Member or their Authorized Representative to resolve the Inappropriate Behavior, which may include the addition of or a change of Authorized Representative. All attempts to resolve the Inappropriate Behavior must be documented prior to notice of termination.
4. When an In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency discontinues services, the Agency shall give the Member and the Member's Authorized Representative written notice of at least thirty days. Notice shall be provided in person, by certified mail or another verifiable-receipt service. Notice shall be considered given when it is documented that the Member or Authorized Representative has received the notice. The notice shall provide the reason for discontinuation. A copy of the 30- day notice shall be given to the Case Management Agency.
a. Exceptions will be made to the requirement for advanced notice when the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency has documented that there is an immediate threat to the Member, IHSS Agency, or Attendants.
b. Upon In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency discretion, the Agency may allow the Member or their Authorized Representative to use the 30-day notice period to address conflicts that have resulted in discontinuation.
5. If continued services are needed with another Agency, the current In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Agency shall collaborate with the Case Manager and Member or their Authorized Representative to facilitate a smooth transition between agencies. The IHSS Agency shall document due diligence in ensuring continuity of care upon discharge as necessary to protect the Member's safety and welfare.
6. In the event of discontinuation or termination from In-Home Support Services (IHSS), the Case Manager shall:
a. Complete the Long-Term Care Waiver Program Notice of (LTC-803) and provide the Member or the Authorized Representative with the reasons for termination, information about the Member's rights to fair hearing, and appeal procedures. Once notice has been given, the Member or Authorized Representative may contact the Case Manager for assistance in obtaining other home care services or additional benefits if needed.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.7528

47 CR 03, February 10, 2024, effective 3/16/2024
47 CR 21, November 10, 2024, effective 11/30/2024