Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.7418 - Base Wage Requirement for Direct Care WorkersA. Base Wage Requirement for Direct Care Workers Definitions 1. Base Wage means the minimum hourly rate of pay of a Direct Care Worker for the provision of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) required by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.2. Direct Care Worker is as defined in Section 8.7402.F.3. Direct Benefit means compensation that is directly bestowed conferred onto Direct Care Workers for their sole benefit and does not include direct benefits to the Provider Agency which may have an indirect benefit to the Direct Care Workers.4. Minimum Wage means the rate of pay established in accordance with Section 15 of Article XVIII of the State Constitution and any other minimum wage established by federal or local laws or regulations. In addition to state wage requirements, federal or local laws or regulations may apply minimum, overtime, or other wage requirements to some or all Colorado employers and employees. If an employee is covered by multiple minimum or overtime wage requirements, the requirement providing a higher wage, or otherwise setting a higher standard, shall apply.5. Plan of Correction means a formal, written response from a Provider Agency to the Department on identified areas of non-compliance with requirements listed in Section 8.7418.D.6. Participant Directed Program means a service model that provides participants who are eligible for Home and Community-Based Services the ability to manage their own in-home care, or have care managed by a Legally Authorized Representative, provided by a direct care worker. Participant Directed Program participants, or their Legally Authorized Representative, operate as Employers of Record with an established FEIN.7. Per Diem wage means daily rate of pay for Direct Care Workers for the provision of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).B. Qualifying Services for Base Wage Requirement for Direct Care Workers1. When applicable, the Department will increase reimbursement rates for select services to support the base wage. Provider Agencies must use this increased funding to ensure all Direct Care Workers are paid the wage required by the Department or higher within the timeframe established by the Department. Services requiring Direct Care Workers to be paid at least the base wage include:b. Alternative Care Facility (ACF)d. Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)e. Foster Care Home (Children's Habilitation Residential Program)f. Group Home Habilitation (CHRP)g. Group Residential Support Services (GRSS)k. In-Home Support Services (IHSS)l. Individual Residential Support Services (IRSS)o. Mental Health Transitional Living Homesq. Pediatric Personal Cares. Prevocational Servicesu. Specialized Habilitationv. Supported Community Connectionsw. Supported Living Program2. In the event that a Direct Care Worker is eligible for a minimum wage that exceeds the base wage requirement based on state or local minimum wage laws, the Provider Agency is required to compensate at the higher wage.3. In the event that a Direct Care Worker is eligible for a per diem wage, the Provider Agency is required to increase the Direct Care Worker's per diem wage by the percent of the Department's reimbursement rate increase.C. Base Wage Provider Agency Responsibilities 1. A Provider Agency that renders qualifying service(s) accepts responsibility to ensure qualifying Direct Care Workers currently under their employment are paid, at a minimum, the base wage.2. The Provider Agency must ensure that contact information on file with the Department is accurate.3. Provider Agencies shall notify Direct Care Workers annually who are affected by the base wage requirement about Direct Care Worker rights, Direct Care Employer and Contractor obligations, and the minimum state and local direct care employment standards.4. Provider Agencies shall publish and make readily available the Department's designated contact for Direct Care Workers to submit questions, concerns, or complaints regarding the base wage requirement.5. Provider Agencies shall submit specific information for each Direct Care Worker regarding wage rates, working hours, benefits, work location, employment status, employment type, services provided, independent Contractor agreements, and any other wage related information as requested by the Department. Provider Agencies shall submit the requested information within the Department-specified timeframe.6. Provider Agencies shall keep true and accurate records to support and demonstrate that all Direct Care Workers who performed the applicable services received at a minimum the base wage or a per diem wage increase.7. Records shall be retained for no less than six (6) years and shall be made available for inspection by the Department upon request. Records may include, but are not limited to: a. Payroll summaries and details, pay stubs with detailsd. Cancelled checks (front and back)e. Direct deposit confirmationsf. Independent Contractor documents or agreementsg. Per diem wage documentsh. Accounting records such as accounts receivable and accounts payable.D. Base Wage Requirement for Direct Care Workers Reporting & Auditing Requirements 1. The Department has ongoing discretion to request information from Provider Agencies to demonstrate that all Direct Care Workers receive the required wage. All records related to the wage requirements for the applicable services shall be made available to the Department upon request, within specified deadlines.2. Provider Agencies shall respond to the Department's request for records to demonstrate compliance within the timelines and format specified by the Department. Incomplete or invalid submissions will be returned to Providers for corrections.3. Failure to submit Direct Care Worker information as required or failure to provide adequate documents and timely responses may result in the Provider Agency being required to submit a plan of correction and/or be subject to an overpayment or penalty recovery. The Department may suspend payment of claims until requested information is received and approved by the Department.4. If a plan of correction is requested by the Department, the Provider Agency shall submit the plan of correction by the date specified by the Department. The Provider Agency must notify the Department in writing within five (5) business days of receipt of the request if they will not be able to meet the deadline. The Provider Agency must explain the reason for the delay and the Department may or may not grant an extension in writing.5. Upon the Department's receipt of the plan of correction, the Department will accept, request modifications, or reject the proposed plan of correction. Modifications or rejections will be accompanied by a written explanation. If a plan of correction is rejected, the Provider Agency must resubmit a new plan of correction along with any requested documentation to the Department for review within five (5) business days of notification.6. I If the Department determines the Provider Agency is not in compliance with this Section 8.7418, the Department may recoup funds paid to the Provider Agency relating to the base wage increase or impose a penalty.47 CR 21, November 10, 2024, effective 11/30/2024